My Plan for Killing Off Ebola.

So… West Africa is expected to have over a billion people this century… Ebola is native there, 90% kill ratio.

Instead of having a catastrophic population collapse from disease, if we know Ebola usually hangs around fruit bats, why can’t we put a few bats in deep isolation for breeding, and go about systematically murdering the rest in a bad ass genocide… and burn the fucking things. 10 bucks per bat, you get a free licence, and learn how to put a dead one in a biohazard bag, get free gloves and a face mask… and free blood tests and treatment. We can take some dna samples for a future biodiversity once Ebola is fucking dead.

Just kill the fucking bats. Fuck the sierra club, green peace, and the rest.

Slingshots and pellet guns.

Yeah, Africa should totally do that.

UN can do that, this disease can spread.

UN can keep the disease from spreading, but ‘killing all the bats in Africa’ seems a bit invasive. If African nations decide they want to do this, but they are too poor or disorganized to do it themselves, they can apply for aid. But I wouldn’t want to see a 'Shut up Africa, this is happening" approach.
Anyway, I like your idea in theory, but you’d need some pretty specialized tech I would think. I don’t know if people going around with sticks and torches and pellet rifles would make a dent. On the one hand, they’ve been trying to eradicate mosquitos forever with no luck. On the other hand, when Mao decided the Chinese should kill all the sparrows, that was pretty darn effective- if stupid.
There’s also an ecological consideration- you’d need to make sure people were ONLY killing the right kinds of bats, or that these fruit bats weren’t also insectivores. Last thing you need in Africa is a boom in the vermin population.

Hence the “Licence”… they are legal documents, which would require legislation, per country. And yeah, I have the fullest faith that the african bush hunters can collectively organize, and do this… especially if given military grade intel.

And obviously only the carrier species get money returns, so far, just this species of bat. Wrong species, no money, if not a fine if you do it too much, as per licensing details.

And when it comes to radical epidemiology, I mean the real bad killers, where slippery slope arguments are a war crime in and of themselves… say they did this, and 98 percent of the bats are killed off… but some suicider leftest organization in Germany started a “Save the Bats” campaign, and got some district in say (picking purely at random here) district in Sierra Leone to outlaw killing the bats… the second a case can be traced anywhere in Sierra Leone… either the African Union or UN invades the fuck out of that district, arrest the idiots leading that fuzzy wuzzy green crusade, taser the fuck of of the protesters, and and kill the last bats off anyway. Its a 90% kill ratio, Nigeria alone is expected to have a billion people this century. That could be 900 million people killed, all because a few dingle berry ideologies. Fuck em… concepts of sovereignty offer diminishing returns to the wealthfare of mankind when such crazy extreme forms of death exist.

But it be the UN or African Union doing that… but yeah, a coercize push in getting the countries around this idea would be needed… your bound to have that one odd duck of a region that really just doesn’t get it. They need to be intimidated, peer pressured, hollered at, and perhaps even sanctions threats and international account freezes IF the majority readily back the extermination. 900 Million could die. A ecological imbalance is well worth it. We can keep a few bats in isolation for an eventual return. Protesters could be released if after mission accomplished afterwards. Hopefully the pro Ebola crowd is negligible if not non existent… they are having a scary outbreak now, and everyone is more enthusiastic than me to have it gone. Fuck fruit bat.

“Only the carrier species get money returns” is a nice thing to say, but think of the logistics. You’re talking about hundreds if not thousands of people making the determination between Good Bat and Evil Bat on behalf of millions of bat-bounty-hunters. Not only would that take a lot of training, but there’s so much potential for corruption there, and this IS Africa we’re talking about. You’d have local Bat Judges on the take, burning heaps of bats, rats, cats and who knows what, writing back to say “Yeah U.N, killed another 10,000 today, send more $$$”. And the UN, being the UN, would do it of course.
I’m still in favor of it in theory, if the logistics could be made to work…which I realize is probably not what you hoped to discuss in this thread. The political theory part of it- Fuck bats, and fuck environmentalists too if it means getting rid of e. bola" I certainly agree with.

Thinking more like hundreds to thousands of hunters, not millions. Licensing controls that.

Umm would it not be easier and cheaper to make bodies resistant to it? I mean that process has already been started, why not publicly fund and promote that?

During the last big Ebola outbreak, they saved the last few by doing direct blood transfusions from survivors, of nine victims, eight survive. They haven’t been able to figure out how to do it in a laboratory, and it’s mostly western doctors who fight tooth and nail to stop this.

Besides, you would run every former survivor dry of blood to treat a epidemic like this, and still won’t stop it. But I agree, that was my argument for years. The World Health Organization would of nailed this by now if it was easy.

But if I had Ebola, I would straight up kidnap a survivor and get a blood transfusion, if I catch herpes or hepatitis, or even AIDS, so fucking be it.

Pigs and the bats could work. Infect blood of swine, create a live serum. Or just actually get the pharmaceutical companies to shit or get off the pot. They don’t work for cures, they work for relief of symptoms. Cures are not profitable in the long run.

Alot of muslims in the area. Plus, are pigs even effected by Ebola?

I’m all for advance medicine, but like… incredibly smart people do nothing but work on curing stuff like this, and simple ideas like that failed apparently countless times the last 40 years.

I’m about to go on Nairaland in a day or so to post this idea, if you can offer a better criticism to the bat killing idea, I would appreciate it. Hardest assumption for me is assuming these bats are the sole carriers.

Monkeys I believe carry it or its close version. Swine are blood compatible to humans. Are there any other animals? The ape family maybe or rodent. Damn I cant recall. I want to say a large rodent in South America but, it is not hitting me. Its cousin is the Guinea pig. I know Guinea pigs have been used.

Yeah, there’s a plan. If you want to kill off all of the X, kill anything carrying X!

If you want to kill off AIDS, kill anyone with the disease.
If you want to kill off communism, kill anything with the disease.
If you want to kill off capitalism, kill anything with the disease.
If you want to kill off socialism, kill anything with the disease.
If you want to kill off faith in God, kill anything with the disease.
If you want to kill off Atheism, kill off anything with the disease.
If you want to kill off science, kill anything with the disease.
If you want to kill off lice, kill off anything with the disease.
If you want to kill off the common cold, kill off anything with the disease.
If you want to kill off bad attitudes, kill off anything with the disease.
If you want to kill off stupidity, kill off anything with the disease.
If you want to kill off the killing, kill off anything with the disease.

Easy plan, anything you want to be rid of, just kill off anything that carries it, “Me Tarzan. You Insane.”

See, James is opposed to it, so it’s a good plan. I’m feeling more and more confident about this.

Simple minded is, what simple minded does.

Don’t put yourself down like that James.

Hmm, my screen reeks of testosterone. :slight_smile:

Testosterone doesn’t do that Kris, your associating other neurotransmitters. Look at Rush Limbaugh… next to no Testosterone in his pathetic flabby worthless body, but can rant and insult and make endless comebacks.

What gets done to insects, gets done to you in today’s world.

There is another option.
Find a way to medicate bat food with an antibiotic. I was also thinking that killing off the carrier could possibly transfer the disease to new carriers, rodents, insects, etc. We know the carcasses won’t all be disposed of safely. It would be decades before the disease pop backs up and chances are it would have evolved to be worse. Leave the carriers and work on cures. Control carriers , not eradicate the carriers. Germs and viruses mutate quickly naturally when faced with toxins. Sure wish we could adapt that quick.