Official: Post a Picture of Yourself

What’s the word on the beard?
I may join you, actually. How bout we grow for a year…friendly comp?
Post now/then photos, maybe.


Very pretty Magsjy - but whatever were you thinking? I think he’s in trouble!!! :mrgreen:

Your eyes are beautifully shaped. :slight_smile:

[tab]my boner when this entire thread of sexy philosoraptors

Er… it’s good to know you’re enjoying the thread Cori - thanks for the positive feedback, I think :confused:

Fun times here people. Fun times.


If I’m ever down your way, we’ll hang out. You have good taste in liquor, at least. You look exactly like this crazy motherfucker Colton I knew in High School. He could have made a great deal of money on the side doing what you do, so to speak, except he frequently used his entire inventory.

Dude you should book this cruise I’m taking in October. I only need 3 more rooms booked to get a group rate. 8 days of booze, islands, and casino chips, also, there might be a shit ton of hos, but if you’re married and faithful and all you could probably just ignore them. Leaving from Ft. Lauderdale October 6th. Think about it man. You’ll have a tan in the winter.

I would love to, and appreciate the invite, but I wouldn’t go on vacation without my wife and kids with me.

Actually, I haven’t taken a vacation in six years. I don’t recommend taking that much time off from work at once, could get replaced.

Dude I’ve developed a vacation addiction. I’m trying to go and stay with some friends sometime this year in a place called taos valley. It’s like skiiing on the tops of the mountains, then desert at the bottom. A sinus infection waiting to happen. I didn’t even know the place existed until a few months ago. Google it man it looks amazing. It’ll probably be forever before I can make it there. But it is all about planning in advance.

You know the lowest per person rates for cruise ships are for families of 4 staying in the same room. Everything’s included except alcohol, stuff at the gift shops and casino chips. They also will kennel the kids and give them activities and stuff, and have the locations of the kids strategically placed near all the stuff you’d want to do. I’m going on a fucking submarine in October man. Mind=blown.

Thank you kindly Arc… I was single at that time so maybe I was thinking of things to come (pardon the pun, ahem) :laughing: but when are we gonna see a pic of you and your long dark lucious locks? :slight_smile:

That’s in my neck o’ the woods :slight_smile: There are several beautiful places to ski around here. A friend of mine from work just spent the weekend snowboarding in Durango, CO, just a few hours north. If I were you, I’d plan to make a loop and try to hit a few different spots.

Maybe I should post a picture…

Please do :smiley:

I was born with stare-into-your-soul syndrome.

Jesus Christ, you should really get that table removed from your chin. What happened…? Some kind of parachute failure over IKEA…?

Nice hair dude :slight_smile:

Thanks! I feel shy commenting about this photo, the image of it is obviously several orders of magnitude more intense than your friendly neighborhood pezer is in reality.

If you know any good table surgeons…

Awww, don’t be shy P :wink: you’re very easy on the eye… so revel in that fact :slight_smile:

Your mother told me that it was a witch, who put a curse on her unborn child, you.