Thread for Old Farts Only

prove it

Pictures or it didn’t happen.

Men do lie you know if you are say 52 and have the body of an 18 year old really then you are a freak and should offer yourself up to medical science. I don’t mean to be cruel but I bet compared to an 18 year old your skin is like sand paper. Age effects us all.

Some of em have soft skin. Freakishly soft, like a tummy that’s had a baby in it. :slight_smile:

Well, i once dated an 18 yr old with the body of a full-grown woman, so…

My say-so is proof enough, ok :wink: I was asked for my ID at a club the other night and I freaked out, and the security dude calmed me down and let me in coz I said why should I need ID when I’m a 41 y/o grown woman :angry:

Both genders tell me that I am lieing when I tell them my age, and I tell them who on earth would pretend to be older, but that still doesn’t convince them as they think I am trying to pull the wool over their eyes for some strange reason, so I just give up and go drink and dance some more…

I have been thinking about going to a geneticist to do just that, but forgot to look up the one that Smears suggested to me #-o thanks for the remind… I will let you know what happens :smiley:

I was just saying that old doesn’t mean fat and saggy for all of us, is all I was saying :slight_smile:

We like you just the way you are Mags, although some salacious pics would be appreciated as well. :sunglasses: :laughing:

Don’t tempt me Tent :evilfun:

I have a wild streak that I am trying to tame, so am still up for the risque and fun - me and a pal ended up in our underwear in a jacuzzi in an apartment on the Kings Road a few weeks back :smiley: I have a few battle-scars to prove it too, but my youth gene means that they are fading fast and will be a distant memory very soon like it never happened in the first place.


Consider yourself tempted… :wink: And pics of the battle scars are acceptable as well. Underwear… lacy? demure? what color? Hmmm, this may have to go to PM… :smiley:

TBH that still doesn’t convince me you have the skin of an 18 year old. Just that you don’t look like you are in your 50s but ok.

I’m not even convinced it’s a woman. Mater of fact, I feel a bit insulted; hurt feelings even…Is this how to treat all new members, Magsj? Get their hopes up and then dash them away - Ya know I’ve already had one of you chicks do that to me oin here already. :neutral_face:

Maaan, you younger crowd are a hard crowd to please today #-o will see what I can do in convincing all you doubters… :evilfun:

I’m waiting.

Ever heard the phrase “pictures or it didn’t happen”?

So you guys are gonna provide pictorial proof of your manliness, right?

[Probably should go with the PG-13 version, JT. :evilfun: ]

I suppose… did you like the purple thong or the one with tiger stripes? We won’t discuss the third pic. :sunglasses: Love those closeups shot with the wide angle lense. Nothing wrong with a little magnification. :laughing:

Do you mean pectoral?

I no longer care what you look like, sorry.

…and now, you have broken my heart with careless words such as these [-(

Well, these here boards are rife with flirt-fests, so watch your step my Rusty friend :slight_smile:

so… no pics? boo.