Definition of moral and political objectivist

That is true. The psychology of the Joker is akin to an insane grandma with too much testosterone. Instead of merely pulling cheeks with her fingers, she has to literally cut a smile into them. They say that bullies are just little girls on the inside. Joker (in the cartoons) seems to display a personality very similar to Angelica from Rugrats.

And that is why you’ll never learn anything. A man that does not know conflict knows nothing at all.

What are you talking about? That sounds very ridiculous.

You’re getting those bullshit assertions from where exactly?

I was trying to throw you a peace offering but after this latest display I think that I much prefer you being a clueless asshole.

These bullshit assertions take me back from somebody claiming to be a friend.

Are you going to kiss Phyllo’s ass now? =;

I also prefer being a clueless asshole. So, finally some agreement. :smiley:

Well, at least you’re being honest about it. I’ll let you to it then…

Nice to see HaHaHa get trolled real bad.

Why so serious Joker? Put a smile on that face.

Phyllo may be a male or female, and whether or not they are male or female they may have a nice ass, so maybe I will maybe I won’t. He or she would have to have to send pics before I make the final decision.

Now to stay on topic, my post wasn’t trolling but drawing parallels to moral objectivism and bully psychology, what circumstances pertaining to casein allow physiologies such as Joker and Angelica to arise.

Good to see you back online and on ILP Magnus.

How do you say in Romanian, “thank you mother for letting me live in your basement and for turning the internet back on.”?

Pictures or it didn’t happen.

Random episode of rugrats with angelica in it.

Same behavoir and psychology as the joker.
Total manipulator who is obsessed with toys, chaos and bullying, who occasionally comes to her senses and is nice at rare moments. She even wears orange and purple.

In another episode she has a mock trial, loses her own trial, then goes on a hateful rant exactly the same that the joker would. In the episode, she destroys a clown lamp, but this isn’t contradictory at all, the joker is not actually a happy clown or a happy person, deep down I don’t think he actually likes being a clown, he just uses the smile thing as an ironic offensive tool to mock society and assist with his hatred of people.