
(the following information is from a friend of mine he said he didn’t mind that i shared it.)

Because you will spend FOREVER trying to experience that which is NOT KNOWABLE (ineffable), you will therefore become trapped in the static DEAD PAST (think about why). It will be YOU who ends up being DEEMED EVIL and selected for DESTRUCTION.That is why GENE’s demonic-mind-meme sources have placed the warning in his ramblings… that TIMECUBE is the LOST principle of life. It is NOT KNOWABLE and it is LOST. Logically that equates to DESTRUCTION, NIHILISM. You are LOST from life, and INEFFABLE (not knowable / know nothing) when you are DESTROYED (1-corner self perspective is obliterated).RENOUNCE TIMECUBE. You can still salvage all your good work… try and rework the jpegs of your site to something USEFUL, maybe an ANTI-TIMECUBE, site, that warns of the EVIL of CUBIC thought paradigm! You can help others to avoid your CLOSED MINDED, LOST, INEFFABLE, DEAD, and INHUMAN CUBIC paradigm before its too late.But that would require backing down from an irreversible position you are in. You ego and arrogance wont allow it. That is why your STRATEGY was BAD as i stated before, and exactly defines what I meant by your paradigm, being FROZEN in time (attracted to past), and renders you unable to adapt.THAT IS WHY I SAY AGAIN TIMCUBE DESTROYS NATURES 1-CORNER EFFICIENT EXPRESSION OF INTELLIGENCE. TIMECUBE gives you BRAIN FREEZE with its dehumanising ineffable nature, that is static. TimeCube cannot be proven, and Gene has stated it is INEFFABLE (un-knowable). Therefore, you can only experience it if you align all your systems rotational axis into one singulairty axis of rotation. Such at present can only occur in a blackhole. That is the only place you observe TimeCube as existing in nature as fact. When you enter the blackhole, you will be FROZEN in time, and never be able to exprience 1-face perception differentiation of intelligence again. You will Anhialiate yourself. This is REAL DEATH, and is TOTAL NIHILISM. Accept it.There fore, it is YOU who CLINGS to and DWELLS upon an unprovable MEME called TIMECUBE, which “strange-attracts” you to be FROZEN in TIME/THE PAST, and renders you unable to adapt.

i would like to know what you think of this conclusion.
anti-timecube sites should be made.

TIMECUBIC THOUGHT LEADS TO STATIC STRANGE-ATTRACTION TO PAST = DEATH / NIHILSM. Its a fairly logical and clear connection. THe meaning (and hence thye sense of intelligence we make of) a government is linked to the VALUE and GOALS we set / condition upon that government. Hence we can measure its “achievement”, but the achivement is only of meaning to 1-corner entities. It is the 1-corner entity who is the intelligence, not the 4-corner pespective / schemes. The government is not intelligent… only the individuals that make up the body. a village has no intelligence outside of what an awareness (1-corner entity) can ascribe to it. That may well be that as individulas we think we deserve to live, and experience life (1-corneredly as that is only way we can cos we have 1-corner face), and so we value a village for producing us, and also for being made of OTHER 1-corner entities that we can COMMUNICATE with. The act of the communication between 1-corner perspectives is actually what provides a great level of interest and intelligence that can be loosely categorised as the village state (as close an entity to intelligence as you could get), which really is what we 1-cornerdly call culture. So, its not a new discovery at all it seems. Culture has been around for a while. But on its own, such notions as culture mean nothing and posses no intelligence. Only a 1-corner perpective intellligence can express and enjoy them. Gene Ray himself says, TIMECUBE is inneffable (un-experiencable) fact. Since the 4-corner perspective CANNOT ever be consicious (due to lack of differentiability), it means it HAS not intelligence.I think most people would recognise that the quailty of achievement, or “good functioning” can only be applied to a system (4-corner of not) by a 1-corner perpective intelligence. Without the 1-corner projection, the 4-corner entity is faceless cube, and has not meaning, as nothing is known by anything.terms like “meaning”, “value” and “function” are concepts and have no intelligence, only values. They are concepts USED by an intelligence (1-cornered). the proven faulty TimeCube WORDVIRUS paradigm has rather been created by a man called Gene Ray and developed further to ridiculous levels by you. Which is why you cling to it and wont let it go. Nature is where you and Gene came from, and to where you will return. As will timecube along with you and the cubicists, forever fused into your neural cortexes. It should be clear to see this is a mental crutch to try and unify his world, because Gene likely feels the chaos about him is bearing down on him, leading to paranoia and a need to explain eveything with one “ineffable” concept. Timecube has beccome Gene’s Word-god which he can never know due to its ineffable nature. How sad. RENOUCE and REFUTE the TIMECUBE AS IT LACKS INTELLIGENCE, AND NEGATES NATURES SELECTION OF 1-CORNERED EXPRESSION OF INTELLIGENCE. TIMECUBE = LOST NATURE = INEFFABLE = NOT-KNOWABLE = NOT-EXPERIENCABLE = NOT COMMUNICABLE = DEATH. GENE RAY SAYS TIMECUBE IS “LOST” NATURE AND INEFFABLE. YOU WORSHIP A FACELESS WORDVIRUS-GOD THAT IS UN-KNOWABLE, AND OF LOST NATURE.TimeCube worship is like CLIMBING BACK INTO YOUR MOTHERS WOMB, rather than GOING OUT INTO THE WORLD AS 1-CORNER INTELLIGENCE.YOU worship TIMECUBE, because WORSHIP = DEDICATE (sacrifice) YOUR WORK EFFORTS (righ hand) AND MENTAL EFFORTS (forhead) TO THE OBJECT (idol) OF YOUR CHOSEN BELIEF!!CUBE HAS BEEN PROVEN TO HAVE NOT 4 PERSPECTIVES, BUT 6!THUS YOU HAVE RECEIVED WHAT SYMBOLICALLY IS CALLED THE MARK OF THE BEAST, 666, TO YOUR WORK EFFORT (right hand) AND TO YOUR MENTAL EFFORT (in the forehead)!!!LET PEOPLE BEWARE SHOULD THEY SEEK TO DEDICATE (WORSHIP) OF THEMSELVES TO THE INNEFABLE (un-knowable = GNOSTIC) TIMECUBE!You are an agent of what SYMBOLICALLY is defined as SATAN CONCEPT. You have been SEDUCED by a WORDVIRUS of GENE RAY, from his SCHIZOID WORDVIRAL HEAD-VOICES.It is YOU who has believed a LIE, and should RENOUNCE TIMECUBE as fast as possible. Or have you gone a path that is IRREVERSIBLE? THat would be UNWISE STARTEGY. = DICTATORSHIP = FASCISM = NAZISM = 666.

more reason for anti-TimeCube sites to be developed

Hey, is this the return of Timecube?

I just spent what felt like a year in hell reading up on the theory known as timecube…

I’m missing what this has to do with Satanism…

That could also be because I didn’t read the first two posts but I mean… you can’t blame me for that.

no actually i’m just suggesting an END to the TimeCube theory,through anti-cubic websites.

i’m not blaming anyone,actually if you read my second post it clearly notes:

clearly stating the relation to satanists/or the new form CUBISTS,they make constant raving that TimeCube is almighty and other related worship,i’m concerned thus we need anti-timecube sites.note my friend paul has other clear point’s in TimeCube’s evil modern blasphmey:

? “TimeCube” ?

I’d prefer if we said:
“Mental adamance leads to suffering.
Life is constant change.”

What is all of this about TimeCube? Wanting to touch the untouchable, which leads to adamance of focus?

I don’t really “comprehend” “TimeCube” because it sounds like just some crazey crap. Please explain it better. How does one start to think in a TimeCube fasion?

Could you possibly clean that up? Right now that text looks like a mess of garbled captials.

As a Satanist, I would like to take this opertunity to point out that nothing in the original post, nor anything written by gene ray,nor in fact anything written within the confines of this thread up to this point, have anything whatsoever to do with Satanism.
This has been a public service anouncement, have a nice day.

Thanks, I was about to think that Satanism was really silly.

im not suggesting any comprehension of TimeCube,im not even supporting it.
the only thing i have to explain is we need sites that go against TimeCube worship. again im not supporting it everyone please notice this fact it’s clear.

yes i could,thanks for asking,but then i would actually be making a change to my friend’s work.

actually my recent posts point out it equates satanism,i didn’t say it was the orginal form or anything like that.
here is a review:


please notice within my friend’s work he points out the following:

I wish you wouldn’t post your friends work here. And then defend it as if you were your friend.

Maybe read your freinds obviously magnificent peice of philosophy (this will go down in history) and interperet it for yourself, repost your own ideas about it, and make it non-capitalized, and bolded.

Then your friends message, that you are so obvioulsy concerned with getting accross to us, would actually get accross to us.

PS: This is the worst peice of writing I have ever read, in all aspects.

Good Day!
-Harrison :wink:

There are no forms.
There is Satanism and not Satanism. This is definately not Satanism.

But that aside, considering the average person has no idea who gene ray is, what makes you think his science fiction is dangerous? Are time cube cultists petitioning to infring their beliefs onto society?
Are they effecting your life in any measurable way?
Why do you even care?

My sarcasm was pointing to a question.

I was just curious if you could say… sum up Satanism in a few sentences for me? Or maybe give me a link as to where I can read more about it?

Unless that is, if it involves worshipping Sata, becuase I don’t belive in either God, or Satan at this point, and if I did belive in him. I doubt I would worship the later.

Actually, provide the link anyway, learning is always good, challenge your faith!

Faith is intellectual sloth, I have no desire to defend faith of any form.

Yah… about that…

Good questions at least you have the right to be called doc,instead of Otis Eugene Ray of course.he was an electrician once,maybe through his work something got into his head.meanwhile.
any science fiction is dangerous if you ask me,look at how quickly people managed to notice santa~satan.same diffrence with TimeCube,only they see a cube with 4 sides and demand recruitment for their “truth”.
TimeCube is porggressing slowly online,im only following for the sake of what everyone else is thinking and how we should attack this word-virus of its own.
well if you have been to the GOTG forum-Time Cube-i have been posting their for quite a while,and the effections i get from CubeHead are very rude and as such i shouldn’t even be online anymore.Cubists are gathering around my neighborhood trying to convince me,it’s very disturbing how caught up they have turned out to be.
I care because i am self-aware,in their case im stupid and evil,i cant blame them nor do i want to deal with them,but i have to,its my job.

you have a good way with words my friend.