Ban beer and legalize weed.

People do stupid shit and commit crimes when they drink beer. But you never heard of someone assaulting someone while high on weed.

Ban beer. Nobody actually likes drinking beer, they drink it because they have no other alternative. They drink beer to punish themselves. Noone likes a hangover.

I know the prohibition didn’t work but that was because of the Mafia. The Mafia no longer has any power. And with weed available it will replace beer, people prefer weed over beer if they are given the choice.

It’s time for society to evolve out of the stone ages and stop getting pancreatic cancer from fermented wheat.

If you vaporize weed it actually cures cancer, you don’t have to smoke weed, so people should stop saying weed causes cancer it’s misleading. Smoking weed causes the popular misconception that weed causes cancer, weed actually cures cancer not causes it, unless you smoke it which causes ashes to form. If you smoke anything, if you burn anything it will create ashes and cause cancer. Smoking paper causes cancer.

It really is quite amusing how alcohol is legal, but marijuana is not.

Our government is ass-backwards.

The whole world is insane. And they call people like us crazy.

This sums it up nicely:

I disagree with you guys, there are lots of types of liquor, some liquor only contain 3% alcohol (for example, some homemade wine, rice wine and fruit wine) , while other type could contain up to 60% alcohol ( some expensive Brandy and rice spirit drinks…) . Of course you should not drink too much liquor of any type, but drinking modestly could benefits you.

But weed can be dangerous, smoking week as bad as smoking cigarettes, or even worse, injecting some extracting solution of weed could be more harmful because it may contain some germ, injecting by vein can spread infectious disease.

Alcohol and all drugs alter the mind, so in my view, ban them all or legalize them all. Some drugs but not others makes no sense.

If all drugs were legal there would less reason for the government to intercept communications. That’s all I can reason.

The fact that you just suggested injecting a weed extract tells me that you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

Nano, some drugs really do need to be kept illegal… assuming a-class is comparable to weed is insane.

I recently ended a fun friendship with a lady… who when on her come-downs from her regular coke sessions would turn into a volatile nasty piece of work, but couldn’t see it/see that her personality changed terribly. Because she was having more fun whilst on drugs, her usage became more frequent, and so did my having to deal with her come-downs and shitty rants… which became an arduous weekly occurrence. :confused:

No amount of good times was enough to keep that friendship going, and a society full of similar types is not ideal nor fair on society to feel the burden of some-one’s drug habit. Fuck that!

Oh, yes, it makes much sense to ban drugs, especially to the drug bosses, drug dealers, and the whole mafia system.

I’m not for one way or another, banning all or legalizing all, just that some but not others has no consistent basis. However, it does bother me when weed smokers rail against “harder” drugs. I doubt you have smoked crack, but smoking weed makes a person think a lot weirder thoughts than crack. I don’t think weed is more a natural source that cocoa. Or a more divine gift from god. Take coffee to a remote tribe in the amazon and they’ll thank the gods, too.

You gave an example of an unruly coke friend. I can only say that drugs affect people differently. You could claim that weed is harmless because it makes people relax. But for some others it speeds them up. And can speed up a pre-disposition to mental illness. Paranoia.

Regarding the op. Alcohol fucks peoples lives up. And harder drugs pose a health risk. But weed smokers have a major bias against harder drugs to allay the fears of the people don’t want weed legalized. It’s extremely hypocritical.

Personally I would love a society that is good enough, where people wouldn’t want to do drugs in the first place. But that’s just idealism.

I’m always amazed at drug bias. Some people think some drugs are dirty and some sacred, and it’s really just a bias of perception that might be based on nothing more than what a drug is called.

The one unruly friend was just one example of all the people I know who’ve dabbled in drugs… you/they think no-one can tell… tell that they’re off-key, that is.

We should be sophisticated, and keep only wines and ciders… ban beer and spirits though.

Again a non-argument. I advocated vaporizing weed as it has no ill effects and mostly good effects. Of course you conveniently do not mention that for the purposes of your non-argument. I believe that kombucha, wine, and whiskey should not be banned but all other alcohol should.

Beer contains less alcohol than wine and cider. So banning beer would makde no sense, if wine and cider were not banned too.

Ban no one of them.


We have to ban something to appease the angry mob. I say ban beer, save weed.


Do you need a scapegoat?

Legalize all drugs and ban all mafia.

No! Are you crazy?

Your average adult is not able to moderate drug usage sufficiently, so as to not be a menace to those around them.

Legalize all jokes.

Oh, it was a joke?

I guess my joke detector needs recharging… along with the rest of me. It’s been a long day… and that was by the afternoon 8-[