"Mental" Illness: The Future of Treatment

The ancient ones considered science a form of magic. Magic is only magic to those who don’t understand it’s science. My cure is very simple, I revealed it, it is the incredible act to upgrade the Human’s DNA.

Not until they have figured out how through alchemy turn lead into gold ,or for that matter Mercury, or water into wine? Until then all bets are off as in the coming pacman may whether ,fight

Sound waves cause levitation. Turning lead into gold is trivial. Manipulating DNA is easier and less tedious to explore. Turning water into wine is a parlor trick water into wine would have little practical use.

do you have a mental illness…I do




Actually, turning Mercury into gold is extremely difficult. And has been done.
DNA manipulation has not been done ,well it has
But no def results

When it will. It will be called cry-ohhhhhhh-surgery
Of a donated live brain attached to some computers like they simulated einsteins and kennedys
Remeber it was stolen?

Jumped back from Easter vigil retreat, because I thought I left something. Guess not.

orb…do you have a mental illness…I cant remember what you said…I have one…

Humans label things whatever they want to. I could care less what label a chimpanzee chooses to slap on next. If someone has a high libido, they have a high libido.The chimpanzee has a need to categorize, label, and ridicule. Instead of telling thetruth, and just saying that said individual has a high libido, they chimpanzee must put on a suit and label their fellow chimpanzee as a “nymphomaniac” who is "mentally-ill. I myself have no high libido.

G&WT, I’m asking you politely, please abstain from posting in my thread. Thank you.

It’s a public Forum.
Maybe you should find a forum where there is more moderation, or start one of your own?

It may be a public forum, but off topic posts are not allowed here. The theory that no one is mentally ill because we are all mentally ill does not address the basic issues of any future for MI treatment. We are not smart enough to alter our own DNA. So the theory is a dead end to any discussion about what can be done here and now.

As dumb as the humans are they created computers (unless you believe aliens handed them the microchips.) They already have the nanotechnology in place, DNA manipulation is around the bend.

What do you wish to talk about instead? Using brute force methods like pumping random chemicals through people’s veins, to induce a short term high which exacerbates symptoms even further? Perhaps you advocate inducing seizures, shock therapy, pills that cause tardive dyskensia, and negative mental states as well? I suppose its not quite as silly as bloodletting or the popular thing 20 years ago of saying homosexuals were mentally ill. As far as sexuality goes they still address transgenders with opposite pronouns and deny them ability to dress in certain clothes or sleep in certain sectors. Not that it matters, put a dress on a chimpanzee and its still a chimpanzee. I only mention it to show you just how stupid and incompetent so called “professionals” are. Most of these doctors of yours come straight out of Pakistan high. Hilarious really.

My psychiatrist and psychologist are not out of “Pakistan High”. They offer a combination of CBT and meds that actually address my depression and keep it at bay. They do not attempt to change the world, just my worldview. They are not accountable for the history of mislabeling diagnosis or for the extravagances of DSM V.
If you were a god, you would realize that your posts are repeats of what has been rehashed ad nauseum throughout a thread you would not take the time to read. I’d be more sympathetic to you were I not ware of your agenda. Forgive me if I misread you; but I think your posts reek of narcissism. I smell a sock puppet.

All matter is rehashed and repeated. There is no folly in rehashing relevant issues, especially judging from this post you have not learned their lessons. I have my doubt as to the truth of your statement as I doubt anyone in this thread mentioned DNA testing or the ideas I mentioned in the exact manner and way I mentioned them.

As for your depression, depression offers great insight and depth into understanding the void. Humans wish to avoid the truth and the spiritual path by replacing it with tradition, religion, society, drugs, labels, systems. Religion is tradition, tradition is not spiritual path.

One of my entry points when joining ILP was a question I had, I have asked no other then RD Laing, when he was guest lecturer at USC., re the question of my sanity. I went there, on account of my best friend of that time, who went there. At any rate , this question has haunted me over the years, diagnosis is pretty much settled as a personality disorder, which I have been trying to chisel into some kind of shape.
Now, I see myself as an eccentric older man, trying to justify my life in terms of variable values. Primal autism may best desribe the dynamics , as to the conditions which put me in the fast track to question myself. The examples of famous people among them Einstein being on this continuum is no comfort zone to me, since I try to take things situationally, as overlapping opinions and changing perspectives. the odd thing is, it is partly a defensive posture, partly an art appreciation effort. There was a composer it may have been Berliotz who dreaded to be analyzed, for fear of loosing perspective, - which in his case meant inspiration. I should have been that lucky.

Errata: it was Mahler not Berlioz

Just looked it up and found to my surprise that Berlioz, too had a personality disorder.

Disorder is only what you label it as such. In order for there to be disorder, there would have to be a thing called “order”. There is no such thing as order, nor is there a such thing as disorder. Harmony is different from order, repetition is different from order, pain is different from disorder.

If you believe in such thing called order, believe that the world is ordered in a negative way to perpetuate pain, therefore “disorder” should bring neutral or positive associations for you.

Is there a thin line between MI and genius?
Apologies to G &WT; you do sometimes give good posts. Welcome to the MI thread. I guess I reacted badly when told that my problem is a fiction. How I wish that were the case. It does not comfort me to discover historical persons who suffered as I do, regardless of what they were able to accomplish in their lives.

I don’t see a connection that means anything…do you see something that might help cure some of this terrible illness…

Well, according to G&WT the illness is only a natural reaction to unnatural environments.

well he is not correct about certain mental illness…we need to find a cause and cure