Haven't slept for more than two hours in last few days

I forgot you were a river dolphin. :smiley:

Turd, I am not suggesting getting stoned. I am suggesting that you might have a chemical imbalance. Herbal and supplementals can bring chemicals back in line without ill effects. If you can go to a clinic and get tested , blood , urine, feces etc.
since this is an ongoing issue get it resolved sooner rather than later when damage can be irreversible.

Sadly not, but I’ve always liked the thought of living in a hole in the ground.

well howdya know, if you can do that with your tongue, are named “Maia”, and apparently have an instinctive liking for living in a hole in the ground – you may be an nth generation immigrant from Hades!
Good enough for me; i like you, would rather befriend you. Am caused to recall Joy Division’s “a blindness that touches perfection” –


Mystery there with them, mystery here with you… oh but i understand why some people could be so cryptic. Anyway, how do you read posts, being blind? Are they read out to you, or have you partial sight?

No I have no partial sight. I use a screenreader that reads out what’s on the screen, called JAWS.

I figured it out, was a geometric paradox.

I’ve been seeing elliptics in my active imagination for years, and I would randomly start one from inside a weird angle within one, drawl it going out, and have it loop back around, then start another, and another… I would build up weird patterns that looked like the petals overlapping. There is a specific name, looks like califax… it isn’t the calyx of a flower, that denotes the positioning of a flower’s relative positioning to one another… I used to years back use it as a semantic device in a old theory, but forgotten it.

Tonight I sunk into a meditive mode, and just went looking for minutia in patterns that I would see flairing up… I can always see some hynagogic patterns flairing up. I know in some theories these follow the Pythagorean Table of Opposites in a structured way to great imaginative vision, so my theory was if I keep seeing a pattern, it is either the precursor or after effect of some cognitive function I’m not aware of.

I have Apraxia, and am not always aware of how to integrate every function of the mind, and some aspects can turn OCD if I don’t figure them out and sort them… when I was a child, I nearly went insane, I will copy and post a description of the phenomena in my next post, I wrote up a few years back.

Well… I noticed those fucking elliptics this time, they came spiraling out if the bottom of my vision, drift for a while in yellow and green, and dissapear… all while I was trying to construct a yellow triangle centered in futility… I couldn’t build a stable hynpogogic image, and it was frustrating.

I said fuck it, if I can make elliptics without trying, go with that instead… they came easy, but couldn’t keep them in place, they kept drifting, and every time I tried orienting on one, another would drift in as it slowly drifted out.

I started getting wavy line interference between the two… realized the sun was hitting my face (I discovered this phenomena occurs when I stop trying to think, and light is set at a low level, independent of my eyeballs, I will see diagnal waves compete with one another from my left or right side, competing to overtake everything within my “sight”… the second I verbally think, it goes away. If I don’t verbally think, it creeps back). Kinda sucks if your instructions are to turn, faces wall and think of nothing, then this shit happens).

So I started to speak a bit, and the waves stabilized. Speaking and waves aren’t a part of any table of opposites from any philosophy I’ve seen, but I was going with it, noted for the future… and started looking at cues as for what I was impulsively trying to do.

Eliptic withing a elliptic, very crazy. I got green, yellow, purple, and red patterns. I noticed after a while I wasn’t able to determine the center from the far… I couldn’t construct a radii based on any point in the pattern, have it loop out, and determine a maximum extended range outside the original elliptic… I was trying to balance finding the center of a elliptic (there are always two in a regular one, mid way between them qualifies) with the maximum extent of it’s boundaries.

Then I was seeing eggs in 3-D… White eggs. Took me a very long time to realize I was hearing audio noises, was seeing a egg in 3-D… wasn’t fully lucid. I still had external motor control, no sleep paralysis yet. Limited external senses, most sensory activity within my imagination.

I was trying to figure out how the rule base for the flower elliptics imposed themselves on the various levels of elliptics in a egg. A chicken comes out of an egg, but isn’t a egg. How does the process start?

So I was probing all around it, couldn’t get into it… cause it was hard. But I could see into it… but only because I presumed an interior point, a center, that the other circles formed around (told for example).

So I asked what is a center… then realized a central point wasn’t inherently geometric, it was a idea imposed upon geometric constructions for relative comparisons, and then passed the fuck out. I’ve been asleep since dawn.

So now I can solve a few pesky philosophy problems with this, not just in math. I find it exciting. Just… I wish I knew if I already knew that. Was my mind in conflict with the paradox of a point not belonging to geometry… We’ve always assumed it did… or did some aspect of me figure that out and had to torture me until I solved the damn thing in a way the rest of me understood?

I feel very excited and relieved now. Gonna go look over Descartes work on Directing the Mind to adjust points of it, he seems to be off at points:

Maia, being blind and not sleeping isn’t like this. And you do have a functioning visual cortex, just it has been gradually overtaken by other priorities of the mind. Knowing is a visual process, not the same as haptic knowing, they rarely combine together… I’ve said a few times already I’m into pucking locks… The haptic and visual aspects inform one another, but don’t align exactly… there is always confusion when inserting your lulockpick into a new lock… can’t figure out where anything is, your struggling for points if reference… visual points where you can say "oh, this is pin 6, 5, 4…

It takes time, and the fucker always pops at a weird, unexpected moment. I have never opened a lick fully expecting it.

The haptic and visual don’t fully align. Yet, as a blind person by default you would of have to of learned the nuances of how we visually map emotional stability to circumstance… that is all done visually but with other supporting cues.

Look at autistic children… they see, but it us texture, physical touch, haptic knowledge that dominates their learning cycle. It us why the Montessori focus on using physical teaching aids. ADHD isn’t something you teach intellectually either (as Zeno of Citrum found out, his whole philosophy us a backlash against someone with classic ADHD behavior) it us something you teach physically. You learned this as a child, came mostly natural. Your using visual logic without realizing it.

I would recommend getting some natural light bulbs, be very careful… look at the fine print, have a friend look it over too. In Alaska, some people would go insane at too much, and not enough sunlight. I don’t know if it was all physical, but also skin cues… Vitamin D production, and regular signalling.

Make sure to cue the time you turn the lights off with the time you want the sun to set… you can get sunrise and sunset info off the net.

I’m not recommending the knees persay, but just in general, exposure. If I’m wrong, your out some money for a useless light bulb for a blind person, but if I’m right, it can help a lot of people.

I still think you’re taking some kind of drugs.

Or maybe have an ADHD.

You think a lot of wrong things Pandora, so at least your being consistent.

What does haptic mean? I guess I could look it up, but a conversation is always better.

With regard to natural light bulbs, what’s wrong with the sun, the best light bulb of all? Why are we conditioned to regard technology as better than nature in all contexts, even when it isn’t? I spend a lot of time outdoors, in the sun, or at night, since I work in the evenings, outdoors. I also spend a lot of my day outside too.

You gotta ask me more in depth than “what does that mean”… What specifically?

You can use the sun. Are you using it to the degree needed? What is the degree needed? I dunno… just going off observations of some people in Alaska… They would foil their apartment windows… both Sumner and Winter light levels messed with them, and there is always debate what kind of street lights to use, as the color effects mood.

When a person is asleep, they can’t see the sun… what many hobos say… doesn’t matter where you sleep, as when your asleep, your asleep. But many seem to notice. Is it purely visual, or does the skin respond, and if it us skin, is it Vitamin D issues, or something else? My skin condition is B vitamin related, I take B vitamins (they do keep you up, only take them when I wake up)… doesn’t just have to be D.

Tab may very well be right though, it’s all bullshit. Yet… People in Alaska go nuts related to sunlight, I’ve directly seen this. Not me, but others.

a lack of sleep can wreak havoc on the brain. Below video shows the extreme case, but minor variants are just as bad. If you don’t want to smoke cannabis, drink hemp oil – today!!!


I wouldn’t, I can’t always perceive the nature of the problem in the beginning, but know it usually is rooted in a network difficulty. I have been stumped with a issue related to π, I in my OCD mode wasn’t able to get a radius measured, to determine π, as I couldn’t decide if a circle followed Zenodorus’ presumptions… how do you know if any circle, even a presumptive one, really is odd or even, and furthermore, how do you know if diameter ends on the inside of the polygon, in it, out on the outside edge?

Some old images from a while back, trying to figure it out:

And this taken from rationalizing Hui Shi:

It never occurred to me a point, be it relativistic to shape, or a actual point, wasn’t geometry. In the west, many of the rules for geometry ran along this formulation for the construction of things:


I would drawl intersecting elliptics on the side of my notebook, see them often in the burn of my eyes, think a lot about them. This isn’t constant, I think about other things too, but it’s been happening for a long while. I can’t always point to the obsessive aspect till after it stops. I don’t want to drug myself into not figuring it out either. Don’t want to ritualize it either, excommunicate it.

There is a story from classical Greece of a philosopher with somewhat similar issues:

Athenodorus Cananites

He, along with Arius Didymus, taught Octavian, the first emperor of Rome (changed his name to Augustan).

The story has a lot of similarities… I’m often left up late at night, when these cycles kick in. They ate very distressing, and I try to control them. I have Musical Ear Syndrome (only happens in intense isolation) which a philosophers sitting up all night is bound to hear.

I’ve been dragged out in bed both day and night walking, looking for something not there, anything to exhaust me, or through a balance of Ni or Se (in MBTI) to find in my external environment a conclusion… something that clicks.

For Athenodorus, it was stumbling upon a grave (body decomposes, lowers the ground). He was apprehensive of the property, as it was supposedly haunted… the question of what happened undoubtedly ate away at him till he figure out a solution, and he likely didn’t even know what he was doing till he figured it out.

I recall once in a earlier episode, in my late teens, I was on a similar search, went to a abandoned house that had absolutely everything intact and in place… furniture, pictures, etc… But the east wall collapsed. Normal house, west wall gone. Sit on the sofa, look out at trees and a valley.

I visited it one night on one of my bouts… everything but the basement had fallen down by that point (dissapointing). I went in, was looking around, pitch black at night, just occasional flashes of lightening… and froze… felt something staring me down, saw a door in the corner of my eye, with a metal slant to look in, open… I stood there for hours, not moving. Absolutely convinced if I moved, something intensely evil would leap out and nail me.

What was in there? Likely nothing, maybe a squirrel or raccoon, not even that. I eventually fled. It was the lure of being unconsciously towards discovery and reminence, but in these states I become a easily scared little primate hyper aware, to a point of absurd irrationality at times… sometimes I am correct. I found a Army Scout hiding out in a Iraqi junkyard completely camoflagued with this sense… he couldn’t figure out how I found him, said he was thinking too loud. Other times, absolutely paranoid bullshit. Rarely happens outside these bouts with insomnia.

Once you solve it, it goes away. From this story, we rationalized the idea that people needed bury to keep people’s ghosts from haunting them… up to that point, it was exorcisms and talismans, begging the ghost to back off in good justice, etc. It introduced a ritual to sooth people’s memories of the dearly departed. Ended separation guilt. Gave a sense of end. It largely has worked, to this day. Even the most strident agnostic and athirst follows suit, not able to fully rationalize why. It only worked because Athenodorus didn’t escape through drug use, and did the hard discovery. We’ve been blindly following suit ever since, and our issue with the poltergeist phenomena has decreased since significantly. Are there such things as ghosts? No… but we experience them none the less. These things have to come to pass.

Now… I see an assortment of mathematical issues I can resolve. I will read chapter 2 of your paper, and then work on them. Smoking weed isn’t a valid solution. I’m a philosopher, not a low level thinking drone, my brain and it’s highest functioning is essential. I’ve never seen a druggies get smarter, despite their protests, anymore than I’ve seen a alcoholic drive better when drunk off their ass. Both groups claim as such, I pass it off as bullshit.

I think you are basically talking about the difference between tactile and visual sensory imput, and with regards to the sun, I can feel it on my skin of course, when its a nice sunny day, and more generally can usually tell the difference between day and night by the temperature, and other clues. In the autumn I often feel a sapping of my energy levels which sometimes lasts most of the winter, and each season is distinguished by smells as well as temperature and other factors. So I have a pretty good feel for my environment in that way, and don’t like being cooped up indoors anyway. I work outdoors in the evening at the leisure centre and like to go camping, even in winter sometimes, and in general would prefer to be outside.

I was also responding to Tab’s Haptic assertion. It isn’t the same as visual. It doesn’t make sense to most sighted people till you work on haptic puzzles. I doubt it would to you either unless you could see, getting used to visual paradoxes of associating the visual with how your used to seeing in a haptic sense.



I know England has many locksport communities, if your prepared to drop £26 you can order a elite English made kit, from Mad Bob, a elite toolmaker for the sport:

madbobpicks.co.uk/Ghost-Pro- … gh-001.htm

It is the best quality kit on the planet. Use it to feel around for picking locks. Get any old padlock or door lock, learn to pick them. Hard at first, it is a complex puzzle, in the Army, explosive experts, the ones who dismantle bombs planted by terrorists, specialize in learning picking… the skillset is that complex.

Every time a sighted person has a new lock put in front of them, they look at it quizzically. They try to see imaginatively what is inside… they look at the keyhole (you would just press it with your thumb I suppose) and it’s size… guessing how many pins exist internally. They put their pick in, to see what side the pins are coming from… at this point, sighted people get disoriented and confused, especially if the lock is unfamiliar. Haptic actions don’t immediately confirm knowledge, when we store it visually. It is a well documented phenomena in locksport.

Then… you start picking, pin by pin, applying tension with a separate tool to rotate the lock, till everything clicks and it turns. We are always looking to know it turns, it usually is picked by pure “accident”, we rarely see it coming, despite the execution of a haptic skill set. I oftentimes sit at a table stumped in regards to how I just picked that damn thing… go back, try again, it won’t open.

They guys will often modify a lock, making it increasingly harder to pick open. They can get brutally clever, only rule is, a key must exist that can open the lock beforehand… to prove the lock is still a lock and not impossible.

I recommend buying a kit (Mad Bob is English) and contacting a local locksport group. Nobody is gonna think your a criminal wanting taught, cause your blind (I don’t care how good your echo location is, you would make a horrible thief… think you got a Picasso, when its just Dogs Playing Poker).

You will notice processing oddness in sighted people you will often realize you don’t struggle with. Other times, same difficulty. I couldn’t imagine a more fun skill set to have when blind. You can sit on the couch doing it, while others watch TV. I do. I don’t try to look now… even though I still do. It can take years to master. Locks can be gotten anywhere. If you just call a local locksmith, tell him your blind and want to get into locksport, knowing your not able to financially compete with him, he can dump you with a billion old locks he has everywhere… Bucket after bucket after bucket.

It isn’t something philosophy has much touched upon. We know a lot philosophically of the visual effects, such as seeing mesmerizing effects, but little about Haptic-Visual paradoxes.

You still have a visual cortex, almost certainly. It might if been eaten away by other parts of the mind competing for it… same for people who lose a arm… takes decades for phantom feelings to decrease the missing limb… because you never seen anything in the first place, it doesn’t occur to you anything is missing. In social situations, our ability to determine mood is determined primarily through vision. Look out the “Blindsight” phenomena… I guarantee you your using some of it’s functions, even without eyes at all… not because your blindsights (your certainly not, no eyes) but because they govern certain social emotive behaviors in logic… when you learned to engadge others, you learned how to think through these networks. Is it gonna be exactly the same? Doubt it, your brain ate up a lot of the visual cortex, and rededicated it to other tasks after all… but the neurons will still be in largely the same place as in most anyone else… brain architecture doesn’t modify that much… some, but still predictable and quite homo sapiens. In many ways, you will socially behave under a pretence of sightedness, but in others… such as my guess with picking locks, you won’t.

Plastic locks and plastic picks can be made I would love to put you and a sighted picker in a fMRI to watch you two pick a variety of locks…sure you can outpace them once you get to a devent skill level. They would slow down when thinking visually… Showing Haptic isnt parallel to Visual, it functions in a different way at times. You would “know” and not act stumped or cry out “how the fuck did I just do that?” far less than they will after you learn the basics of picking. Why? Different kind of knowing.

If you are prone to OCD, how was it possible for you to be accepted into the forces?

Becoming a professional lockpick sounds like a very interesting career move! But aren’t they all being replaced by thumbpads or something? At least on anything important, like bank vaults. Or, even worse, retinal scans, which I’d be really bad at since, as you surmised in your penultimate paragraph (but which I don’t think I’ve mentioned much before at the risk of grossing people out) I don’t actually have any eyes, at least, not real ones. On the plus side, I get to choose my own eye colour, and always choose green, since I’m told it goes with my complexion. With regard to my visual cortex, I’ve had CT scans in the past, and am advised that it is vestigial and inactive, but also, as you say, that it is certain that part of it has been reassigned to other functions, since the human brain is clever like that. Whether or not its related, I have a very good sense of spatial awareness, and on a good day I can echo locate up to about 10 metres or so, which is why I don’t bump into trees or lampposts. I can even tell the difference between, say, a brick or glass surface. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work when I have a cold, which is a really debilitating illness for me.

Since I’ll try anything once, within reason, and it’s been a lovely sunny day, I tried sunbathing face down for a few hours so it could stimulate the back of my knees, but if it was supposed to keep me awake, it had the opposite effect, in that I dozed off. But maybe that was the book I was listening to, Dictator by Robert Harris, all about Cicero.

Didn’t say locksmith, I said locksports.

They take random locks, gut the inside, switch it up, send it to one another in competitions, or have Olympic like events in competition.

I’ve been working on a way to hijack the frequencies used in kwikset electronic keyless locks, I don’t want to go into it since some of the idea comes from unrelated military tech (no, they can’t open up doors, I’m adapting something they use for something way different).

It is basically like the hacker community, you probe locks for weaknesses, especially high end invincible ones, recommend how to fix the flaws. We’ve had dozens of simple yet insane designs come out in response, a lot of guys sell their own lock concepts after a while, or sell a few hundred sets of very high end locks for several hundred dollars. Its going to run me about $500 to start my own foundry (semiportable, melts easy metals for prototypes). Every 5-15 years, sell a limited edition collectors lock for $1000 dollars, both original security ideas inside, and linked to mythical or philosophical concepts… if you can carve clay, you can make molds, and use bismuth cooked on your kitchen to make a brittle prototype lock. I see no reason why you can’t. It isn’t a full time job unless you turn into a power puff girl and try to take on all the top lock manufacturers. Being a locksmith IS a full time job, but I’m advising Locksport, the actual competitive sport for you. How much is a old padlock? Cheap to get into, and damn useful if you or a friend gets locked out of a house. I picked a safe the other day by accident. I was still getting a feel for the inside and it popped open… but I was using a very fancy, competition pick. Old lady gave me twenty dollars, I tried to refuse three times… If I was a locksmith, I would of charged $50 alone for merely showing up.

Yes, I guessed it was something like that and to be honest, it’s something I’ve never heard of before. I imagine you need really senstive fingers, which is obviously an advantage for me. On the subject of fiddly little objects, one of my long time dreams was to become an archaeologist, digging around in the ground for tiny little things. Still might one day, if I ever decide to chuck this job in and go to uni.