Philosophy is dead

80% of philosophy is bullshit/insanity, 20% is clear psycho-pathological and personality compensations.

There is a tiny sliver of maybe 0.00001% that is doing real philosophy. So I guess the thesis is wrong, philosophy isn’t dead, it’s on serious life support.

80% stupid bullshit
19.99999% psychological compensation
0.00001% truth

Tell me about this 0.00001% truth?

I’ll think about it.


K: so are you saying Plato, Kant, Nietzsche are involved in “Stupid bullshit” or
are they “psychological compensation”


Philosophy is dead?

No. Philosophy is possibly dying but not dead. And the next one is science. Science has been becoming more and more religious. Maybe both will be dead in the near future. But is that what you would like to appreciate?

It has died before. It will die again … and again.

Wyld, You are right, if You were not. then the observation that ’ everyone is a philosopher’ would certainly serve as an epithat.

I was referring to the state of philosophy today, and yes I was being a tad hyperbolic, but only a tad.

Most philosophers are dead.

In order to be a philosopher you should be almost dead.

it wont die until we have answered the questions about what we are. then we will need to ask the questions about who we are, and what do we do with that, the universe and whatever potential futures present themselves.

I can’t imagine it dying in the lifespan of humanity and beyond [to whatever we become/get replaced with].

Philosophy died when Abrhamic god died, and was resurrected as another word…one as fantastic, absolute, and detached from reality…one as undefinable, emotional, placed in the mouths of children, now invited to sit on the adult table, as a human, if not god-given, right.
Philosophy died, when art declined, and along with it language, when in the void left behind, when Nihilism secularized, erasing past/nature, leaving minds in limbo, desperate for a new find.
When an elephant could paint, and be sold as valuable, by knaves triggering human vanity, using peer-pressure to manipulate stupidity…philosophy died.
When all declared themselves worth listening to, women, children and retards too, philosophy, and the human spirit died.

When it became political, concerned about keeping friends, making amends, feeling good, selling goods, conserving alliance, buying appliances…philosophy died.

and now, that words need not refer to the real, like art, pretend to be profound, with a line, a lump, a bump, a rhyme, it is being buried, by well-meaning buffoons, wanting to be loved, and hugged, and appreciated… not having the parental care they craved…how many reincarnations, new comings, rebirths, will we endure, can we tolerate…messiahs born every night, and like fools and their money, soon departing before the morning light.

Where philosophy lives, no knave can enter, no imbecile trespass, no coward endure the entrance fee.
Philosopher = hybrid half-scientist, half-artist…Who but a half-man, half-beast, a monster could endure the costs, to be found among the lost?

Philosophy will never die, until there is at least one person asks fundamental questions about the questions which occupied men’s minds, about our place in this eternally changing world, unless every question will be answered by a machine, or man WIIL bevome a god himself.

Man will never die as a species, and he is living in his eternity
That is more likely than suppose a general human non existence, which came close only once: during the supposed biblical period of Noah.

…But God promised never to do that again…!.

Outside of ancient Greece, philosophy has been almost dead everywhere at any time; this is its essence, that it is exclusive, ‘divine’, as in of the highest standard. This is what philosophy is. Holding the highest standard.

Now, there is a bunch of people writing books with complicated sentences that revolve around themselves, but this is not philosophy, even if it treats it as a subject. Philosophy is basically best reflected in Excalibur. The best sword stuck in the hardest stone. Only one man can pull it out of there. The Philosopher is Arthur. The Sword is Philosophy and the stone is the wretchedness of the mundane human condition, above which only the Philosopher can rise and remain; in the olden days there was no difference between ‘god’ and philosophy; the ‘anointed one’ is simply the one who sees the full measure and beauty that he, as a physiological miracle, is entitled to and responsible for.

People forget that it is the love of wisdom, that philosophy is primarily a matter of valuing very highly a particular thing; and let this particular thing be valuing in such a way as to hold this valuing itself in the highest esteem. The wheel of affirmation is the worlds true logic — in as far as the world can be said to be logical.

Wisdom comes through deep understanding, and understanding is a function of valuing.

As naive as this sounds – the world is naive – the higher one values something, the greater ones chances of understanding it. Understanding requires involvement.

Example from trend; one may value ‘women’ and treat all individual women from a general understanding of the gender, or one may love a particular woman and consider all women from the understanding born out of that love - the player vs the lover; different levels of involvement resulting in different types of understanding and different actions and results. But if one values nothing about women or any woman in particular at all, one will be entirely ignorant and incapable of addressing a woman.

‘Modern science’ (a contradiction in terms) is ‘built’ (tumbles around) in the belief that one must be disinterested to observe.

Euclides, Pythagoras, Archimedes, Galileo, Copernicus, Netwon and Einstein, perhaps two thirds of the tract of hard discovery, were all men that observed the world entranced by its magnificence.

Trance; concentration.

Please do not judge the state of philosophy by this forum

Philosophy is dead or it is the ability to traverse across human insanity? Which is it?

It can’t be dead and insane both.

I don’t.

Philosophy has been usurped by neuroscience and psychology.