best music or video you have ever seen abd why?

So cool I loved the expression on the Gecko’s face. But then I am a cynic. :slight_smile:


I love this video, and I am a rocker, I just love it because to sing that good live, is just once in a life time. I’m if nothing impressed by just, well wow. Honestly I have not seen anyone who can sing that well in Britain you’ve got x, or whatever. I was blown away. Incidentally she is 52 years old in that video, if you can do that at 52 good luck to you.

Oh and by the way that drummer is shit hot too. Anyone who ever tried to learn how to play drums knows what I am talking about that shit is not easy, what he does is not easy.


Back to Rock.

Metallica before they kinda went all mainstream and pre the lead singers death due to poverty/starvation etc and the resultant breakdown and tragic death of Lars Ulric who took to begging and or selling his body for alcohol and drugs due to the loss of revenue caused by internet piracy. They will be sorely missed.

A very disturbing film and video, but very insightful none the less, raising questions about democracy, war and euthanasia.

Just for the video. The song is catchy, and I hate to admit I like it, but the video made me LMAO.


I don’t know who wrote the song, I don’t care but whoever thought of that video is a certified genius. :slight_smile:

I just keep watching it, because it makes me laugh so hard. Just love it. Kudos to wit and talent, there’s little else that matters, so why not congratulate the sublime rather than the meticulous. :stuck_out_tongue:


Speaking of which.




Spamming a little now but, come on, as rock as I am this is…


Just… I am a black guy and I like this, I don’t like it just because I is black. I like it just because I am human. :slight_smile:

Watch it and see what I mean. :slight_smile:

I didn’t see it like that at all. Yes, the little things made the men break down, but why?

I see a whole lot of guys who have broken up, separated or divorced.
I see a whole lot of guys barely holding it together and when the slightest thing goes wrong they come undone.

I see guys trying to do the shopping and ironing and can’t even do that right.
I see guys trying to keep themselves occupied with fixing things or watching football but in their fragile state even the distractions backfire.

Some of the song lyrics are
‘every minute alone, every day spent at home…
every point of return, every thought and concern…
every moment that passes, every piece of my heart…
every hour of doubt, try to figure it out…
should i call you up?.."

That sounds like a break up to me… :frowning:

PS A lot of great music comes out of Scandinavia.


So much great music comes out of everywhere. The sad thing is most people have the internet and don’t really hear it.


Where rock came from. Does it send it a birthday card, does it care. No. :stuck_out_tongue:


I think the influence is clear. :slight_smile:


Good point Chakra Superstar!

I guess it’s about how even the little things can affect us once we are in a fragile state, like after a break up.


From the Lion King II.



Fact is most morons think music only comes from one or two nations, they are morons because they have such narrow taste that they are from another planet of stupidity when it comes to music. Real musicians however draw their influence from the planet, (all the best bands did and do) they are probably wasting their time, because the planet consists to most people of one or two nations in their tiny little bubble. :slight_smile:

Most idiots couldn’t even dispute why this is inappropriate let alone know anything about music. #-o


Ok spamming a little again. But I hope you guessed my name?

Sorry I am a drummer, I like sublime drums, and I wish I could do that… Still learning. kinda on this level and going OMFG, the next level is probably Led Zepplin’s or Metallica’s (God rest his soul) drummer or something. :slight_smile:

Phill Collins was good, pity about the Genesis thing. :slight_smile:


Get out of town you can’t do that, can you? :smiley:

How’d you learn to do the things you do? Cause nobody does it better. :smiley:

Yep. Good idea for a video, anyway.

Cool. Are you serious or is it a hobby?

I saw Bonham live (when he was :stuck_out_tongue: ) and the last part of Moby Dick he did with his hands. I haven’t come across him doing that on the net yet so I’m beginning to think he may have dropped a stick and was so off his face he continued without them. In the end he reached down and got another pair but I bet his hands were fucked [-X


This is one of the most beautiful music videos I’ve seen and yet, it’s one of the most disturbing.

To me, it portends the coming transhuman future where robots appear to be almost human and where humans become so ‘enhanced’ with artificial body parts, chips and pharmaceuticals, we become little more than robots. It’s the combination of the awe inspiring beauty and soulless artificiality that gives me the creeps.

Why is it I get the feeling that in a galaxy far, far away there are two robots having the conversation: “…it portends to the coming transmechanic future where organics appear to be almost robots and where robots have become so ‘enhanced’ with organic body parts, neurones and hormones, they become little more than fleshbags.”

I never get this. Is a guy with a prosthetic leg and google on his i-phone somehow any less human…?

Just for fun really, so serious but not that serious.

And lol, I bet.

Incidentally your all is full of love thing no longer works as some soulless corporate robot has stolen it.


Try this link.

Tab, tell me where I said – or even suggested – “a guy with a prosthetic leg and google on his iphone is less human”?

Not only do I not believe he is less human but I don’t think a person who has had most of his body replaced with artificial limbs and organs and using enhancement like reading glasses, hearing aids or a voice box is less human, either. The technologies used in these examples are used to rectify something the person has lost or never had. This technology actually helps the person look and feel more human. I applaud using technology like this.

What freaks me out is genetically-enhanced designer babies. What freaks me out is the nano biotech industry which wants to infuse our blood stream and brain with little bots that they can program to do as they wish. What freaks me out is the ideas put forward by Goertzel about putting receivers in our head and downloading info directly into our brains to make us ‘smarter’. What freaks me out is Kurzweil’s idea of impregnating self replicating nanobots into every thing on the planet (it’s easier than it sounds) and turning the planet into a giant computer or virtual reality set someone, somewhere controls. What freaks me out are other mad scientists say that “the human race will split into two separate species… an attractive, intelligent ruling elite and an underclass of dim-witted creatures” and that this is not just likely, but inevitable. What freaks me out is that nobody is asking us whether this is what we want for our world or whether a person who thinks like a computer and is emotionally lobotomised so that he’s always happy is what the human race should aim at becoming.

Technology is not the problem. The problem is that technology is being pushed on us from all directions by people whose only aims are power, control and money rather than to serve humanity.

PS: Thanks helandhighwater :slight_smile:

We have an argument…! :smiley:

Back when the kids are asleep.

Valid points.