Black Police Affirmative Action would serve justice well.

AA among police is already Federal Law. … ted_States

Apparently not in the police force, if this thread exists.

 Who said anything about doing nothing?   Baltimore already tried it your way and you see the result. 
  What we need to do is aggressively criticize and undermine the culture that tells black people that it's alright for their fathers to not bother raising their kids.  We need to combat the attitudes that tell them they 'aren't acting like black people' if they try to get an education.  We need to cure them of this crippling victim disease where they are made to believe that they can't accomplish anything because white people are keeping them down.  Affirmative Action already elected us a President, and Ferguson happened, Baltimore happened, there is zero evidence it made race relations any better.  Your ideas and attitudes aren't novel, they have been implemented since the 70's and the present society is the result. 

Yes, black people are becoming increasingly violent when they don’t get their way, thanks in large part to instigator and race-baiters.

What’s wrong with U.S. law enforcement? Since you didn’t know affirmative action among police was already a thing, I feel you need to back up other problems you imagine there to be with hard evidence.

The black population are getting violent due to the road blocks that the white are putting in front of them as the police maintain their 20 to I kill ratio.

I am sure that you surprise many when saying that A A got Obama elected. How stupid. That sure makes me respect the rest of what you said. Not.

I cannot speak to the Baltimore experience but this guy can.

Racism is a large part of the disrespect from both sides but the bigger picture and the War on drugs, a war against children and the young in large part, may be doing even mote to fuel what the U.S. is going through. … -s-anguish


People still say “not”? Anyway, point is Black Police Affirmative Action is already federal law, has been for many years, and any problems you think exist in US law enforcement exist despite the solution you propose already being in effect.

Then if the U.S. is already implementing it’s A A laws and standards, and those standards are not recognized by blacks, then all I see in the future is a lot of both blacks and white killing each other.

Perhaps that is a growing pain the U.S. has to suffer before the whites become more civilized and treat their minorities as well as their own color better.


Yeah, it could be that we’re all just fucked because the idea you came up with off the top of your head didn’t work.

Or it could be that your idea wasn’t a good one, and the ideology that motivated it wasn’t a good one, and it’s time to try something different now.

I don't think it can be denied that if more black kids grew up with fathers, their crime rates would go down.  I don't think it can be denied that if black cultural leaders taught the importance of education, integration, and so on, their economic situation would improve.  Blacks need to stop being fed this lie that they can't succeed because white people won't let them, and stop getting in their own way.

I am a firm believer of Dr.M.L.K. I am not a believer of the aggressors that twisted his dream

If America provided a proper education system for blacks then they would have more role models and would recognize the lie on their own.

As it is, with all the white road blocks, they know that it is not a lie. It is racism.


Do you think his dream would have been the same dream if the kill rate in his day was the 20 to 1 that it is today?

Some right wing fool in your political system indicated that blacks did better when they were slaves. The media chastised him bet he might have a point.

The U.S. used to have serf laws so that the poor and indentured workers had a limit to the abuse they would suffer. Perhaps it is time to bring those back.


The “kill rate” in a prison is much lower than it is in the general population.
… “I have a Dream!!”


The thing is that AA is itself discrimination, and discrimination never results in long-term peaceful cohabitation.
Let’s say that AA succeeds and manages to oppress whites by putting less qualified blacks in job positions, now whites will be enraged, grow more violent and racist attitudes and will seek to overthrow blacks, then when they overthrow them they will establish themselves as majority and keep on promoting racism against blacks until blacks retaliate with racism against whites and so the cycle perpetuates ad infinitum.

The way to break the cycle is not AA in favor of blacks, or whites, or anybody, but working towards ensuring equality of opportunity where people are judged by how well they can do the job, how qualified they are, not what color their skin is.

As you would expect. Right?


Equality of opportunity in a system that discriminates against blacks is what A A is all about.

You are correct that A A is discrimination. Whites do not seem to know what discrimination is as they practice it daily. A A is a wake up call to them and without it, it seems they do not want to wake up.

To ask blacks who are being shot at a 20 to 1 rate to wait for the whites to wake up without an alarm clock is to promote injustice and to just allow discrimination and racism.

If the shoe was on the other foot, you would see the whites head for the streets or take up arms a lot sooner than what the more patient blacks are doing.


As I said, what you propose will just lead to hatred and the further escalation of the racial conflict.

AA doesn’t provide equality of opportunity, favoring one race over another isn’t equality of opportunity.

AA doesn’t solve anything, it just creates further problems.

Instead of a system in which everybody has equal opportunity to grow and develop you propose a system in which blacks are privileged because they have it worse off in certain situations, sometimes, and I’m pointing out that such a system wouldn’t be functional in the long term, it would only cause racism and hatred in whites towards blacks and make them overthrow them, until blacks grew in racism and hatred towards whites and overthrew them again etc.

That’s the result of reality-hating ideologies.

What’s wrong with the current education system that America ‘provides for blacks’? Are you actually going to cite some evidence of something this time?

If I heard correctly, in America you must pay for education. Basically, if you’re a good student but you’re poor, you’re not going to college, right?

But that’s not a race issue as much as it’s a class issue, it supports unjustified class differences and undermines one of fundamental concepts of America - equality of opportunity.

Actually if a poor white student with a perfect scholastic record went up against any other ethnic that has an equal record, the other would be accepted first for any scholarships. A poor white male would even get passed over for a poor white female. Sad but, true. No one regardless of gender or ethnicity should be prejudiced against. Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream is becoming a nightmare. Fear of appearing bigoted has gone overboard and is twisting a beautiful dream into something horrible.

I went to college with 30 dollars in my pocket. Loans and grants and stuff cover everything. It’s easier if you’re a good student, you get scholarships and so on. It’s even easier if you aren’t a white male, because everybody wants to bend over backwards to help you in that case. If there’s a major problem with education, it’s not that certain groups can’t get in, it’s that so many people go that the degree isn’t worth anything when you get out.
So yeah, you can go to college if you’re poor. Then when you get out, you’re STILL poor, and if you don’t get an amazing job, you’re poor and in massive debt. In those same four years you could have worked a steady job, taught yourself a trade, and gotten a promotion or two. Sure, if college was free, that debt wouldn’t be there, but then your degree wouldn’t be worth the paper it was printed on, because literally EVERYBODY would have one, making it no better than a high school diploma. But at least then every single person could be taught that all straight sex is rape, race doesn’t exist, and all those other progressive fantasies which of course is real reason academics want everybody to go- taxpayer funded indoctrination camps for the hard left.

So you think everybody is capable of obtaining a college degree, but that it is fair that some don’t because they’re poor?
I mean, if in American colleges everybody can obtain a college degree (the problem is too many degrees), the solution should be to raise the standards, NOT to make it so that poor kids can’t get them and are disadvantaged purely because they were born into a poor family, regardless of their individual capabilities.

College should be free because it isn’t in the spirit of equality of opportunity that the new generation benefits/suffers because of the social class/environment they were born into.

And the radical right doesn’t indoctrinate :icon-rolleyes:
What about Jesus camps? At least college students possess some degree of critical thinking and are able to evaluate what they’re taught. These kids are just brainwashed from early age to believe in fantasies. Taxpayer funded indoctrination camps? If it wasn’t you, I’d assume that the person was talking about a frigging church. Conservative families themselves indoctrinate children into their ideology and religion (usually closely connected) from their youth.

You reminded me of a feminist for a bit there, it’s their tactic to always only see the other as the “bad guy” and never see the batshit crazyiness amongst their own.

Higher education takes drive and desire, you could make it free and still see no real increase of students. Making college free for all will hike up taxes quite a bit as well, especially if folks do start flooding in, then dropp out, then go back, fail every class, etc. I happily pay for kids, but not happily pay for adults.

Of course everybody is capable of obtaining a college degree, the difficulty isn’t absolute- its only as hard as the schools choose to make it. When the schools are getting as much money as they declare they need, and it’s covered by the state regardless of the customer’s ability to pay, how hard do you think they’re going to make it?

 Again, the 'some don't because they are poor' thing isn't real.  If you have good grades in high school or are willing to wait until you are over 25 and your parent's income isn't factored into your own, you can get into college regardless of how poor you are.  Especially if you aren't white. 
 Yes, raising the standards would be awesome, but there's simply no incentive to do so.   The schools get nothing out of it,  students and parents aren't going to advocate for it, and expecting proper grammar out of an English student is already considered racist. 
College can't be free- it costs plenty to house people, to pay for teachers, events, cafeterias, all that shit. If what you mean is the cost should be diffused among all the taxpayers regardless of whether they are benefiting from it or not,  the problem is that colleges operate as a business, and like any other business that is getting paid by the bottomless pocket of the State, they will

1.) inflate costs, and,
2.) Insist that the product they sell is more important than it really is.

Colleges push this idea that every single human being needs to go college in order to have a life worth living, they delibrately create majors that are brain-dead easy to pass through just for the students that were convinced to attend despite having no business being there and no prospects of what they were going to do afterwards, and they are free to charge ridiculous amounts for this ‘service’ that the people they are advertising could never ever afford, because the state covers it with loans and grants. It’s a racket, and the end result is a ton of ‘graduates’ with no actual skills, no intention of doing anything with their degree, who just go to college because they are told they have to. Meanwhile, the serious graduates have a harder time getting a job because their degree is devalued by the lowered standards and the dopes, and employers have no idea who to hire because having a degree in a field doesn’t actually mean you know anything.

Not in college they don’t, and what the fuck kind of sidetrack is this anyway?

What about Jesus camps? There’s no huge Government push to tell society that every single human being needs to go to a Jesus camp. And while I admire your optimism about the critical thining skills of college students, they can’t out think their professors that do everything in their power to make sure they aren’t exposed to a contrary opinion.

This is completely unrelated to what we're talking about, you're just mad.   Even if bible camp was in any way, shape, or form comparable to what goes on in the modern American university, whining that conservatives do something similar is no fucking defense of what those colleges are doing, and no fucking defense of the idea that the State should throw more money at them to help them do it easier. 
The difference being that the 'batshit craziness' of the right doesn't have anything even tangentially to fucking do with what we're talking about.  If parents paying to send their children to a summer camp to learn about their own religious tradition is comparable in your head to State-funded colleges teaching Marxism and extreme feminism to students under the guise of completely different subjects, that sounds like a personal problem. I'm not entertaining it.