Atoms as little galaxies, galaxies as large atoms

The Now

It is always the Now. But we look
ahead to a hoped-for future that may or
may not happen. Many times that future hinges
on decisions we make along the way. But
when that future becomes the Now, it
has happened, and it is impossible to change it.

But, if we are made from uncountable fractals
of ourselves, they will also arrive at the Now when we do.
But, the thing about them, their lifetimes go by
in trillionths of a second. This means that every possible
way that the Now could be played out into the future
is constantly being played out as we go forward, and
since this is happening in the atoms of which we are made,
this information should somehow be available to us.
In this way, we can always know the best way
forward for ourselves.

Living as part of The Universal Fractal

Once we realize with our perfect science
that everything is not only interconnected,
but inter-SELFED, we can not
only gain knowledge from our fast-living
fractals, we can have a relationship with them.

I can envision a new super-hero, whose
extremely-scientifically-advanced fractals’
fighting forces
deploy at a distance of one inch all
around him.
Any incoming punch or projectile
would be seen to simply disappear
as it passed that line.

Or another well-liked fellow,
with a cause so important that
fractals of the mountain itself
are ready to do His bidding?


Damn you rasava I just came into the section to pose this same question myself and noticed your thread and now I can’t!!! :slight_smile:

Seriously you must be my brother from another mother cus I’ve been thinking about this for the last year now and it’s such an intuitive feeling - it’s not coming from a place of science and i fear it may be coming from that same part of my brain that my Atlantis theories come from - the part which really wants to believe itself.

So i figured I’d come on here and put the idea to some scientists-and-the-like, only to see you’d beaten me to it :frowning:

All gud tho lol :slight_smile:

I actually got Internet in 1995 and paid
someone to set up my Galaxy Model for the Atom
because I was so excited and urgent, but since
then it’s been evolving, and my site isn’t
keeping up so well.
It’s at

There can’t be a Higgs, because there can
be no ‘smallest’, or basic unit to make up
everything- simply because everything has
to be made of something. It’s a chicken
and the egg scenario. Nothing can be simply
made from itself.

For this reason, the Universe has to be
a fractal based on the atom/galaxy. But, when
thinking fractal matter, you have to also think fractal
emr, and you have to think fractal intelligent life
that mirrors our life. It gets interesting, because a
lifetime on the atom fractal life scale would be
about 10^-20 seconds.



3 paragraphs>>>>

A-- Talk about ahead of the curve :slight_smile:

B-- Great point - as someone uneducated in the ways of advanced physics I can’t say I’ve ever thought of that about the Higgs particle but the chicken-egg scenario you speak of has infested my mind for the last few years - ever since my ever-inquisitive mind came to its conclusion that the Big-Bang Theory is a cop-out which doesn’t even attempt to explain the beginning, because it brings more questions than it solves.

C-- Like you perhaps, my belief in this model is partially rooted in the nature of fractals in the natural world - from the micro- to the macroscopic - to the known universe itself.
As for the 10-20 seconds I’m sure your math is solid although I’d expect if sub-atomic particles are ‘popping’ in and out of existence in a much shorter time - perhaps this equates to the lifespan of a star, and thus, would suggest those living on nearby ‘planets’ would experience life in a tiny fraction of a millisecond. I trust your numbers more than mine though, so what would you say to this idea? :slight_smile:

PS… Thanks for your link, ill be sure to check it out

Galaxy model for the atom:

Check out this explanation of photons:

In the same way that stars give off neutrinos,
the billions of points of fusion making up each
electron give off ‘fractal’ neutrinos.
Protons constantly absorb these and provide them
to the electrons as needed to replace what
the electrons constantly radiate.

When the protons are in an area where they
are absorbing more than they need, the
excess is accreted at each pole until it
forces the electron disc
to expand to its next energy level.
At this point, the accretions are released
as a pair of photons with energies that correspond
to the difference in the two orbital energies.


Lol, i only half-understood that, so i’ve saved it for future when im better-versed in physics. Right now im not at college level so some of it went a little over my head.
However, tis great to know there are scientists researching this theory - they mostly seem all wrapped up in the string theory nightmare.


They have given up on String Theory.
Even Hawking gave up on it.

Phew, good to know! :slight_smile:

Its not that I know enough to say they are wrong, but it doesn’t seem logical to me to have soooo many of our limited theoretical physicists working on different forms of string theory when there are so many other possibilities to be explored.

It depends how you look at it.
I’m sure String Theory has some
very nice math. They talk about ‘curled-up’ dimensions-
well- life living on one of the 50 billion star-fractals
that makes up each and every electron is still
using the same 3D, but just using it so minutely
that it could be considered ‘curled-up’. And then,
fractal-like, this ‘curled-up’ dimension could be succeeded
by another and yet another, like they say.
Some of the math from String might be
applicable to a Fractal Universe.

I like this concept way better than an end beyond
which there is no definition. What is on the other
side of the edge of the Universe? What is the
shape of the ‘smallest’ particle? Unanswerable questions
bother me- they shouldn’t be springing
out from under every bush in your theory. If
a theory is bringing more and more unanswerable questions
like BHs, DM, DE into our world, get rid of it-
c’est pas la paine. If you get
it right the first time, you don’t need stuff like that.


Although I have to disagree with the fractal theory, I very much agree with the rest of that. :sunglasses:

Why do you disagree?


Below the level of inertia, there is nothing to demand order of any kind.
A fractal universe implies an order without a cause.

What is on the other
side of the edge of the fractal Universe?

With fractals you don’t get
to fall through the cracks. Very small
places made from next-level-down matter-
may be able to hide from the
great big photons, but not from the equally-small
emr that goes with that next-level-down matter.

There are no free rides, no matter how small you go.
The ‘vacuum’ of space is anything but, at any
size level. Electrons don’t orbit for free. Photons
don’t travel for free. Everything has inertia, no
matter how small.


Well all of that was fine until the “inertia” assertion at the end.

What do you think causes inertia (the ability to maintain form)?

Well all of that was fine until the “inertia” assertion at the end.

What do you think causes inertia (the ability to maintain form)?
Inertia is caused by the same thing
that causes gravity- the cycle of
the atom. Electrons are constantly releasing
the same thing stars release- neutrinos- but
obviously these fractal neutrinos coming from
electrons are 10e31 times as
small and 10e31 times as numerous as
regular neutrinos. Neutrinos
are released when HEPs (high energy pqarticles)
are fused into H and He
at the star’s center. Similarly, the fusion of electron matter
releases these ‘fractal’ neutrinos.

Protons, on the other hand,
take completely fused matter- the
electron equivalent of neutron stars- and spin it back up
and separate it into electron HEPs, which are blown back out
the jets to re-supply the electron. But, for some
reason relating to spin, each half-atom (HEP) must be combined
with a fractal neutrino in order to go it alone.
Protons must absorb as many fractal neutrinos as
the electrons put out. So, the protons are absorbing
this energy and the electrons are giving it off.

Fractal emr is coming towards all points from
wherever there is matter- which is everywhere.
Protons absorb this energy and experience a push
from all directions. Inertia.

galaxy model

I think that you missed the point of my question.

First, momentum is a little different than inertia. Inertia means maintaining the properties whereas momentum refers to specifically maintaining relative velocity.

But you have that the recursive form of the fractal yields inertia/momentum to the electron.
My question was, “what causes the inertial form of the fractal?
By whatever form it is in, from where did that form come?
By whatever form it is in, why is it that particular form?

Rational Metaphysics accepts the concept of infinite recursion, but only in the form of the Gaussian, the “random”.
That “form” (or rather lack of form) comes from the lack of any force that would dictate persuasion toward anything proportional or predictable.
The smaller anything gets, the less there is to dictate anything.
But there is an upper limit to the recursion of randomness and that is the “Level of Inertia” where non-random form first begins.
That upper limit is set for a very exacting reason. Beneath that level, there can be no form. Above it, all forms have impetus for their shape.

I don’t think ceilings and floors are part
of a ‘Universal Fractal’. Or walls.
It goes forever in all ways. I think in some
way, it comes back on itself, but that just might
be so large there’s no sense keeping track.

At some point size no longer has relevance.
Everything is Infinite and One at the same
time, and it is all very simple.

There is no ‘no form’. The Universe demands form.
Let me tell you about a smoke ring.

We were in a small room with very still air. My friend blew a
huge smoke ring that hung facing us in the center of
the room. It was rotating, but at the same time waves could be seen
all traveling down, and it got darker and darker
at the bottom until it suddenly blew out a mid-sized ring
from its bottom. This mid-sized ring was rotating, and
was horizontal to us, and waves could be seen traveling
sideways through it. It got darker and darker on one side
until it shot out a tiny little ring at right-angles to the
other two rings.

All three rings then just hung there slowly
rotating- the big one facing us, the middle one below it and
horizontally on its side to us, and the little one to the
left of it and sideways to us, but vertically-so.

Form begets form: you throw filings down above a field,
they follow the field. But its ALL fields.


One can fancifully construct all kinds of ontological models in their mind; Quantum particle ontology, Spiritual ontology, Fractal ontology, but there is really only one ontology that actually answers ALL of the questions.