Aethiests what is your perspective of god?

Love the channelling of C.S. Lewis Jerry–too bad Lewis was a fool.

What Lewis doesn’t take into account is that we don’t truly know who Jesus was or what he said. Maybe you think you do, because you believe the bible to be the word of god; but in reality we know little about Jesus as a historical figure.

So Lewis’s assertion is wrong.

Furthermore, the term “son of god” was not meant to be taken literally back then:

I like Superman too!

Then what, exactly, is there to admire?

That is what your religion is for. To blind you to the fact that you don’t really know who Jesus was. “The bible is god’s word, historical record means nothing.”

well, to answer the original question

she is under my desk wiping whiteish goo off her face.

My question was directed to the earlier point that TheAdlerian made that he “admired” Jesus. You have provided your opinion as to what you feel “my” religion is for. But I’m still wondering why TheAdlerian admires Jesus. Apparently it is for the same reason he admires Superman. Perhaps you or he feel you have some historical information about Jesus that is more credible than the gospels and that would warrant the admiration?

Yes, that’s very witty Zenofeller. Very witty. And clever. Very witty and clever. Yep. That sure was a good one.

I really mean no disrespect when I say that I admire both Jesus and Superman. It’s the same way that I might admire a character that was written about in a novel. I can say that I would like to be as close to a human version of Superman as I can get.

People love knights. However, most people will never or could never be one. Elton John is a knight! So, even knights aren’t what they used to be. However, Bob down at the gas station might decide to (in his mind) live as a knight would. That’s why he might offer to change your tire for free!

It’s funny but when I was younger and trying to figure out how I should act I would pose the question to myself: what would Superman do? Then, a few years later the phrase, “what would Jesus do,” came out and I was shocked! What a good idea!

sure you can, subtract 10 - 100 = -90. Just proved a negative.

Many of the people you are talking about are following the wrong god. they follow the same god you do, the god of ego.

while we’re on the subject though, WHY is god a “negative”? to make it easier for you to disprove?

no, you didn’t prove a negative :slight_smile:

god is a negative because it assumes facts not in evidence

negative premises never give true conclusions…


If there is no god then there is nothing to consider but “I” and “the group” and certainly there is no shame in that. It’s rational.

The problem with religious people is that they consider “the other” to be greater than the “I” and “the group” and there is no “other.” The world is run and maintained by those that care about “I” and “the group.”

Meanwhile, “god” is a negative because it’s an intangible concept that only exists in the mind. You can’t prove or disprove that such a thing exists? Prove that George Lucas wasn’t channeling a mental transmission from a galaxy far, far away, thus making Star Wars a historical event. No one can do that.

I could say well because of such and such he is not real. Then, Religious guy could say, yes, well perhaps he made such and such that way to test your faith.

A person must consider the probability that their is a god based on opinions and then decide for yourself.

the only thing negative about god’s existence is your non-belief in his existance. You assume facts are needed to prove something you can’t experience with your five senses.

Is spiritual healing (which works about 70%+ of the time) Psychosomatic?

Why when we pray or meditate does all but an otherwise unused part of our brain turn off?

What are “ghostly apparitions”? (I have personal experience with that, a green apparition pushed over my tallboy.)

There’s an awful lot of unexplained stuff in the universe to just throw god in the trash heap of negative because we can’t experience him/her directly.

prove the moon landing wasn’t faked.

It’s interesting there’s modern day spiritual healers and prophets that can hail down UFO’s and everyone even those who “believe” firmly in god, don’t even ponder, “what if?”.

the final proof of god:

-GOD * -1 = +GOD

What are “ghostly apparitions”? (I have personal experience with that, a green apparition pushed over my tallboy.)

Humor is good.

Moon landing:

I have often wondered about this! It would have been great cold-war propaganda! However, if we could make a quick trip to the moon we would find the untouched stuff there.

However, I know what you mean, and that’s why I said that I don’t like talking about it.

Since you do though, did you see the question that I asked Jerry about going back in time? I asked how he would convince a very bright ancient Greek that there was only one god insted of many. How would you do this?
It seems impossible to me.

Maybe you didn’t catch my comments on this. How would you answer the many questions that ancient Greek might have about the rather large questions I had posed? As I’d said, I’m ready to agree with you about God’s nonexistence with your incontrovertible answers to them.

that is no proof


So, do you guys really suspect that the moon landing was faked?

I have read a lot about it (I’m certainly no conspiracy nut) and have my doubts that it really happened.

I read several years ago that they was supposed to be a Japanese probe being sent to the moon that was going to take pictures of the landing site. However, I have heard nothing since.

It’s an annoying idea.

Off topic, but you I don’t hear people talking about it too much.

yeah, space 1999 was a great show… but we have been through 1999 and the moon is still there …


I once thought it was faked, but I do not believe it was now. I seen the Fox special that attempted to discredit the landing but then I seen a website that was a rebuttal to the Fox special and they tore apart every argument that Fox used.

They handed them their asses, basically.

Yes I read that too and still wondered about it.

I would love to see some current pictures of the landing site.

Yes, this moon landing conspiracy talk is all very fascinating…

Meanwhile, Adlerian, you have now twice dodged my question. Look, I don’t mean to harp on this and I don’t mean to pick on you specifically. You just happen to be the latest in a very long line of people here at ILP who have made claims that folks who believe in God are - pick your term - ignorant, naive, crazy, wrong, etc., etc.

This happens here continually. I then make the observation that the question of God’s existence is a philosophical one that reasonable people may disagree about, and I am routinely met with vicious criticisms of Christian Fundamentalism. It’s as though there are only two beliefs available to man: Christian Fundamentalism or Atheism.

This lack of imagination is disheartening enough in the real world. On a philosophy board it is downright discouraging.

Now - you have made claims here that a belief in God is “Bullshit”, an idea that should be “burned out of people’s brains”, is a “form of retardation”, is “wrong”, is “ignorant”, and “drives people insane.”

I am simply asking you to back up these claims. It seems to me that a person who averages more than 16 posts a day on a philosophy bulletin board should be able to do so.