"Mental" Illness: The Future of Treatment

do you want me to ask my psychoanalyst anything…any questions

Thanks, but no. He doesn’t have background info.

Duh…let me spell it out…

“bacteria cause mental illness”

alls you need to do is get an inflatable mattress.

remember, you are a god. you asked for them to infest you, to keep you company at night. you manifested them through the law of attraction, to fill the void in your life.

bedbugs, like Ing, are interdimensional beings, and one of the easiest creatures to manifest. one can eventually become so powerful they can conjure them at will, or send them back to the other dimension, indicated by their dissapearance after flashing yellow. additional data on their interdimensionality is unknown at this time, but the mechanism of action appears to be related to schizophrenia.

you build things up to break them down. you build problems to solve them later. entertainment. this is mirrored in the human sheep culture and their cigarette fetish.

I did not ask for the infestation! Bugs are rampant in these apts. In any event, blaming myself doesn’t help. Blaming myself for situations over which I have no control is a major symptom of my illness.

you did not ask with words but with deeper energy

Not being conscious of that deeper energy, whatever that may be, how can I be culpable? The bugs aren’t into metaphyics; they are into survival. In any event, I’d rather hear about how others are coping with their own misfortunes. In othr words, I need positive feedback here, as do others.

here is some positive stuff…I have been studying about brain inflammation…I have heard it causes problems of anxiety and depression…what do you know about this

From what I’ve read–brain inflammation is present in most forms of MI. Is it a cause or a symptom?

that is an excellent question

maybe is a cause and a sign

It would be a great improvement in treatment of MIs if they could be traced to brain inflammation and that traced to diet and toxins from bad habits (alcohol, tobacco, etc.)

is brain inflammation caused by sedentary lifestyle…

That is possible in that lack of exercise may contribute to a lack of needed brain chemicals. But, it is more probable that inflammation is a result of introducing unnecessary chemicals to the brain. The blood brain barrier accepts chemicals that mimic what is already in the brain, hence morphine is seen as an endorphin. The inflammation could be from the extra work the blood brain barrier has to do to combat toxins.

how about food and the omega3/omega6 ratio

Diet has a lot to do with it; however, the problem with brains has to do with what comes into them that is toxic and what they lack from good nuitrition. These two have to be addressed.

what do you think about the value of omega 3 efa

Omega 3s appear to combat depression and to enhance antidepressants (Web MD.)

what do you think about the ratio of omega6 to omega3…fried foods are high in 6

It is ironic that what is bad for us tastes so good! Some omega 6 is good; but the ratio of consumption of omega 6 to omega 3 is 10 to1. We love our fried foods.