Feminism is obsolete

Again, I was not talking about all animals but humans only.

By the way, some animals also stick with their partners till death, though not all. But, that still shows that it is not an immposible thing to implement.

With love,

Yea and so? if you stick around and take unequal treatment then it is your fault. I have no pity for anyone in any kind of miserable relationship. Male or female. There are true prisoners and those I help and pity but, if they go back , screw them. I stand by what I believe.

I could explain, in-depth, the equality that exists. How everyone has different thought processes, that when compared to others thought-processes in those others areas of expertise, may feel stupid, may doubt themselves, but when in their own fields and areas of expertise are akin to fish in water and out-distance those others and make them feel stupid and doubt themselves. I could explain how even retards, those with downs syndrome or other seeming ‘illnesses’ and ‘defects’; ‘handicaps’; have strengths that others don’t realize. i could further explain that due to negative, bias, prejudice, etcetera, many remain stinted, don’t realize their strengths and even if they do, to some degree, may lack the confidence throughout their lives to actually raise those strengths to the heights they could be at. Because of the many differing thought processes and structures, we should be working together rather than against each other and this is the reason why the world of humans is out of balance and off-kilter; seemingly chaotic. We are all equal to each other when each in our fields/areas of expertise. When we all help each other, this becomes more apparent, though some may struggle with just what their equality and place in the world is if they are surrounded by others in theirs and not seeing any space for them or seeing anything that exemplifies what they could be might be at a loss most of their life for seeing what is all around them and the noise and confusion of those others detracting from natures guidance.

I could explain a lot of things, but how pertinent would they be to the world around us and how much would you see or accept?

In other words you got nothing. Okay then…

equality is a word that calls for all the evils… just as in biology, cells are merely complementary.

a man and a woman are too complementary. this idea that a gender is superior is what has screwed up intimacy and daily rapports. Patriarchy as much as feminism are not meant to last forever but foment emotional disruptions between genders

I just watched this…


i think it’s appropriate for this section!..I’m getting increasingly tired of shit now, talentless fucks jumping on the bandwagon as much as they can, pretending like it’s for some greater good…a constant display of hostility towards men, over and over… these piece of shit bitches have nothing else better to do with their time… assholes.


How many women have asked the question, what does it mean to be a man? How many men have for that matter.

With all this feminist talk, it brings to the forefront (and I am sure it is not intended to come across this way), is how insecure some men are.

In the movie Mr Lebowski, he is asked the question, “what makes a man Mr Lebowski, is it doing the right thing, no matter the cost?”

Mr Lebowski replies, “Dude, that and a pair of testicles”.

How accurate is this.

Was feminism the intellectual castration of men?

That is true to some extent.

Besides that, to become a completely intellectually female, men also have to create some kind of virtual hole in their intellect in order to absorb all incoming intellectuality.

Having said that, it is not such a bad thing as some men use to think because of their ego. But, it is not an ideal situation either.

An ideal situation is that, when somehow men can create a hole in their intellect but without getting castrated; balancing of their egos, knowing when to penetrate intellectually but also knowing when to get penetrated intellectually by others.

Thought that is not true men’s position, but the ideal one.

with love,

Feminism has only been about racism and socialism. And now that they have won that game, yeah, you could say that it is obsolete.

“The hand that rocks the cradle…”
… ruins the world.

Or, you can say that growing that somehow with a pair or testicles is feminism.

with love,

Yes, fellas, a new dark age has come upon us, welcome to the underground…Will you survive this modern devastation?

Well, this will pass too, as many earlier ones has been passed.

With love,

Hmm i’m not sure it will just “pass”, i mean everything eventually passes, but i mean this seems like it has created irreversible damage…I highly doubt it will ever go back to how it once was prior to feminism, in what way will it pass without it still retaining some form of it to a certain degree?

Nothing is irreversible. After getting nuked, which philosopher predicted that Japan would revive so rapidly and so strongly!

Do not underestimate the human’s power to adapt and survive against all odds.

Though, it may or may not return exactly where it was prior to feminism, but ultimately evolve to something workable for both genders for sure.

But, such phenomena takes time to run through their full courses, which may be extended to some centuries too.

With love,

Yup, yup. Nothing at all.

JSS wrote:

You see that is my point. Feminism has not only been about racism and socialism. Now that this party is over, it has gone underground to regroup, but I have no doubt a new version of Feminism will rear it’s ugly head for those women who are truly man haters. What has emerged and was unnecessary in this campaign for women and probably what I object to most of all, is that some women resorted to shaming men purely for their gender. Let’s be realistic, there are men out there who do feel threatened by feminists, but these men are essentially ‘pussies’, a certain type of man won’t see feminism as a legitimate threat because of his perception of male supremacy, but at this point in time this may only apply to a small minority.

Are there any misogynists left?

What do you mean by men having to create an hole in their intellect? Most of the CEO’s of large corporations are men, most of world’s successful self-made millionaires/billionaires are men, most of the world politicians/leaders are men, and most of the current innovations (science/technology) are still made by men.
What hole are you talking about?