"Mental" Illness: The Future of Treatment

That’s my take on the matter. Denial is a symptom, not a cure.

Thats not what I said, I said mind IS the illness. All people, not just you, are afflicted with the disease of mind-experience. Especially the people who believes themselves free, could not further be from the truth. Transcending mind experience is still not enough to be rid of the mind-illness. Other steps must then be taken.

This environment is not unnatural, it is natural, humans are similar to apes and it is natural for apes to behave this way and construct a system in this way which of course is by all means idiotic in every which way.

G&WT, good post but, it should be “people who believe”, not believes. Sincerely, your grammar demon.
So, all is Mind. How does that help those who suffer?

It should be what it is. You are afflicted with mind-illness as many are. S is a nice letter you should appreciate it more, but not too much.

I’d respect your posts more if you had respect for basic grammar; but that’s just me, a retired teacher.

Are we done here?

There is no End.


That sounds more like an excuse than the reality of it. But it may be true that mental illness, which may have been there
all along, can be exascerbated by one who is brilliant and does use that higher thought capacity. This is why taking a break from thinking too much or thinking at all is important.

No, they do not. But if they’re really true free spirits, do you think that they go out of their way by behaving in ways which prove this to their selves?

Yes, as are many who are not philosophers and geniuses. One might say that Van Gogh was a genius and he was supposedly bi-polar. What do you think made it worse for him? perhaps not taking a break from himself and his art.

What does that even mean?

So is life a transition. One might say that a transition is the ability to go from one perspective to another, for instance, to see reality where before there was simply denial. One of the causes of mental illness or which drags it along, is the inability to face reality and to move on, or to accept suffering, to deal with it and to move on. There was once a time when that was considered to be a neuroses but I believe that’s been erased from the annals of psychology.

lol It may be in some instances. It was quite helpful in the past.

Let’s not go throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Nothing is an exact science but psychiatry is also not someone waving around a magic wand either. There are good people out there who do care about others and for whom it is not simply about drugs.

Now that in itself by itself might be a perspective which lends itself to mental illness. For the most part, there is also a healthy positive side to existence and the human mind.

But it is capable of making one’s life more livable and enhancing it at times.
Most minds I would suppose have the capacity to become ill under certain conditions by reason of our imperfect humanity.

lol So what are your qualifications? How would you begin this great mental and physical liberation?

its no excuse if you follow evolutionary science (which you dont) you would know this. you would know that volume of mental illness is directly proportional to the intelligience capacity of a species.

nanotech (in good hands, not the hands of a woman) and getting people to read basic evolutionary science.

Why not at the hands of a woman? I thought you are a woman?

According to G&WT, all can be explained by evolution. Do you buy this explanation? Have we evolved to the point where we have issues with our very minds? Does that account for MI? If that is the case, we have little hope for a future of treatment other than altering our DNA, which is an option awaiting in the distant future, We’ve only just unraveled the human genome. Gene splicing is an infant science. So what hope is there for us who suffer here and now?

right now it is important to evaluate any problems we might have with mind body and spirit to get a full picture…

I also must add relationships…in addition to mind/body/spirit

Is holistic therapy, MBS + relationships currently available? I’ve not seen it.

idk ier…but we could help us
I know my marriage relationship is causing me a lot of stress

What is the problem?

I have no idea but I do know it makes me sick mentally

Most problems in marital relationships:

  1. finances
  2. religious or philosophical differences
  3. sexual
  4. inlaws
  5. unrealistic expectations
  6. how to raise the children
  7. tired of each other

Did you pull this out of a dark place on your person, or have you a reference for it?

Experience. I guess you could say it came from my dark place. The problems in my marital relationship were 1., 4., and 6.
This is personal opinion, not an academic exercise. We should be here for each other; and experience matters