I'm all ears

Carpathian quote - lol… then why believe something if you don’t understand it ?

Which part of this do people find hard to understand chum? -
Jesus said - “Hungry and you fed me,
Thirsty and you gave me drink,
A stranger and you took me in,
Naked and you clothed me,
ill and you tended me,
In prison and you visited me.
When you did this to others,
you did it to me”
(Matt ch 25)

So, you guys did not give a fig to your god’s words then,

yeah, but they went for Crusades and killed more people (probably few millions)

For no. of crusade murders based on Christian chronicles

Mick in England- why are you paraphrasing/directly quoting what people said right after they say it?

Just wondering…

Robo quote - 1 Timothy 2:11-12
Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness.
I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent.

Corinthians 14:34-35
Let the women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but let them be in subjection, as also saith the law.
And if they would learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home: for it is shameful for a woman to speak in the church

Yes when Paul spoke above of women being banned from speaking, he was undoubtedly referring to just some particular noisy women in certain churches who were disrupting proceedings by rabbitting on about exciting new recipes, knitting patterns, nail varnish and latest soap plotlines, so of course he had to lay down some ground rules to shut them up
Elsewhere he has nothing but praise for some women -
“I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church in Cenchrea…she has been a great help to many people, including me
Greet Priscilla , my fellow worker in Christ Jesus. she risked her life for me.
Greet Mary, who worked very hard for you…
Greet Tryphena and Tryphosa and Persis, those women who work hard in the Lord.Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord, and his mother, who has been a mother to me, too.
Greet Julia…” (Romans ch 16)
And he reminds us -
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28 )

Froberg quote - Mick in England- why are you paraphrasing/directly quoting what people said right after they say it?
Just wondering…

You want me to reply to them before they say it? Sorry but not even my awesome powers stretch that far, but lend me your crystal ball and I’ll try to predict what they’re gonna say…

Robo quote - yeah, but they went for Crusades and killed more people (probably few millions)

You’re talking ancient history mate, get updated :wink:
Christians don’t do stuff like that no more…

(Reply to Mick’s latest replies to me)

Re the pie chart: fair enough, christianity in #1. But at 33% of everyone, with most of those being people who were indoctrinated without their initial consent, I don’t rate that figure as highly as you do. (Of course, the other religions are just as bad, if not worse, when it comes to indoctrination.)

Re the original jewish rejection of Yeheshua, I’m not convinced by what you wrote. A man who can perform miracles should win people over to him en masse, not get the door slammed in his face, and then wait for a few hundred years for someone else (St Peter) to found his religion.

Christians were doing crusades untill the 14th century which means ~1400 years after the origin of their religion. Islam is only ~1300 years old. So, wait for 100 more years before you feel so right about your religion and jump on them.

Tell that to those dying in Africa

Chimney quote - Re the original jewish rejection of Yeheshua, I’m not convinced by what you wrote. A man who can perform miracles should win people over to him en masse, not get the door slammed in his face, and then wait for a few hundred years for someone else (St Peter) to found his religion

Firstly, are you too shy to say the name Jesus?
Second - Jesus didn’t overdo the miracle bit because he wanted people to follow him for his words, not his miracles.
Third, Peter was a disciple, Jesus’s righthand man, unless you mean some other Peter hundreds of years later…

Hmm… So he told you that did he…? What’s his favourite colour…? Can he burp the alphabet…?

if proof can show that jesus (christianity) is the way . . . why does many intelligent, honest scientiests/theologians who study it not see it that way. Why does so many not see it that way?

Answer; because to assume that we know is a lie.

Who is satan in the common academic circles?

He is just manifested fears.

saying that people are listening to satan, who have other opinions is pretty shallow and won’t help you make too many friends.

I might be thinking about St Paul. I’m talking about the bloke who went all over the near east a few hundred years after [size=75]IESVS[/size] died, converting people. The New Testament goes on about him (incidentally, I gave up on the NT not long after the gospels coz it got too repetitive for me). I find it interesting that christianity didn’t take off at the time of Jesus.

J’s words aren’t enough, so I need miracles too - I need the same cocktail the apostles got.

It’s interesting to see the different forms of his name, as well as to see the different images of him. It reminds us how things change and evolve over time, including religions themselves.

appologetic . . . maybe???

Hey Mick,

welcome to ILP, I hope you have some good experiences here.

when I lived in boston in my early 20s, a devout muslim handed me a copy of a book called, “the god who wasn’t.” It is filled with a bunch of “facts” from mostly muslim scholars and some non-muslim scholars to proove that islam was bona-fide the true profesied religion from god.

It appears that you are following a similar path, given to you by some scholars (most of who are christian) showing that christianity is the true profesied religion from god.

The Muslim and Christian paradigm of proving truth has already been pointed out earlier on the thread. Also, that christianity has some sexism has also been pointed out . . . but you skim over these points.

So, it seems your mind is already made up . . . so I want to know completely honestly why you are on this thread. WHY??

Are you trying to convince some people that you know the truth to satify your ego?

Do you feel sorry for those with different opinions than yours?

Do you feel that those with different opinions are in some kind of eternal danger?

If so, I want you to remember that propagandha get’s shoot down really quick on ILP, and if you keep trying to convince people of things that you believe, you’ll probably end up loosing your own faith, instead of instil the emperers clothes on others.

SirSwedish - if proof can show that jesus (christianity) is the way . . . why does many intelligent, honest scientiests/theologians who study it not see it that way. Why does so many not see it that way?
Answer; because to assume that we know is a lie

The bottom line is that a guy arrived on earth 2000 years ago and said “I’m the Son of God, the Messiah, the Christ and the Superprophet”.
So why shouldn’t we believe him?

SirSwedish quote - saying that people are listening to satan, who have other opinions is pretty shallow and won’t help you make too many friends

We holy men aren’t out to make friends, people can either come along with us for the ride or get left behind :wink:
“We’re not looking for praise from men” (1 Thess 2:4-6)

As for Satan, check this -

We’re ALL under demonic oppression every waking moment, christian or nonchristian or atheist, til the day we die.
Demons are constantly probing us to detect any personality flaws or traits that they can home in on and make flare up.
“You murdering ministers that tend on mortal thoughts” (Lady Macbeth to demons)
Satan even had a go at Jesus, saying “Hungry mate? No prob, just turn a few stones to loaves of bread!”, to which Jesus replied “Take a hike bub”.
The moral? - If you give in to demonic probing you give them a foot in the door of your mind which can lead to eventual possession -
“Don’t give the devil a foothold” (Eph 4:27)
“Resist the devil and he’ll flee from you” (James 4:7)
“Report, Mr. Spock”
“We’re being probed Captain, source and origin unknown…”
“Shields up Mr. Chekov!”
“Aye-aye Keptin”

Chimney quote - I find it interesting that christianity didn’t take off at the time of Jesus

After the snooty priests and Romans got rid of Jesus, Christianity began to snowball in popularity, so they said “Oops quick, shred all the documents implicating us in Jesus’s killing or we’ll have a Jesusgate scandal on our hands. Let’s airbrush him out of history and people will quickly forget him”…
Dream on shmucks…