Compared to Men, Women are so dumb

I notice this tendency of modern women and feminist to brag about trivial things, complain about trivial things…

For example, there is a commercial about ‘run like a girl’ where they try to reclaim the phrase, saying ‘girls can run too!’ 'girls can fight too!"

You see, intellect isn’t so cut and dry, there isn’t a such thing as a blonde girl who can’t screw in a light bulb…Intellect is a close race, but superior intellect can be discerned…

A squirrel is clever, and can outsmart a human sometimes…Forrest Gump, was the best soldier in his squad…

Intelligence is a footrace…Intelligence is also segmented…Those men who made fun of you at the store, had low social intellect, low ability to discern the obvious…However, being able to polish a floor doesn’t make one wise…

Females these days tend to brag about minor accomplishments, like ‘girls can run fast too!’, while everyone else has moved on to bigger and better things…it would be a bit like an african tribe saying ‘we just discovered plumbing’…and my response would be…‘That’s nice’.

Those people who say my children won’t do that, way before they have children are always in for a rude shock.

Children do have minds of their own, they think and decide for themselves and that is not always what Daddy Dearest wants.

Before he knows it, it will be he who is being manipulated by his Little Princess.

So if it is denigrating to say she won’t be a complete fucking idiot, it means it is not denigrating to say she will be a complete fucking idiot.

Since you think it is not denigrating to call a female child a complete fucking idiot it means you think that for a female child it is desirable to be a complete fucking idiot. Why, Arc? It only reinforces the patriarchal stereotype of men preferring dumb women. I didn’t know you were a [size=150]misogynist[/size], Arc.

I see in his words that all he wants to do is turn his daughter into his puppet, if she dare reject being an empress she will be dirt beneath his feet.

I think this thread has developed and matured into a perfect example of why women tend to be complete stupid idiots.

Let’s say my desire turns out false, or I’m wrong. Wow, big deal. Compared to these dumb women, it wasn’t for a lack of setting the bar too high. Kristy West’s father must have set the bar really, really low for her. And she still couldn’t crawl across it. That’s what this particular point is about. Standards. I say, raise em high. This gaggle of babbling women say, lower em. Well pussy squad, I think you are prime examples of what happens when you lower-lower-lower the bar for daughters.

Your fathers must be prou…no, embarrassed.

Notice now how women are willing to twist intentions, of wanting what’s best for your child, into a negative, LOL!

Compared to Men, Women are indeed so dumb.

Setting the bar means that you tell and convince the child that they are capable of being this or that. You dictated that she will be empress and thus making her your puppet. Since you can not be superior you intend to use your progeny to get your glory.

Why handle a hammer when you can handle a man amirite?

Quit being a mentally retarded git, Kristy West.

What your doing is typical of females. You take something positive, that almost nobody would disagree with, and twist it with all of your emotionally manipulative power, into a negative. Just because your upbringing and education were pathetic, and sub par, doesn’t mean you should reduce everybody else down to your level. Is this clicking? Probably not.

One of the many things I’ll teach my daughter, is how to manipulate people like you, Kristy West. It won’t be difficult.

lol you are not going to have a daughter
who are you kidding lil dude
you must first find a girl dumb enough to fuck you
and sure girls are dumb etc but we’re talking severe handicap here

You realize that statement comes off almost tautological, don’t you? What’s she supposed to act like, a male?


It’s too easy to taunt and goad the pussy squad into unleashing their stupidities online.

Two thousand year wait so far…where are these “female thinkers” we hear so much about? Still waiting. Show me those shining, sharp, powerful brains of yours, pussy squad. Impress me.

Hey, just because someone gets a job as a scientist of a philosophy professor doesn’t mean they have a sharp and powerful brain. Have you read some of these books? Have you seen some of these studies? Intelligence is a very difficult thing to quantify. Most of the time when people act like it isn’t, they’re just trying to be assholes about something.

Take this forum as the primary exhibit.

How many viewers are male, to wager a guess? 75%? Why are more males than females interested in philosophy?

How many registered users are male, compared to female? 90%? What’s up?

How many threads are created by males, compared to female? 95%? Starting to see a trend here?

Daily responses, word count, letter count…male to female, what’s the count? 90-10? 95-5? Hmmmm.

Males participate, compete, exemplify, daily. Where are the women? What are the women doing? Where are their threads? What are their thoughts? Out of these very small amount of “thoughts” of theirs…how many ideas do women have, of their own, that stops you and impresses you? Where is this female intellect we’ve been promised and waiting for? I mean, here, and now. On this forum. In this thread. Where are the females? Absent. Silent. Stupid. They can’t back themselves up. So fuck em.

And that’s okay. Fucking is enough.

Why you hatin?

“I will teach her”," “She will be” , “she will”.
You declared your intent to control her will. To turn her into your puppet. There is no twisting or manipulating on my part. Just simple observation that you intend to use and manipulate your child, which according to you is distinctly a female trait. Your response is also what you have described as a female trait. The fact that you are unable to comprehend my posts shows what you declare a female trait.

Because they are not getting laid.

The first time man had to exercise his critical thinking skills and reason scientifically and philosophically was when he was trying to get laid. Man became a philosopher when getting laid became complicated, and the complication of his philosophy is proportionate to how complicated it is for him to get laid. Hence, the philosopher who is getting laid the least usually produces the best philosophy. Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Spinoza were not getting laid. They were serious dudes. Voltaire was… which is why his philosophy is casual, wittish and relaxed.

Solving problems acts as the process through which the natural selection of intelligence occurs. Primitive man was faced with only a few real problems, and the problems that required him to act with a relatively high degree of sophistication were the problems that caused all the evolving. There came a point when the male couldn’t just take sex when he wanted it. He had to plan a way to get it, and it was then that he became a philosopher.

A sexually satisfied philosopher becomes a Voltaire or an Oscar Wilde, and he will be the most annoyingly optimistic and happy philosopher in the group. All the other not-getting-laid-philosophers will hold him in contempt.

Well I believe in the Voltaires and the Wildes of the world. I say a philosopher should have a woman and that he should be sexually satisfied so that he may approach philosophy with an over-fullness and glow (that after sex glow), not with the desperate, anxious undercurrents and tones of a suppressed libido.

I should give you a salary for typing up all the shit I can’t be bothered to type.

That is probably why , wisdom comes of late in Man, because he has lost the need, for the most part, to have to worry about how to get laid.