The best and the worst book you've read?

Yes, I’m reading a book called Ringworld right now (I’ve been on a science fiction kick and I learned about Ringworld b/c it was part of the inspiration behind the Halo video game series). Next on my list is Steppenwolf. You can bet I’ll get to Narcissus and Goldmund and The Glass Bead Game eventually. Also, I noticed The Brothers Karamazov and The Grapes of Wrath on your list and it reminds me that I’ve been meaning to read them both for a while now.

Whenever you get around to reading any of those books, I would love to discuss them if you wish. That is some great literature. The Grapes of Wrath is my favorite book OF ALL TIME, and all the others are close to that. Happy reading!

For the moment I’ll say The Odyssey has been my best read so far, for no other reason other than I just remember thoroughly enjoying it all the way through

Like others, the actual bad books I’ve read were either not finished or have been banished from memory but I’ll say The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons mainly because they just left a bad taste in my mouth, like eating junk food, kinda tasty but bad.

Fuse mentioned Demian, I’ve got to say the work I’ve read so far of Hesse just simply irritates me, he’s just too…pansey-ish.

But my reading habits are terribly unimaginative, I tend to just to scour the “classics” section and pick an oldie but today I bought two fairly contemporary works by a guy called Houellebecq - Atomised and Platform, enjoying Atomised so far but I’ve also seen the film. Good shit.


Houellebecq: I read his Elementary Particles. What I thought was an above average book turned out to be a book I frequently think about.

Just found out this is the same book as the one I’ve just read: Atomised. I enjoyed, it’s been a while since I blasted through a book so quick, I’ll think I’ll mull it over for a couple of days, I think I’ll re-read Brave New World too because I felt this was somewhat aimed at being a prequel to it…

The best books I’ve read: Various books on history.

The worst book I’ve read: No one.

Best fiction works possibly Shogun, possibly The Son.

Worst, possibly Jurassic Park. Not a bad story but some of the passages are so inanely bad it seems like the author was mentally challenged.