best music or video you have ever seen abd why?

Hokay Chakra.

It was the “little more than robots” line, which has negative connotations, coming after “enhanced with artificial body parts”

The “lost or never had” coupled with the final “look and feel more human” to me kinda sounds like you are equating a state of ‘being human’ with a list of abilities. To walk is human. To see clearly is human. To hear, to speak, is human. etc. And if a list of abilities is all it means to be human then well, we are getting more human all the time…

I mean, compare us now, in literate land, with Gug the cave man who could neither read nor write. Being able to do both, I’m then more human than Gug…?

Then why haven’t the nutritionally enhanced babies of the last century or so freaked you out…? I mean - go into some ye-oldy-worldly village from yesteryear and look at the height of the doorways…? They were all fucking midgets compared to us.

Learning to read and write involves if you like “programming the brain”. What’s the difference really, between spending a year or two at primary school learning to read, and downloading the skill straight from the future-net in a couple of minutes…? Both, to work, involve changing the structure and number of connections in our brains - Associating specific recurrent and consistant shapes with already present sequences of sounds. Both make us ‘smarter’ if smarter is reading books.

To be honest, a whole bunch of people on this planet lead really shitty lives. Monotonous, no escape, no choice to be other than they were condemned to be at birth, with no possibility of the system binding them changing within their lifetimes. If a perfectly realised, perceptionally indistinguishable from reality, consistant virtual world, with the possibilty of a more diverse choice-tree could be built - and made freely available - then great, a big ball of anguish the size of Africa suddenly evapourates. In the Matrix, I always thought Morpheus and Co. were the stupid ones.

And we don’t already have that…? Right now…? :laughing:

I think you underestimate how hard happiness is to manufacture. Heroin makes you happy, but you always have to up the dose.

Pff. That’s always been the deal. Convenience vs. control. And yet the Amish still exist. We adopt most technology for the same reason we adopt anything, to stay competitive.

Humanity and prospehtics are a tricky subject. I think any addition to a person only really makes them less human if it changes the way they behave, makes the perhaps more cold or less x or whatever, or in gaining additions to their structure it changes the demeanour and personality or outlook of a person, such as people notice a distinct change in the persons character. We wouldn’t say someone who has false legs is less human, but we might say someone who’s entire body is not biological had become somewhat less than human, because there is no way such a major restructuring could not affect the person unless said restructuring precisely mimicked human function, and even then I would have some doubt.

I suppose Cyberpunk stuff has it right, the more you have replaced the less human you become. When your entire bio mechanical make up is run artificially it’s hard to see you are or could be the person you were, you now are something else.

More on topic:


This lady has so much soul. They say suffering is good for the soul, that one must suffer for your art, hell there has to be some compensation for, well hell. :slight_smile:

Simple music played simply perfectly.


[tab]I’m secretly a geek.


More goodly troth form the monger of music and video: … re=related


Just love both these songs for very different reasons. That guy I heard an interview with on Radio 1, he said one producer claimed he was just nothing, just pop that had all been done before, what did he have to offer. I think what he had to offer was obvious, you dumb idiot. He had a hit single and talent. It’s not quite turning down the Beatles but you do despair of the short sightedness of the people who “make” music, often they couldn’t see their arse from their elbow or know good music, which is why they are producers not musicians. :slight_smile:

The story itself was worth my time. David Grey was another artist who got turned down, formed his own studio in his house and had a platinum album. Sometimes I doubt if people who pick artists are even qualified to pick their own nose? Thank God you can now make it on the web alone and bypass the industry, cause those guys are on the button a lot, but miss so much:

For example:


Amazing drums, and how Phil Collins can play drums that well in an ape suit is just, well sublime. :slight_smile:

k being serious though why I respect drumming that is that good.

this is kinda like awesome.


502 dicks on the planet you would not spend half a day with though.

You might have to be from North America to get this one.

You don’t have to be from anywhere to get this one.



A bunch of bands have admitted they want to cover this, but they can’t because the bass is too hard.



You have some good taste in music there:


Awww blesss.

Man o’ War Sting of the Bumble Bee ( A base version of flight of the Bumble Bee), it’s not that hard, but damn it looks and sounds impressive, 6 string base, it’s a twidly twidly twoo thing on guitar, it impresses the masses. :slight_smile:


Going to turn controversial if I might or I may to an artist who may or may of not been evil. Personally I don’t think so: “If the glove fits you must acquit” and his gloves fitted well.


Just because of the hype, I didn’t see this for a long time because it was only available on music channels (back then we only had 4 channels and we had to use a crank to start the TV), the hype around it was huge, but unlike other overhyped things this exceeded my expectations. A truly memorable video. If you were alive then and hated it you will rot inside a corpses shell. :slight_smile:


And Annie are you ok, are you ok? I do love a good video. :slight_smile:


Wierd Al you know why. :slight_smile:


And this just because you don’t need to worry be happy. When I was a kid, I saw this it got me through a few hard times. I also saw him in concert, and the guy was amazing. He could play himself better than I could play with myself, and after all these years you know I am bound to be good at that. :slight_smile:


Re: Michael Jackson. The thriller (extended cut) video is actually a veiled stab at the elite. After that he went on to make ‘we are the world’ and all that feel-good stuff. It was right after that he became all fucked and bleached his face and stuff. They got to him.

There are multiple documentaries out there that document this.


Not really on topic but thank you for your segway, I guess I deserved that. :slight_smile:


Great video:


Great satire. :slight_smile:

Surprising how few people claimed this was sexist. :wink:

Double standard much. Do let me get this straight women can present men as sexual objects with no other function than to please women but we can’t do the opposite. :slight_smile:

In all seriousness neither is sexist it’s just some cants just like to talk shit, and feel that sexy or a little fun is sexist. I say fuck 'em, life’s too short to listen to people who were poorly potty trained.

incidentally if Shania Twain did feel like a woman, I would be totally ok with that, as long as I could be the third wheel in the whole deal, perhaps occasionally acting as a gear change or some such. Perhaps I got the wrong end of the stick with that song. :slight_smile:

Another video banned on the grounds that some anal lawyer somewhere got paid for doing nothing by the way. Don’t think I wouldn’t of watched it if could. I don’t think these people really understand the internet yet. :slight_smile:

Actually I’m not sure if it was Thriller or which one it was. It was the one where he’s dancing in the street doing those occult hand movements and the paper is blowing by and stuff. He’s wearing the tophat

Basically after that video he went on to try and change the world, and then the elite skullfucked him with a brainwashing treatment.

Smooth Criminal, I think you mean…

If I may before I go. :slight_smile:


Cya on the flip side people I am out. :slight_smile:

Lyrics, don’t you just love a multitude of sins. :slight_smile:


Hey son
I’m looking forward
You’re leaning backwards
Of this I’m sure

Have you had enough?
Are you feeling rough?
Does your skull hurt?
Well if it’s warm

Cos I am taking back what’s mine
I am taking back the time
You may call it suicide
But I’m being born again
I’m waiting

I’m waiting
Right here now
I’m waiting
For someone
Or something
To take me
To take me over

Days are forgotten
Now it’s all over
Simply forgotten
How to disappear

Home bred
I’ve got blood lust
Feeding you bread crust
I leave no scar

You say I’m old hat
A fucking dirty rat
Call me a cliche
How right you are

Cos I am flipping bag of bones
I am righting all your wrongs
You may call it suicide
But I’m being born again
I’m waiting

I’m waiting
Right here now
I’m waiting
For someone
Or something
To take me
To take me over

Days are forgotten
Now it’s all over
Simply forgotten
How to disappear

Days are forgotten
Now it’s all over
Simply forgotten
How to disappear

I saw something
out there on the darkest star
You were sent home
Chewing on monkey brains

I am not here
I’m just a silhouette
You will never
Ever ever forget

Days are forgotten
Now it’s all over
Simply forgotten
How to disappear

Days are forgotten
Now it’s all over
Simply forgotten
How to disappear

I saw something
out there on the darkest star
You were sent home
Chewing on monkey brains

Michael Jackson never wears a top hat in any of his videos, if he is talking about anything who knows? Might be Billy Jean though? People who are into conspiracies generally tend to conflate on a regular basis. :slight_smile: