Fuck everyone, I out

Magdj done it for the last time, hope she gets what’s naturally commimg to her by someone (not me, but these kinds of people attract violence yo themselves naturally).

This site it permabanned.

do you want to go to heaven turd

Is this guy for real? Moving a thread makes me worse than genicidal dictators? who knew :confusion-shrug:

Those that hound and bully others are the ones that get what’s naturally coming to them, not those that are at the receiving end of it, Silly. :eusa-naughty:

Thanks for the memories, TF. See you in 6 months.

I’m quitting too.

Turd, I thought you were unflushable.

So the turd flushed himself, and the spider jumped in the water too.

Yup, that’s it. See you guys.

Are you messing with our minds or are you really leaving this fine forum?

Who, me? I’m never stepping a foot here again.

Obviously not the real foot but perhaps the virtual foot shall remain?

I never got what the big deal was about where a thread sits. I mean, who really gives a shit if a thread gets moved from here to there or vice versa? What are the actual consequences of a thread being moved? As far as I can tell, almost none. When someone clicks, “new posts” or “your posts” they all show up right there in the same page. I almost never go to a section and click it and read just those threads. I don’t get it man. People get so upset about that and it just seems so insignificant to me.

I fear it was about much more than that :open_mouth:

Man has issues innit…

I am leaving also but only for two seconds in which I’ll be right back again…

Ferg’s too far gone. It’s no use pretending he can ever forget what he’s done. He’s already too far gone, he’s got no bridges left to burn. It’s better to keep moving on…

Do they have bridges in Ohio?

Does the thread in question have to do with people murdering themselves?

I meant bridge tournaments. Duh. Last time he played in one he burnt the the place down because he caught some guy cheating. That’s what he told me, anyway.

Was it because of his irritable bowel?


Too far gone Zoot? in what respect?