Hillary Lied, then lied about the lies, then lied about that

My 2cnd grade teacher looked a lot like that :slight_smile:

I hate Hillary. So much.

Well, she probably would have zero liking for you either or anyone of us for that matter. We do not have the all powerful smell of money all over us. :slight_smile:

70% humidity and 105 degrees… Damn it was hard to work today. Beer time and home chores now. Hopefully a cool rain will come while I work outside this evening.

Vote for me muthafukas or I’ll Vince Foster your asses…

She will be your next President.

Doesn’t really matter who the next president is in that the United States is economically doomed either way.

Still, I’m just having fun mocking it all. Might as well have some fun in controlled political theater and what is otherwise a rigged democracy. I just like seeing the funny side in everything.


I think Donald Trump is a walk in the park compared to the big HC.

They’re both puppets.

I’ll repeat myself, it doesn’t matter who gets into office the United States is doomed either way.

You do realize people have been dooming the USA since well before the Civil War?

Very probably, although it would take quite little to change that.


And that shit has not changed that drastically?

Not yet but then again nothing lasts forever.

Triple H wrote:

HC appears to have tremendous financial backing by the powers that be. I agree she will be a puppet, but I don’t think she cares one way or the other. What has Obama done for America, except do as he is told.

I don’t see the U S of A going down, it is a powerful country and has much influence world wide.

What is unfortunate is the people are brainwashed and it appears that quite a large number of them are ignorant of affairs outside of their own country.

Their loyalty is unquestionable, but I do think the government should do more to reward this, as it appears the United States generally provides its citizens with a lower level of government support for health and human services than most developed European nations.

Maybe Clinton will rectify this.