Philosophy For Us Dummies

You mean words of anger (though some anger is righteous so not necessarily violent) though they may seem to inflict violence on the party receiving them. Hateful words can be seen as violent.

How is that Jr since nature is a part of the person? Maybe you can say a separation from the “higher self”? Why do we always compartmentalize ourselves? :mrgreen:

We are nature and the Universe experiencing itself, life is. We are godly due to our being able to discover new and old, possessing knowledge, influence and creating through action from discovery.

Why do we have to make ourselves into gods, Artimas - divine? Why? Is it so difficult to stomach our humanity? Well, sometimes it but at other times we are wonderfully human - those who are that is.

Not divine. It is people who have corrupted the meaning with their own interpretations of it all. We are it, attached to life and all there is with the ability to influence and create more.

it isn’t some magical phenomenal thing like people want to paint it. It’s simple, we painted god in our image not they who painted us in theirs. Thus, since we do the painting. We are it.

why do you even use the word god or godly

To show people we are it and to stop interpreting it as something else, as something “divine”, which they always do. Is there another word for it?

Wouldn’t you normally equate god or godly with the divine, Artimas?

We are “it”? What does it stand for? The most? We are the most? :mrgreen:

i don’t associate god with the divine because we are god. Are we divine? We are it as in we are “god”. We are the shepherds here so it seems. The universe, aware of itself and able to add to it.

Ah, but at that point, we are just as much God as we are not God as God would still be its separate entity. Such could be stated that at times we are exactly equal to God and at other times greater and most of the time lesser and it depends on the perception you use and God uses along with the varying perceptions used by others around the world. We are but parts of a whole; creations of a creator; and are made in the image of that creator, if you’re to believe that as well. Which image, though; if life is equal and God is the concept of the living universe; a bridge in consciousness between ours and its called the subconscious.

We are divine insofar as we choose to exemplify those parts of our selves most often; we are not divine insofar as we choose to allow others to drag us down with negativity and tell us something is wrong that we know is not wrong in the circumstances presented. At the same point, you have to consider that God itself is not divine at times, ‘falling from grace’ so to speak in a multitude of ways just the same as we can fall from stable frames of mind into disjointed and disorganized chaos. At the same point as being able to call our selves equal to others, even those we view to be lesser than us, you would have to assume that such a God would have to do the same and in reality isn’t very equal with us because of the magnitude and intensity of its powers, visions, etc. Where there are a huge variety of ways that we are equal to each other if we truly look, there are also those we are far beyond and will always be beyond in terms of living life, but only because of natural advantage or disadvantage and when we chose to start developing our talents, if we’re able to make such a conscious choice.

And yet, some of the most unlikely people in the world have the chance to far surpass you in the space of just a few years if they find the right motivation; so naturally filled with potential that they are. So, where is there true equality save that of proper perception used to find motivation to develop your own talents and skills by learning as much as you can at whatever pace life provides, yet constantly seeking to fit into your own pace of things through it all and at that very point, you may count your self equal to God who must still remind themselves of such, assuredly; as with an immortal consciousness, you would have to make your self forget quite a lot over long periods of time that would still come back to memory from time to time.

True equality that states that while there is something we are far better than others at; there is something they are far better than us at. Equality that states that the same finality happens to all regardless of how each person treats others and is treated by others. Equality that states that we are free neither from the consequences of our own actions or the consequences of others or the consequences of God actions. And through that combined slavery, we will equally find freedom through working together; not divided as we think we have to be to keep individuality. I’ve found that the true difference between people is not personality though there is a decent variety, but in voices. Your voice defines your personality to other peoples ears and even your own, fine-tuning even that over time. The simple fact is that personalities are very close even if we can’t individually see such being caught up in something or another or witnessing someone else caught up in something. We often like to think we wouldn’t act in such a way and yet the viewing causes us to learn not to and we would never know if we would have done that or not if we had never viewed such happening.

They say that the meek will inherit the earth and yet how would the meek inherit anything without first ceasing to be meek and to stand up for themselves in one way or another? The only way is for someone to honor the promise given by a God and to enable each meek person to become their own shepherd in an ultimate act of trust and faith, as it could very well destroy the world. The question becomes, how do you force free will on people who deny their free will with free will to enable others to act with their free will for them? Seems that no matter how you approach the problem throughout history, there’s still some elite people taking care of a lot of ingrates. You either have people happily and ignorantly following someone who may or may not swiftly be losing patience with their own people or you have a bunch of pissed off people that make being the leader quite impossible except to the truly ignorant who are strictly selfish and can have base greed overcome the logic center that should definitely know better by now; that gullibility and naivety in men and women and some times even still? just the willful act of not educating people properly because no one wants to go through and make sure that each parent is spending quality time with their kids because no one truly wants to actually work unorthodoxically to solve the problem of the insanity; since the orthodox manner doesn’t seem to be working so much as it is just prolonging the inevitable; running rampant through our societies that we try to pretend does not exist except when we talk of religion and the spirit and that ‘devil’ which I am beginning to assume is not so much a devil as a stinted and stunted child that got shoved into darkness for its mischievous nature and interest in things viewed to be taboo.

We like to pretend that dark and evil creatures don’t exist and yet so many people see them with their minds eye over time to create our horror movies and books, etc. There seems to be a tenuous and very questionable sense of ‘reality’ that is embraced by the masses that they use to press their vision of reality onto others without realizing that a greater reality still breaks through into our minds and we use our minds every single day to affect reality without even noticing; the only way to stop doing so would be simply to kill your self or to die and even in that final act, you would still affect the reality around you in ways you would never be able to guess at even if you had viewed thousands upon millions of similar acts just because of the unpredictability of people and their choices of perceptions and how well insanity can hide until it overwhelms those who seek to recover; simply because people don’t do enough to placate that insanity in themselves in minor harmless ways before it gets to that point.

If we are divine, we are divine through God alone as God alone would be the final witness necessary to determine your divinity and not in such a short-term scenario as you ask and he goes, well, shit; yeah man, you’re divine,’ but in a long-term sense having seen your struggles and trials in life and how you’ve handled them and without even being asked, shows you your own divinity in briefness, simply to test your humility and how you might respond to that over a long period of time instead of brief outbursts since brief outbursts are not enough to determine the long term. Who you are in any given moment will often be forgotten in the long term as you find a dominating part of your own personality to follow along to. In the end, who is it really calling you divine except the voices in your own head, if they would be so brash and rash to do so directly, since they probably wouldn’t use that word unless you were really caught up in mental masturbation to the point of extreme silliness unless you could determine the context of the situation as true and right and be confident in the knowledge of that.

In what twist and turn of our consciousness can we truly determine divinity in our selves or others? That is the question that has already been answered far too many times throughout history and yet is still asked by people hoping hopefully to escape putting the work in as if it hadn’t been answered so sincerely and adequately that many times already in so many varying ways: Deny the darkness within. And yet, there is no balance with that pursuit, is there. I taught my darkness self-control and moderation and appropriate behavior because there are times where it is completely appropriate to just let loose and it fucking loves those moments, whereas other people would sit there in those moments lost and afraid and not knowing what to do for having killed the voices in their own heads that would tell them what to do to adapt. If you fear something and repress it and then it shows up, it will be way worse than if you just accepted it and tried to make allowances for it and tried to teach it something better. You fail to work on it and when you fail to work on something of that magnitude within yourself for the greater good you wish to so claim to be working toward, whether quietly or loudly, then who or what could claim you to be divine? Which blinded creature of either extreme; dark and light; claim your divinity or lack of such? And what misguided religion that fails to teach appropriate balance in life will last in the long term beyond the present age save that which has already been widely accepted in its multitude of presentations?

I find it continually funny how humanity knows what’s going to happen next and tries so brilliantly to say ‘uhh… we have no fucking clue what happens next,’ and frankly, they do so because it was so brilliantly called ages before any of us ever lived by some people who would never harm another person without due cause because they could already so easily see the long-term repercussions of events and people who refused to try at all saw nothing. Not to mention the people who thought they were born for such ‘visions’, which were simply ‘common sense’, because they had been told by others that they were only to find out in the long term that it was someone else. To which do you attribute divinity and why and when and where?

we are not god

When people start creating humans and perhaps other species without birthing, I think you will change your mind.

art----the creation of life on earth is a mystery…evolution is strange…we are insignificant in the universe…we will become extinct

So does ‘god’ mean creator to you? Because we seem to be creating quite a bit and are capable of that trait. “god” is the fundamental force of nature which strives through and within all life here and perhaps in the Universe(s). What separates us from the rest of species here is that we have the ability to discover and retain knowledge quickly, new and old. Then not only may we discover but we may use said discoveries to formulate our own idea’s to act off of and create what we want with it.

In the most simplest terms I can put it. Knowledge is god, it’s infinite, it’s powerful, it may be divine but it can also be chaotic. Most of all, anyone can have it if they so choose.

The biggest mistake of humanity, thinking it is something else, something magical and out of reach when it is right in front of them all along, such a tragedy. Similar to Einsteins quote. “The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible”

art—we need to find a definition of god that we both agree on…we are just going around in circles…what do you suggest

It’s knowledge. Because knowledge can fit into just about any scenario. Ancient beings being here before us that we depict as ‘gods’ in stories. Ourselves, etc.

I cannot agree on that definition…will you accept that the word god means a person creator…if not please make another suggestion…

That’s the great thing about the universe. It doesn’t need your approval.

Words mean whatever we want them to mean. They aren’t set in stone, they can be corrupted as well. Which language has been in a sense, causes more confusion.

I am trying to find a definition that we can both agree on…we need to know whether we are talking about apples or fruitcake…then we can understand each other…

I don’t view “god” as some man in the sky that created everything. It’s a fundamental force of nature that strives through and within all life. Knowledge as well.
