Can Anybody Guess What I'm Discussing Here?

Preliminaries 1:
*Necessary & sufficient conditions for being = x
*necessary conditions for something must be met in order to arrive at an x.
*Sufficient condition/A Condition of which is not met guaranteeing that thing is as=x

Counter Example
An example of a counter that shows a given generalization, definition, or theory as to why it’s false. The use of variable in epistemology.
*Uses to express general principles. (As opposed to context - specific ones)
S = Any thing what-so-ever
P = Any proposition what-so-ever

Seen example
Is there reason to believe such evidence exists. Actuating permeable toward reality or any hypothesis true or false. [History was true > history was false]
Truth as in history existed, pre-history was congruent toward actually fabricated hypothesis or experimental logic ergo tests…
*Proposition being improper or proper truths or falsities.
-Every belief must be true or false (and not both)
-Totality of explaining justification for nonexistence. (True or False)

Analysis & concept of said knowledge
*Goal: Give precise definition as to why?
Some Preliminaries

4 Senses of 'knows"

  1. Knowing ’ how’ - The ability to do something , e.g. ‘baking cake’.
  2. An acquaintance knowledge.
  3. Familiarities from person to place.
  4. Propositional knowledge .

Contemporary propositions explain broad terminology in correspondence to theory of truths.
*The most wieldy accepted definition of truths.
*A proposition, claim, remark, or statement not truly relative to actuality.

  • A definitive truth, superlative in all, corresponding to reality.

Can you guess why I’m answering this way ?

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great percussions <3

You probably answered that way cause you had no idea of what i was talking about?

That’s funny. Do you really want me to respond to verbal diarrhea?

It’s funny to me that people try to sound smart.

Did i offend? Surprisingly medical science couldn’t always have success.

Spirit made medical science. Medical science did not make spirit.

The object of philosophy is the logical clarification of thoughts. Conveyed, philosophy is not a theory yet activity. A philosophical work consists essentially of elucidations. The final result being philosophy is not a number of ‘philosophical propositions’, but to make propositions clear. Philosophy should make clear and delimit sharply the thoughts which otherwise are, as it is, opaque and blurred. They remain so until we make clear what we’ve learned.

A Johnathan Davis philosophy was worth the brainless jibber jabber cause he’s a face that’s been somewhere we haven’t. A John Meyers philosophy was different from a Johnathan Davis philosophy because that face has been different places and seen things differently so we compare stories, and share perspectives of their life. Instead of going and jumping to conclusions why be terrified of truths? Ludwig was for real, honest and open in that quote above. It was 100 percent honest as though it couldn’t have been wrong if it were false.

This is why I operate at night cause i have better vision. They’re mad cause i don’t roll with the majority. Yet think i have misplaced priorities. Canceled in the real life spectrum of atomists and scientists before. All for the ‘love of wisdom’…

“Philosophy is thinking as clearly as possible about the most fundamental concepts of knowledge that reach through all disciplines.”

Importantly, there are also impressive philosophical traditions that come place to place like India, China, Italy, Greece, Spain and elsewhere. But in order to figure out how many cultures have independently given birth to ‘Philosophy’, we need first choose to decide what’s proper in question to answer with unquestionable undeniability. As philosophy tried to conclude an almost impossible equation and explain in detail verbatim what we’ve experienced discrediting along the way and than by lack of wit misaddresses it. I guess it’ll never matter how much we tried. Yet in the end it’s always just a memory we try over and over to discern.

You act as if I needed your verbal diarrhea. I could easily fling shit against a wall myself with no help thank you very much though.

Throwing this in the pot:

and this:

You’re trying to define philosophy?

Philosophy is a leaf blowing in the wind and landing in the ground and decaying.

It’s also that same leaf lasting forever.

That’s philosophy.



…an outline of how to state one’s case, without entering into the territory of fallacious/circular/contradictory argument.

For the sake of being reasonable too, don’t forget that…

Are you describing tautology? If not, than no, it’s completely fallible.

Tautology may yet end as an oriborous representation of the necessity of tautology
and deeper yet caves of reinterpretations such as ying/yang