Hillary Lied, then lied about the lies, then lied about that

You think? Seems to me Hillary really only lies for one reason: to cover her own ass.

i doubt she’ll play the card herself, but i’m sure plenty of her neo-feminist-type supporters will be throwing the term around like confetti. They’ve already used it against Sanders(!) of all people. Apparently it was sexist of him not to drop out of the primary. #-o

Years and years of overuse and misuse have made it into a sort of catch-all derogatory label that can mean all sorts of things, most of which really have very little to do with how someone treats or feels towards people of a different race.

Yeah, i agree.

Yea, but , Joe and Jane Bloe think the media is honest because most do not listen to the whole interview, they wait for the newscasters to sum it up.

These days Joe and Jane think the media is honest because they can easily limit themselves to news sources that only say what they already believed before they turn it on.


Hillary is right.
All that lying is not so bad when she just has the Right ideas.

Hello UPF

Well, I can’t say what Mr. Trump really believes. He is certainly awkward in his interactions with African Americans (“my African American”), but this may be due to other reasons instead of some concealed racism. He might very well be a racialist instead of a racist.
I agree that he doesn’t have a coherent belief system, but I don’t hold that against him. I think that his most coherent thoughts will be on financial issues, which is the reason many of his supporters want him in office since they think he can improve our economy.
My thing with him is that he has bashed Mexicans, women and Muslims, yet insists that he is loved by them because he is going to bring back jobs. But he doesn’t believe that, clearly. He believes that what he has said so far could make a federal judge with Mexican parents make rulings against him. So much for the “love” Mexicans supposedly hold against him.
I think that there is a fear against Muslims and a belief that illegal immigrants have it better than American citizens that Trump has tapped into. Would he be an anti-civil rights politician? I don’t know. This campaign he has advocated for universal coverage, that the government will pay for a massive expansion of care, but then flip flop away from such ideas on those debates. He is throwing stuff up (according to Scott Adams) at a crowd and watches which way the crowd reacts, but, at the same time, he consistently sticks it to the “Establishment”, pissing a lot of Republicans even at the cost of losing them. Is it because he thinks that he wins more votes by being anti-establishment, or is it because he is truly so confident in his way of doing things that he does not like the idea of walking by the beat of an established philosophy, which would be like a straight jacket on a man that prefers to have the liberty of changing his mind? I don’t know. In a way I admire that.

Omar, did you listen to what he actually said or are you listening to cuts and edits? Listen to what he says not the edited versions. I won’t vote for him but I will not condemn him for shit he did not actually mean or say. Truly listen to all of his interviews and speeches. Do not go to the big 4 media sources. Clinton gets edited too. And look to body language.
I just posted on Facebook to my family and friends to research all candidates not just Dem and Rep. I suggest it here as well. There are some very qualified candidates that our media wants out of the picture.

Who wouldn’t be. :confused:

You or me. I know for certain I am not qualified.

It isn’t a question of who is qualified. It is a question of who is MORE qualified. And frankly, I would vote for you before Hillary. She who knows when she should stay out is more qualified to be in.

True. The process of choosing leaders though has serious flaws. It goes against the ethics we are taught. We choose a leader based on bragging and egoism.

I think that that is good advise but it would not change my opinion of Trump. Besides Trump continuously doubles down even when his words can seem racist or discriminatory. By way of correcting the media’s portrayal of his words h often sounds even worse…at least to me.

It used to be based upon character and experience. But that was before the globalist agenda to manipulate the world into a single empire and thus obfuscate and extort all things out of defiance and into compliance. Now Presidents are merely figure heads to impress the mindless masses with gender, race, and religious affiliation - a tool for mental manipulation.

Wow, that sounds so rehearsed :slight_smile: probably true too. But, look at it this way, can you imagine over a trillion uncontrolled humans running amok?

What do you mean by uncontrolled?

Well, a small group of humans 50 to 100, need no police or real leader. They tend to work together. Increase that number , you need a leader. The more bodies means the need for more people to control. Can you see a place like NewYork city without leaders, laws or police? A million bodies suddenly having no laws or enforcers. If I lived there, I would run like hell. Have you ever lived in a major city? And for how long?

I’m not sure how to answer this.
Maybe later.

Ah, America! A place where even indicted individuals under investigation for high crimes of state can even run for president! :laughing:

America!! A place where a guy that has been twice investigated by the FBI, currently on a federal no-fly list, can obtain an assault rifle legally and then shoot and hit over a 100 people. LOL indeed.