Atoms as little galaxies, galaxies as large atoms

Quantum matter!!
Has this term been coined? Let’s
use it to describe the finer matter
making up the electron.

This ‘next level down’ matter
comes with its own vibratory
energy output- much higher frequency
than our emr spectrum.
Call it ‘Quantum emr’. It comes
from electrons and interacts with protons,
creating gravity, inertia and other effects.
Quantum gravity!!!
Of course our emr is unable to access levels
below a certain level. But there are these
emr spectra where the individual units are
equally smaller that have no problem with
interacting at that size level. Those are the
bits of the next-smallest iteration of the
Universal Fractal.


All fun thoughts, but none of it is real; no universal fractal, no quantum matter, and actually no minimum Plank size either.
Reality is dull.
Boredom is an ailment.

Maybe it’s you who is dull. Your statements above support that conclusion. And you know all this how?

By being a hell of a lot smarter than you.
…but really didn’t take all that much.

You don’t need to look narcissism up in the dictionary, James. You are its definition. You would actually have to have evidence to back up your statements. Instead, what we get from you is your usual solipsistic drivel. I would ask you to get over yourself, but I doubt that you have the ability to do that. People with personality disorders like yours are problems for other people but lack insight into their repeated failed attempts to relate to others.

There you go talking to the mirror again.
You really should try looking toward reality, rather than that fantasy you have going in your head.
And on the Science forum, how about trying to actually discuss Science rather than your all too common ad hom diversion tactics.

…or do you actually know any Science to discuss? :confused:
…obviously religion isn’t your thing.

You entered the discussion by trolling hooper’s post. Your subsequent statement implied that you think that science is a matter of your alleged quantitative intelligence rather than empirical observation. Until you demonstrate that you even know what science is and give a rational defense of your dismissal of Plank size and the rest, I will continue to afford you the respect which you have so richly earned, which is none.

More accusing ad homs
Get a grip.
I expressed my opinion ON THE TOPIC ITSELF.

You come in and the discussion is all about someone being dull or a moron.

Hey, at least someone else is posting.

Fractal Universe means fractal emr.
That’s the one that kind of creeps on you.

All the photons we are familiar with
will double their energy when they
double their frequency. So a photon has a
basic certain value which may be doubled
or tripled or whatever. This is what our emr
spectrum is based on.

Now visualize fractal emr. The frequency is
10^27 times higher, but the energy carried per
photon unit is 10^27 times less. (Or
whatever the ratio of galaxy to atom works out to.)
Plus, by my reckoning, it will travel about nine
times as fast.

This is NOT boring stuff! This opens many new doors
if this stuff can be tuned in, somehow. IMO


Isn’t much about the universe based on theories that rarely get proven JSS - I’m sure the list of provable findings is far far shorter than that of unprovable theories, but these are still touted as gospel - until man can go on a Science ‘field trip’ into space to gather evidence we will only have speculation, no?

Exactly true.

Not exactly true.
It depends on whether you need the entertainment more than you need the facts (ref).
I don’t mind science fiction, but I don’t presume the needs of others either way.
Hooper enjoys his talented constructs. I haven’t made any attempt to shoot him down, but merely suggest, just in case.
There is actually, in reality, nothing involving physics that cannot be absolutely proven, despite common notions.

They’ve been shooting me down
for years at sci.physics, but lately
some of them are jumping on the
“Fractal Universe” bandwagon. It’s

Think on this:
Isn’t the idea of different photons-
much smaller ones- much easier to
conceptualize than Dark Matter?
I mean, with Fractal Universe it is
simply a matter of scaling down
until you arrive at the same energy constructs,
where all the same rules apply.
With Dark Matter, however, you need all new
constructs that somehow use different rules.


So Dark Matter is really just the fractal universe at such a small scale that it has yet to be detected? As I understand it, anything smaller than a plank length collapses in on itself and creates a black hole. Can you reconcile that with fractal theory?

Pure 100% fantasy.

“So Dark Matter is really just the fractal universe at such a small scale that it has yet to be detected? As I understand it, anything smaller than a plank length collapses in on itself and creates a black hole. Can you reconcile that with fractal theory?”

There is no such thing as Dark Matter.
DM was invented out of
whole cloth to explain galactic rotation curves-
or why more distant stars in galaxies don’t orbit
the center more slowly like our gravity theory
says they should.

These smaller and smaller scales are INTERIOR to
our matter- they are not somehow invisibly milling
around out there. :slight_smile: They are our foundation, where
current theory says there is nothing.

Hey! Newsflash!!

The particle/wave duality is simply looking
at matter and seeing its fractal nature- at the larger scale
it is particle, while at the smaller scale it
is a huge collection of fractals.


No, DM doesn’t exist.
If it did it would have parts unspecified
different from our matter that would
cause it to follow different unspecified rules
than our matter. If it did it would have to
clump around every galaxy in just the right way
to tug the stars around more quickly.

Collapsing to Black Holes is the result
of our one-sided theory of gravitation that
says all matter projects this negative force
pulling things to them. This graviton that
travels outward in limitless amount,
and in all directions from
every piece of matter without changing it in the
least, and acts to pull stuff towards the matter
as it passes by at (presumably) light speed,
going presicely the opposite direction.

I’m pretty sure they haven’t found any of those yet,
as I’m pretty sure they never will, because with gravity,
as with most forceful happenings, it takes two
to tango. Fractal matter in the form of small,
sun-like bits of the electron cloud, is undergoing fractal
fusion at every one of those 500 million points in each
electron cloud, and this puts out fractal emr.
This fractal emr is radiated from all electrons.
There is half as much energy all around as there is
from regular neutrinos, but the difference is- fractal
neutrinos are selectively absorbed by protons.

It is this field of fractal neutrinos coming from
infinity in every direction that is our pressure
from all directions, pushing on our protons who
are absorbing this energy in order to replace
what our electrons are donating to this
same field. If there is a big bunch of protons
sheltering us from it, we go that way, the way of
the least push.

There can be no Black Hole because the
push coming from all directions has an
upper limit. No matter how big the planet/sun,
the surface gravity will be at that limit.
This means that you can only block ALL the field
from any one direction, after which you will
have to double your diameter to double your
gravitational mass. This means there is lots and lots
of unseen matter inside bigger planets and suns.


…that wasn’t 100% incorrect.

Highest praise I’ve had in awhile. :slight_smile:

The problem of course is that well known obvious proven facts tend to get over turned by new discoveries rather often.

A simple question can guide us here. When will science end? How long will it be until the scientists come to the podium together and announce there’s nothing else for them to do?

If your answer involves hundreds or thousands of years, it’s a pretty safe bet that a lot of settled science is going to become unsettled along the way.

Science is a search for Truth
I believe that the basics of Truth can
be known, and then we will have a
perfect science as well as a perfect religion.

The Universal Fractal, in my opinion, is
a pretty good candidate; let me explain-
all the 10^30 or so Carbon atoms will, at the
moment of the now, be in the now, but
microseconds later, lifetimes will have been
lived on the fractal level, and all the choices
forward from the now will have been explored at that
fractal level. Information is available at that level
on the outcome of any choice we make at the
level of the here and now.

So, if we could know this information, somehow,
from our fractals one level down- in the electrons
of the Carbon atoms making up our body- we could
make incredibly informed decisions for going
forward from the now. It’s like, we could get
unlimited intelligence, and wisdom, from…
ourselves!! Being able to communicate to
ourself at the fractal level would be like having
sight into the future.

More than that, it’s like your Carbon atoms are
God, who is using his knowledge of what happens
to your fractals as they go forward from any ‘now’
to make decision as to what you should do.

So…what do we name this new religion?
The Universal Fractal?
