Is creating false guilt for profit by religions a good moral

Strange that social breakdown does not happen in Godless nations.

In fact, statistics show that the less religious a country is, the less it is likely to war against others.


If you ignore the Soviet Union, China, North Vietnam, North Korea, Kampuchea- well all the officially atheist Communist countries.

then statistically…


And murdering their own citizens doesn’t count either.

How many of our own has Canada and the U.S. killed?

Many natives will say many.

My statistics speak for themselves. Do you have better?


You tell me If you are making a claim.

Was it as bad as this? :

You’re making the claimI saw you video. Sweden is listed as 85% atheist. That’s strange.

Okay, let’s pretend that Sweden is 85% atheist and that the traditional religious upbringing plays no part in their peaceful behavior.

Cuba is listed as 89% Christian.

Seems pretty fishy to me.


Fins say that they are 95% Christian yet only about 4% never go to a church.

If people did not follow their cultures and customs which include their Gods, maps like the one shown would not exist.


Your video showed Finland to be 60% atheist. :confused:

So what do your ‘statistics’ actually mean? :question: :icon-eek:

Probably not much if you strip away all history and cultural context and you reduce each country to a dominant religion/belief. And the percentage used get that dominant belief is not even a reliable consistent number. #-o


People like about their religions like no other subject.

You have to read between the lines.


What does that mean??? :open_mouth:


It should read, ---- People lie about their religions like no other subject.

It means that lying comes easy to the religious as they take lessons from their priests who lie to them constantly.


According to the CIA “World Factbook” Finland’s religion looks like this:
Lutheran 78.4%, Orthodox 1.1%, other Christian 1.1%, other 0.2%, none 19.2% (2010 est.)

Atheism, in Finland, like most other modern countries is steadily increasing.
According to the most recent Eurobarometer Poll (2010),
33% of Finnish citizens “believe there is a God”. (In 2005, the figure was 41%)
42% “believe there is some sort of spirit or life force”. (In 2005, the figure was 41%)
22% “do not believe there is any sort of spirit, God, or life force”. (In 2005, the figure was 16%)

According to Zuckerman (2005),[13] 28-60% of Finns are agnostics, atheists, or non-believers.

Only 33% believe in “GOD” as such.

Well done.

The tipping point from religious to non-religious as the majority is estimated to be 2050.

I hope it is sooner.

As a religionist that is not my best choice but if the mainstream religions do not change their immoral ways, then they deserve to fail.


He didn’t do anything but throw more confusion on the fire. So, 75% of Finns believe in a god or a life force or spirit. Who knows what that means?

It’s unclear as I pointed out before. :confused:

Then get whatever you think is clear.

I am well aware of the lies that so called believers use from personal experience so am quite happy with the stats I have and see here.


I’m sure you are happy because you have ‘stats’ which support your point of view. But if you look at it objectively, those ‘stats’ are meaningless.

Seriously, a range of 28-60% means practically nothing. Combine that with the dozen other numbers that have been spit out about the Finns. What could it possibly mean? :confused:

All that uncertainty adds to what I said for sure.

And I agree that stats, while interesting add little to a moral discussion.


Didn’t any one else notice that the countries listed as most peaceful are historically the most warring countries as well?

Obviously that is a direct contradiction.

Which countries, listed where?

I disagree.
Statistically the countries now most tending towards atheism, and against religion are the most happy and least warlike.
[NB: Exceptions such as Stalinist Russia, and North Korea, runs their societies like their leaders are gods]
Statistically there are fewer atheists (per capita) in prisons. Atheism scores well for better educated too.
When you ask a question about “false guilt” and what are its affects, you can’t dismiss the evidence where there seem to be differences.

I disagree.
Statistically the countries now most tending towards atheism, and against religion are the most happy and least warlike.
[NB: Exceptions such as Stalinist Russia, and North Korea, runs their societies like their leaders are gods]
Statistically there are fewer atheists (per capita) in prisons. Atheism scores well for better educated too.
When you ask a question about “false guilt” and what are its affects, you can’t dismiss the evidence where there seem to be differences.
Point to you.

My comment was directed at the believer stats. My brush was perhaps too wide.

You are correct on some stats having more merit than others.

For instance, it is hard to dismiss the jail stats from the U.S., a Christian country, when they show the highest per capita of people in jail for all the free world.


The video GIA provided.
Japan and Finland for instance. Both notorious for wars and their people being violent. Piss a Finn off, man or woman, they can go ballistic.