
One reason that is at the front of all reasons would be the amount of electrical transmissions , from kitchen gadgets to power lines.

What am I supposed to do when I feel like dying… Besides seeing a therapist.

Everything in this thread sounds creepy.

Remember 3 things:
1) your feelings are guided by an addle minded, tempestuous idiot.
2) the phrase, “As all things, this too shall pass”.
3) scout about for something to enjoy doing while you wait for it to pass.


Stop being creepy! I didn’t call for your participation, neither did Arty.

OK, Ok, I’m going.

Find something that makes you laugh, smile, happy, find life. It may not be easy but, maybe the search will show you a way to change.

My thoughts used to haunt me quite a bit when I was a bit younger. These days my dreams are far more haunting than my thoughts since they seem unbelievably real when they are happening.

The darkest thought I’ve ever had was the eternal return of the same. That horrified me to no end because it true, there would be no end to my tortured existence. Suffering would recur over and over and over again for all of eternity and I could do nothing about it but suffer… for eternity. And not because of some mythological douche in the sky. But because it seems like the most plausible, rational explanation for what happens after death than anything else I could think of.

There have been more imminent thoughts (hallucinations) that have haunted me too. One time I had a terrible reaction to marijuana in which I was convinced that reality and dream was one and the same, and the reality felt like a nightmare, and so I thought that I was going to be butchered to death.

Thoughts, dreams, hallucinations, and all sorts of things from the mind that have tortured me have always come and gone. I’m still here. Not a single one of my horrors has turned out to be “the truth”. Life is what it is, but my thinking can turn it into a hell. Thank God it’s just my thinking. Not that hellish moments don’t actually exist in life (like being butchered to death, or hung on a cross) but they don’t last very long. Whereas, dark thoughts can last far, far longer than any actual event can.

Don’t worry about eternal return, because it is truly eternal, return only for the uninitiated. For the initiated, there is no return, there is only imminence, constant existence based on eternal being. You are not who you think, you are an eternal being who never returns, because there is no singular death. You are everybody. And every body is You. You just think there is a lapse between you and others, between birth and dying, but these are all only mind games, based on a reified sense of self, a self which you can only determine by a perceptive based knowledge of self.

The bodily characteristics, variable as they are, come and pass, the self image is introjection from a hall of mirrors, and soon the image will disappear, and re-appear, and you will not know who you are, again.

The mind thinks as it interprets images, images which mix and form, re-form like the mixing of ice cream of blending various colorful flavors.

You do not even know what makes your heart tick, why it continues, and if you could see people as they are, not covered by flesh and skin, functionally as a system of pumps, levers, organs and circulating blood, you would not presume the matter of fact acceptance of a human being as a topical appearance.

The mind does all the covering, simplifying, making assumptions of what the machine we call the human body, consists of. The deeper layers, the ones which came through thousands , millions of years of evolution, are covered by the psyche, and are totally inaccessible. The deepest layers of which at times brake through in the dream state symbols, which are imbued within the reality which we call everyday life.

So not to worry, you are grounded in meta reality, a reality which gives absolute security to your existence, as you interpret it.

I have had the same thing happen to me with Marijuana… I smoked and went to lay down, I started thinking and feeling as if life was just a dream and that if I went to sleep I might not wake up again, I eventually fell asleep, my ex gf was next to me telling me it isn’t a dream and it’s all fine. I woke up fine and relieved.

The mind is so illusive.

I do appreciate all of the responses too, this thread will just be where I post about my mind, good or bad. Others can post their thoughts and pyschological being as well if they want.

The In Lak’Ech.

I take that as You are not very convinced, in light of Your premise?

What do you mean?

The In Lakech the affirmation is similar to the one I am making. Yet, your inability to distinguish dream and reality belies this.

The tradition of total imminence denies this difference, only a transcendenalism will draw a line here.

Since You seem to be familiar to the argument, the positioning of the counter argument expresses your own point of view. Since this may be questionable, as well, since I cannot read your mind, your argument rests, in that case on a point/counterpoint.

But my feeling is, you are still using 17 th century critical doubt as your primal signifier. The only possible deduction here, is, you are looking for models of outworn absolutes.

I know it is true, the in lak’ech. I am not understanding what you mean exactly, 17th century critical doubt?

Ken Wilbur correlated the ages of culture with that of individual thought. The rationalism of the age of Rationalism, of Descartes method of doubt, appearently corresponds here with Your own doubt with basic assumptions and tentative conclusions.

I perhaps need to read on these peoples works, have anywhere to start? Is my supposed conclusion a bad one? Where I am?

From an outside perspective I mean.

You are not wrong, just not well informed on ‘Integral Psychology’ which is the correlative work of Ken Wilber, integrating personal psychology with the analogous larger cultural-philosophical movements. His focus was Sri Aurebindo, an Indisn mystic philosopher, but I mentioned Descartes because it is most within the mode of rationalism Your method of thinking seems to operate within the frame of reference of Your doubt.

I think You see my point , that Your doubt is explicit in the very first point you make in the opening of your narrative.

Integration is the key here, between the cognitive dissonance which has not been sufficiently dealt with.

I hope you enjoy reading him, I certainly did. You are certainly not out of the loop if you look at it as analogically as he does, and are ready to correlate major movements of cultural change and your own
particular relationships between them.

I think the questions you pose are really good, based on larger issues, which have deep implications, as far as the way you perceive them.

I agree that culture undergoes the same stages of development as does the individual. The modern cultures seem to be post adolescent, entering a new world of adulthood.