
It wasn’t a plan, it was an idea. Partial to what probably does need to happen before people take it all serious.

Idea’s aren’t illegal that I know of, at least not yet.

Perhaps it was I approaching the plan seriously :evilfun:

It doesn’t matter if they desire it or not. Desire is not the point of us being here, we need to move past the entire desire, pride, ego, selfish-importance, etc. We are here to advance, to pass on information in a continuing method through time, of which is the measurement of change. I would take away their comfort now, which is not much of comfort anyways, to advance through hardships of new and unknown to find X10 better things than what we see here today.

Comfort for a few hundred years, or comfort for forever. I am sure this would change their minds.

I am not here to feed people their desires, I am here for the opposite of that. What one needs, is rarely ever what one desires.

Do these things win wars? I had always thought passion wins wars.

They also have those people who are being taken advantage of, that are too afraid to turn their backs on them due to how much power these organizations possess. I would not say too skilled, only skilled to the point of what they want them to be. More or less skilled they wouldn’t want or need them anymore.

Because people have different advantages over each other does not defeat the fact that we are all equal, we’re all life. One may be good at combat, the other may be a strategist. One may be good at music, the other may be good at math. These individualized skills and characteristics do not negate our being equal. We are this way so that we may contribute to advancement. If we were all the same we would not advance, certainly not fast.

My answer to those people who want to be rich would be, you should want to be rich in life, rather than in material. You do not take materials to your grave and beyond, but your knowledge and mind can remain forever.

The reason ignorance is chaos is because they do not know that what they do is pointless. Greed, ego, pride, selfish-importance desire, hate, murder, etc. All pointless.

I don’t think a great man can be propagandized as a terrorist when he has outwardly proven he is a wise man. The only way would be to frame for a treacherous deed or act, of which if they had no proof of such, it could and would be proven as well.

Certain ideas are, in fact, illegal. That is why they have “hate speech” and “politically correct speech” these days. You know who is controlling you by who it is that you are not allowed to criticize.

Artimas, how do you know when you actually know something with 100% certainty? How do you know when something cannot be merely programmed into you as a belief? There is a way. But do you know what they way is? Without that, you are truly far more helpless than you know. What we are talking about is already happening, far more than you know. The film The Matrix was about that exact thing.

Actually, usually people are led in to fight a war by convincing them that their safety, their family and their traditions are at stake — things they desire to protect. So in that sense desires to win the wars.

Also, if you are not going to give people what they desire, how can you be sure that what you are giving them is what they need? And what will you do about the discontentment that arises from dissatisfaction?

People also stay at those organizations because their needs and desires are being met (through a paycheck). And they are skilled people, I don’t think you could build the infrastructure of society without a certain level of skill. And you were talking about organization, this society is highly organized through institutional life. You can’t just disregard those things or your ideas become fantasy.

I think you are misunderstanding what I am saying about people having unequal skills. I am not saying that in a moralistic sense, I am saying that concretely. If there are people who have cunning and will use their cunning to swindle others to get more money out of them which they will horde or else utilize to get more power, then the lack of equality is concrete. That statement has nothing to do with the man of cunning being worth more than another person.

A lot of people don’t believe in any life after death, and even if they do they will still want the riches here on earth. Look at the Church during the middle ages, they were all about the eternity after death but the vatican is practically plated in gold.

If we’re talking about modern media and political-ideological warfare, they will not stop at fabricating evidence (ex. WMDs in Iraq). Also, you just said you would turn off power grids, that alone would be enough for them to convince people you meant harm and it would be spun into a story about the chaos that will ensue from lack of resources etc. Have you heard of a “false flag”?

I hardly believe in anything anymore. You can think of things without believing them fully. It is the mark of an educated mind. Like Aristotle said. Where is it happening? Perhaps in a slow negative way?

The Matrix was an amazing trilogy, one of my favorites.

And who are we not allowed to criticize exactly?

There is no life after death, because there is no death of idea’s.

Is the payment of a better world not enough for people? Not all payment has to be through money. Money would be rendered obsolete if this went down anyways, so how exactly would anyone be swindling anyone if it is obsolete? If anything they would use their cunning ability to get more people on their side. Minds are power, money is just the illusion of power. Money buys choices. A well off mind knows what choices to buy to achieve true power. Which would be more knowledge.

They would have what they desire but must walk into the unknown and face discomfort for those said desires. The only reason they have these comforts of today are because of men walking into the unknown to grab them for them. Discomfort, always comes before comfort. Except today people seem to be trapped in staying comfortable, rather than wanting to advance to a higher state of being.

If their paychecks are obsolete, what reason would they then have to stay at said organization?

If I were to say, I would be inherently criticizing them, wouldn’t I?
So think about it yourself. Who is criticized least online and who the most? Don’t expect that there is only one of each. They team up. :sunglasses:

But the more important question which over shadows all of your understandings, is;
“How do you know when you truly know with 100% certainty?”

Realize that without that, no matter how absolutely certain you think you are about anything, you have no means to know if it is actually entirely false. I can already tell you that certain things you believe to be “fact” are in fact, totally false.

Some people’s ideas of a good life is sailing in a yacht, having new gadgets and other things that technology affords. I am not saying these are the best things to me, but people want them and are not dissatisfied with them, and to take them away you’re going to need to offer them something in return.

Yes, it doesn’t need to be money that they use their cunning to accumulate, or even use raw strength to accumulate. It could be physical goods. The issue is the same.

This is a little too abstract, “They would have what they desire but must walk into the unknown and face discomfort for those said desires.” you’re not going to be able to sell anyone on that, just saying. It isn’t necessarily what I think, but if you are considering building a society you are going to have to deal with the ways of people.


If we’re talking about modern media and political-ideological warfare, they will not stop at fabricating evidence (ex. WMDs in Iraq). Also, you just said you would turn off power grids, that alone would be enough for them to convince people you meant harm and it would be spun into a story about the chaos that will ensue from lack of resources etc. Have you heard of a “false flag”?

You hardly do know when you truly know something with 100% certainty. The true wise men realize they know little to nothing at all, at least for certain. There is a cosmic sea of knowledge, barely tapped into. It’s just sitting there waiting for us, but it cannot be achieved through one mind… It takes many different minds, many different perspectives to marvel in awe at the beauty of each individual path. The opportunities through each individual different path are many.

Politicians are criticized the most it seems, but that is why they’re there to take the fall of it all, puppets.

Some Scientists, rich, religious,

How about sailing in a starship? Swimming in the cosmic sea of untapped knowledge and discovery?

I am sure they will try to spin it into a story, but how would said story be out if there is no power grids? No internet, no communications? What if the media is taken over by the new society? How would they be putting their stories out in the first place? I am sure they will not be going to each state or country telling everyone “Oh it’s terrorism!” and if so it could be easily explained through the new society controlling said media or grid. Perhaps a new communication method designed specifically for this new society to reach the people to explain? People are already unhappy with who are in charge, suffering does not change.

Yes, people can swindle others out of goods this does not mean there will not be law against immoral activities. True justice, rather than the injustice we have today.

A lot of people don’t want to spend their time contemplating. Even many people here think philosophy is just a means to obtaining the things we desire in life. I suggest you try to go out and break people away from their objects and offer them in depth discussions about life. They’ll never go for it. That is just realistic.

Well first, since you’re operating in the open, they’d probably know beforehand that it is going to take place and already spin the story. Even if they don’t there would be alternate locations that the propaganda could be placed.

Let’s say by some stroke of luck you take out all power grids, there would be a state of emergency enacted becasue alternative sources of power and communication would exist on military bases. There would be a temporary military state enacted as “emergency measures”, and they would probably brief people about how there were terrorists afoot who are taking out the power. People would be all in a panic and without electricity to light their stoves and they would resent you for it.

I wonder how deeply you have contemplated lawmaking, like which laws would be worthwhile to enforce, because these things exist on a continuum with no clear cut off point.´And as you start enforcing laws because people’s desires conflict, you create unrest among people who are refuted… and to quell this you are going to need coercive measures… and this becomes the building blocks of the society we live in.

I seriously recommend you think twice about Russell Brand’s talk about revolution. In his first interview with Paxman before editting the New Statesman he says things like, we’ll rename the police so they don’t have big egos… and gives some phoney names… that is exactly what George Orwell talked about “ministry of Peace” “ministry of Plenty”

What if that was merely what I programmed you to believe so that you would not listen to anyone else?

Because wise men do take into account what other people say, that’s part of being wise. The lack of ego and selfish-importance.

Russel Brand, haha. Isn’t he with a Rothschild? Yes, a good talker and intelligent nonetheless but I still don’t trust him. I tend to try and keep a step away from wherever the majority goes.

We live in a society of injustice, where acts of crime can be paid off. I say black mark system would do well, much better than the one we have now for “law”.

And what if you have people in the military a part of your own militia in a new society? It doesn’t matter if they want to contemplate or not, we get there, just like we got here. It’s a matter of how fast or how slow. Who said anything about taking away their yacht or materials anyways? I simply want them to push for newer and better, through discomfort and unknown.

Did you really just say that?

Think about what you just said.
“Wise men DO take into account what other people say”.

Didn’t I just say something that you are contending with? Am I not “other people”?
How can one NOT be defending his ego when he is arguing with another person?

What is it that actually makes you believe that your wisdom or knowledge is any better than what another proposes?

How can you tell me, or anyone, what “a wise man” would do without presuming yourself to be one? - Ego?

In any case it’s good you don’t put too much trust in him, but your ideas do sound a little like his. He also said in that interview when asked how it would be done “there are experts who know about these things”… which is a state of unaccountability to the average citizen who would have no idea of the mechanics behind what is being proposed.

I am not going to argue with you that the society we live in is “injust”, but I do hope you deeply contemplate what justice really means and not take it for granted, because it’s not as simple as you might think. You seemed adverse to what I was saying about people having unequal abilities, but that is something concrete, and when people possess an ability to get more, they want to use it… and to that person, to be limited in their ability to accumulate more would appear injust.

Justice is one of those words thrown around lightly in the media to get everyone riled up and on the side of a cause. If you actually put the concept of justice to the test of contemplation it’s quite slippery.

I’m not really sure exactly what you mean here, that the military would be a part of the society? If so, I could see many ways that that could go horribly wrong.

It also matters where we get, and that is why we are having this discussion. It also matters what the cost of getting there is.

The problem with this thought is that yachts and other technological innovations (and desired goods) are created through the process of the system we live in. A lot of it with slave labor. Once you start knocking out the pieces you’re going to find major malfunctions in processes which develop these goods. Not to mention, to get all the people working to build these things needs incentive, which is where money comes in, and if you are going to build a society without money you are going to take away a huge incentive.

A society without money would be closer to an agrarian society.

I’m not arguing with you. Because they have already done things, things that have been noted.
I never said my knowledge is better than anyone. How can knowledge be better than other knowledge? Knowledge is knowledge.

You are claiming to have more knowledge or untainted knowledge compared to other people.

You seem to be equating power with political office. Power just means the capacity to change the world according to your liking or your agenda. If you think you can solve all the world problems simply by broadcasting the truth to everyone (through the internet or whatever), then you’ve done something no other human being on this planet has ever done. That’s power.