
Equal2u you make very good points. As I said I am sure that all these social mores and folkways we endure about sexuality are so powerful as to be very burdensome to most any person. I myself believe that we have constructed a society whose very foundation is the illusion of needing sexuality to be righteous. Also it seems to me that regardless of what religion you look at whenever a leading character in the story flees into the light it is because they fear something in the darkness of their own libido.
If that is true the answer is not to reject their polarization with one of our own. As someone once said virtue is found in the middle. And by virtue I mean health and reason. For the most part the sexocracy is already being lived in Nevada. Let me reaffirm my delight in your openmindedness. I know I could be very wrong because I know I CANNOT see through the matrix of religious bullshit that has been dumped on me from every angle possible. But I think that even though I would never want to vindicate anyones motives for teaching that nonsense I FEEL as opposed to think that there is some grain of truth at its foundation. We are completely free and I hold becoming one Neitzche’s free spirits to be my highest aspiration. Still I can’t help but think that anyone who has lived through a highly promiscuos phase of their lives doesn’t think that they have offered intimacy to cheaply.

Thanks Jam but I don’t think a status based economy has replaced the financial one in Nevada. I don’t think sex workers are adored there and I don’t think drugs have been legalised either. I am sure there is a lot of happiness in the world. I’m not arguing the world is a dystopia. Although it could go that way with global economic collapse and nuclear war. I’m arguing the world is somewhere between a dystopia and a utopia. Probably it is closer to a dystopia than a utopia. I’m giving my way to bring about utopia. Or as close to utopia as humanity can get.

I hear you friend but utopia is a rather outdated philosophical idea. I just want to point out that all attempts to find one have failed. The knights of the round table sought the quest of the holy grail and the conquistadors sought the fountain of youth. I see the absudity of the belief that sexuality makes you righteous. That is what I want to offer as the real marix. For some reason everyone thinks that their sex needs to be righteous. The dysfunction however is not sex, its righteousness. If a sexocracy is established people will find another way to lord their righteousness at others. That righteousness is what sets brother against brother and is the source of terrorism today.

I think people are insecure and fear that they are inferior. To allay these fears they seek to define themselves as superior. They do this by defining others as inferior. This is why inegalitarian ideologies consume societies. Some of these ideologies are generally socially unacceptable (racism) some are much more socially acceptable (hatred of criminals) some are very conspicuous (homophobia) some are more subtle (perception of the poor as inferior, ageism), but they all result in individuals feeling superior to others which makes them feel good. Even in prison there is a hierarchy with armed robbers at the top and paedophiles at the bottom, while paedophiles sometimes believe they are superior. All these inegalitarian ideologies spring from peoples’ insecurities and the peoples’ insecurities spring from sexual frustration. Once a society constructs the correct hierarchy, the Sexocracy, where the sexual service providers- the beautiful young people who choose to share their beauty with others in the most intimate way, are placed at the top, then the population will be sexually fulfilled, their insecurities will disappear and everyone will be able to live in peace and harmony without the need for artificial hierarchies based on hatred and contempt.

I hear you. But I would like to question as a philosopher whether a universal peace and harmony is a good thing. If you look around you will not see it in nature. Ecosystems live by competition for everything. The animal kingdom is dog eat dog. And my own personal belief is that evolution only occurs through the collision of things. You are correct in sight the insecurity of mankind but I think you have no data to back up the premise that it comes solely from sexual frustratrion. Hey, my girlfriend gives me more than I can handle and I am still insecure as the next guy. Insecurity is built into life on planet earth. I think the fact of the matter is that if the only thing to really suffer the sings and arrows for is sex, most will not work very hard at all. Also, you fail to ask why do we want sex. Its not simply for and orgasm. As you point out we seek sex because we are designed to seek union. That union relieves frustration in many ways but most importantly it soothes the isolation our being experiences in life. That soothing cannot be found in casual sex. As a matter of fact casual sex has a tendency to increase your isolation. These are the psychosexual aspects of sexuality that that require intimacy of the mind and body in sexual union to relieve isolation on a lasting basis. It is why we create art. Art also allows us to unite with beauty on an ethereal plain that calms the soul.

The human species has achieved things that no other species has. Other organisms are not concerned with morality the way humans are. With the technological advances we have made, it is now in our power to control evolution. We have the ability to alter the genetic makeup of human beings at conception. Technology will allow us in the future to eliminate diseases and to bring about the most dramatic increase in evolutionary change in history, resulting in human beings with superior intelligence and resilience.

You don’t seem very insecure. How would you feel if your girlfriend had sex with another man?

I do ask why we want sex. We want sex because we feel pleasure when we have it and if we don’t have it we feel pain.

Other organisms don’t have similar morality because they lack the awareness to be metacognitive. Believe me I am not advocating herd moraltiy but the hope you place in technology has been touted for a long time and it hasn’t happened yet. When I was young they told us that nuclear power would solve all the worlds problems. That was sure false. Then it was the geneome and nanotechnology. Sorry they have all become ways for the rich to get richer. And because I would be upset if my girlfriend had sex with someone else is precisely why the sexocracy will never work. I hope you find this out but great sex is in the mind.

I’m not claiming that technology will solve all the world’s problems. Genetic engineering is something that has developed rapidly in just the last few years. I’m claiming the only solution to the world’s problems is the Sexocracy.

Why would you be upset if your girlfriend had sex with someone else?

Well actually gentetic engineering has been around in one form or another for a long time. The Nazis tried very hard to establish a superior race. Involuntary sterilization of the poor was pacticed until very recently in quite a few states in the USA. Certainly genetic engineering holds promise for curing disease but for the rest evolution only occurs through random collisions and mistakes are guaranteed but at least when nature does it no one is to blame and nature solves it. Who is going to be responsible for the mistakes in genetic engineering. But really as deep as sexuality is in human life it plain and simply is not the answer to every wish of the spirit. I’ll grant you it has been blamed for all the problems by most religious types but that is a witchhunt. And really the sexocracy would be a kind of anti-gentic engineering because the SSP is unlikely to want to have a child without that father as companion and co-nourterer. The reason I would be unhappy if my girlfriend had sex with another is because you can only give yourself to one at a time. Now you don’t have to give yourself in union but that’s when sex really rocks. Just a pretty body gets old quick.

Thanks Jam. I know genetic engineering has been around for some time. I said that it has developed rapidly over the past few years not that it has emerged over the past few years.

Human beings have always made mistakes. The Titanic sank, does that mean human beings should have stopped building ships? Look at the Thalidomide tragedy, does that mean human beings should have stopped making new medicines? Genetic engineering is the way forward, but we have to tread very carefully.

Not all females in the Sexocracy are SSPs.

I know girls who’ve given themselves to lots of guys at a time. I don’t know what ‘give yourself in union’ means but I think sex ‘rocks’ when you have it with someone young and beautiful. Is your girlfriend young and beautiful?

Sorry neither of us are young, I am 56 and she is 47. And beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I agree wholeheartedly on the value of genetic engineering. I respect your viewpoint and really admire openminded, unique and daring thinkers. I just want you to be aware, as you are, that you are a utopian. I was one myself as a young man. It is a highly seductive way of thinking but experience has taught me that everything is more complex than that. I do not want to be patronizing but I think I am gonna leave this thread to you. But like I said I will accord it the same respect I do the manifesto or any other sincere philosophical endeavor.

Thanks. No offense intended but ‘beauty in the eye of the beholder’ is a fallacy. We all know who the beautiful ones are. I think you want sex with beautiful young women just like all the other heterosexual men. All this ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ and stuff about sex in union and revelations of the self are things you tell yourself to convince yourself you actually believe them. I’m sure the corresponding situation exists for your girlfriend too.

I don’t actually think a perfect uptopia can ever be achieved. But I think society can be dramatically improved, but only when human beings accept reality rather than living in a state of continuous dogma and denial.

I am very glad to hear you are not a total utopian. And I really do think your sexocracy has value in establishing the real norms of sexuallity. But here is the problem that I admit confuses me. We are both right. I whole heartedly believe that the need to believe your fucking is righteous is perhaps the single most common organizing principle of society. But I also believe that righteousness is an illusion. And that is what I hope the sexocracy could help me with is seeing the insidious creeping of righteousness into my mind. I hope I never stop wanting to be in union with beauty. But I guarantee you that some woman will come along and make you forget this entire thing. When it happens there is no doubt you are in love. And the thought of her with another wil make you very unhappy. A surrogate will not do it for you, it will only cheapen what you hold dear. You will know why sex with a sex worker is an affront to the gift that has been revealed lto you. It will make you see evrything in a new way. Granted this is a paradox for me and everyone else with an open mind. But one of the most liberating things you can attain in life is the need to have all the answers. Also you know the idea that modern society has for the ideal female body is a fairly recent one. If you go to the art museum you will see that during the rennaissance the ideal form was a somewhat plump body. I only say this to show how the media can dictate our most central beliefs of self and even our desires.

I am very glad to hear you are not a total utopian. And I really do think your sexocracy has value in establishing the real norms of sexuallity. But here is the problem that I admit confuses me. We are both right. I whole heartedly believe that the need to believe your fucking is righteous is perhaps the single most common organizing principle of society. But I also believe that righteousness is an illusion. And that is what I hope the sexocracy could help me with is seeing the insidious creeping of righteousness into my mind. I hope I never stop wanting to be in union with beauty. But I guarantee you that some woman will come along and make you forget this entire thing. When it happens there is no doubt you are in love. And the thought of her with another wil make you very unhappy. A surrogate will not do it for you, it will only cheapen what you hold dear. You will know why sex with a sex worker is an affront to the gift that has been revealed lto you. It will make you see evrything in a new way. Granted this is a paradox for me and everyone else with an open mind. But one of the most liberating things you can attain in life is the need to have all the answers. Also you know the idea that modern society has for the ideal female body is a fairly recent one. If you go to the art museum you will see that during the rennaissance the ideal form was a somewhat plump body. I only say this to show how the media can dictate our most central beliefs of self and even our desires.

I’m not quite sure what you mean by righteousness. I am an extreme egalitarian. I believe that all human beings are fundamentally equal in value. No human being is fundamentally superior or inferior to another. Adolf Hitler and Martin Luther King are fundamentally equal in value. The serial kiler who has murdered hundreds of children and the doctor who has spent his life earning a fraction of what he could do to save hundreds of children’s lives in a poverty stricken are fundamentally equal in value.

If I had a beautiful young girlfriend and I found out she was having sex with someone else I would be worried that she was going to leave me. If she said that she was going to have me and this other guy as her boyfriends I would be fine with this. If I had a girlfriend I would not treat her as my possession. Who she has sex with is between her and whoever she is having sex with, I have no moral right to object whether she is my girlfriend or not. Just because she’s my girlfriend doesn’t mean she’s my possession.

Sex with a sex worker is not an affront to anyone. It is simply an economic transaction like any other. I get sex, she gets money. Just like when I go to my local shop I get bread and milk and they get money. Condemning sex work as an affront to anything is an affront to reason.

There was a lot more slavery and executions during the Renaissance. Civilization has progressed a great deal since then, human rights have emerged. Perhaps it isn’t that the media is dictating our ideals of beauty but that the media is demonstrating our increasing accuracy as to what the true nature of beauty really is.

I admire your egalitaian views but your answers are full of if’s and maybe’s. They cannot be taken seriously until you have concrete data to support them. First find a girlfriend, allow her to have sex with another and then talk to me. Would you personally aspire to be an SSP for homosexuals? The idea of fundamental equality is a fact of law in the USA but most people are constantly judging each other everyday. That is what I mean by righhteousness. It is the concept that anything you do makes you relatively better than another. Historically righteousness has either been equated with wealth or sexuality. In america people will pay exorbitant sums of money to live with people they think have the same status and views as themselves because they think it makes them better than those who posses less of those things. Most all religion is involved with telling people if they violate any sexual norms, even God holds you in contempt if you do not repent. You cannot even open a porno shop within proximity of a church or school. That’s what I mean by righteousness. I know that you see these problems also and their negative effects on society. You see its not sex that is the problem leading to societal problems. Its the belief that we are a fallen race that needs to be justified or made righteous.

I’d be an SSP in the Sexocracy if I was young and beautiful because the SSPs are the most rewarded people. Finding a girlfriend is easier said than done. Especially a young beautiful one. They don’t grow on trees. That’s one of the reasons why I am in favour of the Sexocracy.

I think it is lack of sexual fulfillment that leads to societal problems. And societal problems that lead to the lack of sexual fulfillment. The only way I can think of breaking the circle is to write about my views on ILP. This seems about as effective as going to war against the US military armed with a water pistol.

No you are very effective just not in the way you want. You are never going to create a sexocracy but you have shown yourself to be a philosopher. Maybe that knowledge will help you to find the girl of your dreams. There are a great many beautiful women who are only interested in money and power. But most of them find out eventually that it gets boring and shallow. What can really captivate them is believing that you are an interesting person to be with. At least if they think much. Don’t be cocky but don’t be intimidated either. If they think you are smart, interesting and fun its only natural fir them to want to hang out with you.

Thanks Jam. My solution to girls is to get my fucking balls cut off. That way I wont be bothered by them any more.

I’m glad you think I’m a philosopher. Not everyone does. I’m still waiting for Only Humean to explain to me why he thinks I have no familiarity with basic economics.

Probably because you don’t, hell even economists have no familiarity with basic economics, because it’s too dynamic to be easily predictable. They keep trying to package the way people will act on little boxes of numbers, but they keep getting it wrong. The only economists who are right are the ones who told you so before the fact, but they somehow didn’t have the ability to convince people at the time, because the herd was in full stampede mode. Indeed. :unamused:

Economics, it’s the weakest of all sciences, because there’s always some idiot who thinks it’s predictable because he went to Harvard. Let me ask you this though how many professors of economics are multi-millionaires. The answer is very few because they realise that the field is so diverse, so subject to seemingly random factors, and human nature cannot be predicted. Tenure is safe the stock market is a gamble that no one truly knows how to predict.

Bit off topic, but well…

“If all economists were laid end to end, they still wouldn’t reach a conclusion.”