
Do your self a favour satanical read my letter called no point. There you should understand just how stupid you sound. Little attention seeking lad.


aye yawn right enough ya freak. Go on beat it.

You obviously have no interest in learning. (as you already know everything)
Why don’t you educate me in the feild of Satanism, then, since you obviously know far more than I do.

The word satanism itself is a challenge towards the church. It’s quite laughable when you think about it.

Please pick another belief that isn’t at heart a prepubescent challenge against christianity. If it wasn’t it would be called something else than Satanism.

I must say that you guys have no idea what you are talking about. I have read that the idea of Satan, as I mentioned about Lucifer, pre-dates many of the Hebrew ideas. I believe that Satan, or a word very close to that, was the name of a Persian diety, if I’m not mistaken.

Let’s play a little word game. Say the first word that pops into your mind when you read the following word: Satan.

Or better yet, find somebody who isn’t contaminated by this thread and ask them.

I’d bet that most people associate Satan with the evil opponent of God rather than some old god. It really isn’t as important what the word may mean but rather how most people will perceive it. And whoever molded Satanism into what it is today knew that.


You could say the same thing about the word Republican, Democrat, Cop, or any value laden title. However, that does not mean that to the person that is one of those that they must abide by a standard definition. A Republican can redefine the whole concept if they wish and they say that now I am a RebublicanX2, or that they are a “realy” Republican and so forth.

Since this is a philosophy board I assume that people can create their own definitions and whatnot.

All of that aside though, what I said about the belief systems is accurate and I have been reading about it for easily over ten years if not twenty.

You can make all the definitions you want, but it won’t change what people associate the word with.

When you follow a philosophy you should be prepared to accept that some people will have preconceived thoughts of what that means. Thus you are also responsible for what people think you are (eg. that a satanist worships satan).

If you decide to believe in somet idea that (almost) everybody associates with having some property, and you realise that most people associate that idea with said property, then you accept that people will view you that way. When a politician decides he is a democrat he must realise that people will associate him with democracy and will not understand it if he suddenly goes against democracy.

Why should ‘what people think’ define my actions?
Read THIS for an answer to your question. Satanism is not what most people think it is. As a general rule we like it that way :wink:

The name Satanism suits the religion to a tee. Satan worship is something completely different. If this doesn’t make sense to you, I really don’t care.

Actually, many black people have taken the word “nigger” and attempt use it in a positive way. It seems to be working.

Also, it is a riot that you are telling a Satanist that he must be sensitive to public pressure. Very good.

Because it should.

I personally don’t go around insulting people and talking behind their backs (not saying that you are), I believe that we all have to live in fairly peaceful co-existance. One does not take a dump in ones own garden.

It is clear that you and I lead completely different existances.
We Satanists have a term for people that follow eachother blindly in circles.
'The Herd"


oh my god! thank you sooo much you guys! that was HILARIOUS!

how cuute! Iron Dog you are just something else!
what on earth is better than being stereotypical and being as impossible to reach as a brick wall?

why shouldnt you care about what people thinK?
oh dear, you need to be educated, my love!!!

i dont really want to explain this! this is REDICULOUS! PATHEIC! SILLY!
you guys must still be in HIGH SCHOOL!

“gee whiz,look, bobby! that guy said that he’s a satanist, he must worship the DEVIL!”
“thats right, Jane! because everyone sees the devil from a christian point of view, and everyone has to worship SOMEONE! i mean, how could a person have their own set of morals?! by golly thats absurd!”

i am shocked at iron dog’s stupidity, at the fact that alderian is actually thinking, and that dr satanical actually POSTED in this thread! IM ASHAMED OF ALL OF YOU!

(i dont really give a fuck about kolibri cos hes not gonna last long here…and i love imp, hes very predictable)

thanks for taking time out of your guys’ day to let me have a good time!

  -from your tree-fucking liberal punk-rock-legendary anarchommunist-with-major-nihilism-issues best internet friend

The reason that you think that I’m thinking is because I actually said something on your elementary level.

the reason you think that i think youre thinking only cos you said something on my “elementary level” is because you are below that level!

You are like fighting kittens. I love kittens.

OMG! i lovee kittens too! we must be TWINNS!!!

I have to inform you that I’m not.

so by “im not” do you mean “i do not exist”