I am going to make free energy machine soon.

Mowk, just go ahead and think it bullshit. I really don’t care if you want to twist words into mindless skepticism. Do your thing.

Not an unexpected response. And characteristic.

Go JSS! Good Bullshit.

James’ definition of ‘free’ energy seems perfectly reasonable.

We are surrounded by free energy in the form of solar, wind, water. If you need light, it comes in through the window. If you feel cold, then go out into the sunshine and you will be warmed up.

However, if you want energy in a different form or a different time, then you need to build devices which collect energy, store it and release it on demand.

I don’t see why you should not expect to pay for such a device or to pay for the repairs and maintenance that it requires.

Well thank you.

James, you’ve had 33 years to get this device built. Why haven’t you? Surely you could have found a rich philanthropist type to actuate it by now?

Mowk, your definition of free energy is silly. You claim free energy must be a machine that has zero cost to build…How could a machine be built with zero cost? It would take time and energy to build. Does free energy mean to you, magical thought powers that create energy from thin air?

I didn’t label Gamer’s free energy device as free because it seemed to be too high maintenance, but in retrospect I believe even a Tesla free energy device would have required maintance eventually so it was a bit unfair of me to say that. However, I don’t think Gamer’s free energy device will work, I think his energy output is going to be less than his energy input, unless the material he uses has some sort of magical properties that have a coefficient greater than 1.

How do you think that I discovered that such devices is not what the world is about? The technology to build it at that time was in its infancy. Today the device would be trivial to build in Silicon Valley. But either way, the issue was never that anyone wanted such a device, but rather that they wanted an excuse to wage war against the Arab world over oil.

There are a great many things that are known that are also not publicly allowed to be believed (especially in medicine).

Oh come on James, what’s stopping you now? Im sure lots of people would be interested in the device, not everyone in the world is owned by oil. In Top 20 Genius magazine, the top 20 geniuses are bragging about creating new software for ipods…gimme a break, meanwhile you are sitting here for 33 years with a free energy plan and it doesn’t even get an honorable mention. What is the world coming to? People don’t even care about important things anymore. Shit is the new gold and gold is the new shit.

Ever seen the film The Matrix? The vast majority of the population lives in a very protected fantasy and have vested themselves in it. Those not willing to go along with the fantasy, for whatever reason, are “flushed”, outcast from system support, not allowed to play in their very rigged game. Thus, I chose a different direction and eventually my own “game”.

Outcasts is a plural word, you can surely find a rich guy who is not part of the oil conspiracy to support you, can’t you? Or do you feel so lethargic from your lack of inclusion into the game, that you simply gave up? You thought it was your idea to give up, but that was probably their plan all along.

You have a rather simple minded view of the world.
I don’t.

You are a prick, do you know that? I am trying to help you, and you call me simple minded? It is you who is simple minded, and you are also part of this simple minded world, which are nothing more than a bunch of lazy nihilistic has-beens who refuse to do anything for science or progress.

I have long since done far more than you ever will.

When the world wants you to have free energy, you will not merely have but have no choice to the have it.

Your worldview is extreme. You need to learn how to manipulate people better. Dr Suess was rejected by 26 different publishers and yet he still affected the timeline. Tesla is still on a pedastal despite the worlds attempts to snuff him out. You are arrogant to believe you have the ability to predict the future, what have you done anyway?

Isn’t it you who are being arrogant in presuming that either you or I are at all important to the world?

I am saying that the world doesn’t care about either of us. That is hardly arrogance.

And you seriously don’t want to challenge my understanding of manipulation/inspiration of people.

Never said the world cared about me… I have no friends, remember? What I am pointing out is your dopey self-defeating attitude of not even trying. Do you think the guy who invented the computer chip twiddled his thumbs for 33 years and said…“The world is my god. The rich man dictates what I do. If the illuminati doesnt approve of my invention, I wont even bother to try.” No he got up off his ass and tried to make it work, regardless of the possibility that the world might not like his invention or it becoming popular. Do you think mad scientists like Tesla give a shit what the world thinks? They make the invention for science, and if the world doesnt like it the world be damned.

You [very seriously] don’t know who you are talking to.

What I do know, is you had the plans, but you never bothered to make the plans into a physical prototype.

You don’t know that either. There is an entire world of events taking place completely outside your view. Ever seen the TV series Eureka? The concept of it isn’t fantasy.

I do based on your wordage, implying your device was just hypothetical and not actually produced yet. also not all science is run by totalitarian nixon agents who treat u like slaves locked in a basement. try a private company sometime, or go on a ted talk and show ur plans

I called bullshit cause if you put the term “free” in quotes and say I don’t really mean free cause I put the term in quotes I call bullshit.

We already have free energy. What we pay for is delivery to where we use it and the degradation our per kilowatt consumption causes and the maintenance required having it “hanging” out in a hostile environment that has no trouble finding ways to fuck it up. What we are paying most for seems like mother natures proclivity to fuck it up. High winds, hail, freezing rain, seismic activity, erosion, etc.

So clearly it is not “free”. What potential difference in the cost do you offer?

To me you are claiming it is free but it’s still going to cost the same amount as we are paying now, cause, you dumb fuck, nothing is really free. So why do you call the device a free energy machine, and why does anyone, if it ain’t free? What’s the difference beyond semantics? The “real” cost? And maybe because you haven’t really been able to quantify that variable is why anyone’s semantically screwed up notion of a free energy machine hasn’t gone anywhere. Precisely because it isn’t really free. And you can’t define the actual cost or you wouldn’t have called it “free”.

Dumb asses.