What are you doing? (Part 1)

Drinking dead Nazis (or what I like to call: dirty white boys: Jager and Rumple:

I’m winding down from actually seeing what my intellectual and creative curiosity can actually do…

and loving it every step of the way.

Still, I would love to touch Mag’s zones…

I want to hear her talk to me (I actually think I deserve it:

I’ve actually worked for it.

She is the silent goddess: watching.

I have had a bad day. First I go to my daughter to babysit the infant and I ask her husband if the baby has eaten yet he says yes, he has and is ready to wake. then he wakes up hungry find the bottle on the table, and start feeding him, about half a bottle, then he comes out of the shower and says didn’t you know that bottle has beein sitting there since Saturday? and I go no I didn’t I thought that was a bottle which you just fed him from. So the baby gets sick. Vomiting, call the doctors, they say keep an eye on him. The he seems ok, and I leave to the other four grandchildren and take them to school and I ask them to tell me give me a number from zero to ten, in accordance to the kind of day they had this first day back from vacation. mostly fives, and two tens. great I think.
Then we go home and start homework with them forgetting the tea I had sitting on the table, then one of them keeps coming how do you do this now do you do that? After a while I find myself doing her homework for her.

then the boy sits on the table and I say get off from that table, cause you may fall fd, and as soon as I say that plump he falls, and whines.

Then the little girl turns over the tea cup and all the homework is soaking wet and she says now what, and I say we’ll hang them up on the back of the chairs see if they dry out before your mama comes home.

and here she comes, and takes one look at the hanging pieces of paper, and exclaims ‘your teacher will certainly chuck that into the garbage’ and then the girl starts bowling like no tomorrow.

Then I think this day cannot get any worse, when I get home news the baby still vomiting and they are going to take him to the doctor . by this time my back is aching, my migraine grinding, and the neuropathy acting up with an ongoing neuralgia to boot.

finding my wife sitting in front of the TV set watching her favorite show, a series of documented cases of gruesome murders. my first tempttion is to grab a bottle of moonshine i have hidden in my desk, but think better of it, she may glean my deft hand, usually, very able and subtle in making things suddenly appear and disappear, but then my new year resolution of drying out hits me front and center.

Deal with it!

We mix jager, rumple and 151 to make “liquid cocaine”.


O’hai ever’bodeh.

I hope you all had a happy and successful holiday season! I took a two-week vacation from work and went home to spend Christmas with family and friends for the first time in several years, which was (almost) altogether lovely.

Happy 2015 and all that jazz!

Floating… but destined to settle at some point. You?

…that sounds like a euphemism to me. Oh my! :open_mouth:

Will it add to your life/make a difference to your existence? Do we have a right to expect anything from others? I never do… but that could be an error on my part and my subsequent downfall :confused:


Salmon n courgette supper… with a few Bacardi n tonic night caps, then a day of ward politics administration, followed by an event drinks in town tomorrow.

I tend to never repeat the same pattern twice, and turn if forced to. :imp:

…sounds like you did :wink:

Apart from my parents and some lovely cousins I don’t like my family… especially my siblings. They are not nice, and if they are it isn’t for long… that is until they want the next favour.

When we push others away when we are ill and they let themselves be pushed away, they do not deserve to be let back in when we are well. I have no faith in current humanity, but we must go on.

Having a one-woman party of music and rum.

Just glad I didn’t get as stupid as I imagined it, Maj. I apologize: I can’t help but flirt with you. It inspires me for my own selfish reasons. You are one of my muses.

I thought it was cute.

Listening to music.

I’ve always wanted to be a muse, so as you were :smiley:

What have you been up to? besides getting mentioned in Psychology Now :wink:

d63 is a veritable sweetheart.

…where have you been lovely lady? I miss your entertaining postings :cry:

I’ve been making angry posts instead, in the science forum.
It’s a mood thing.
I have a friend who calls me a facultative female oscar wilde.

Weights and water time, followed by refuelling on salmon courgette and sweet-potato mash :stuck_out_tongue:

I recently learned of the extremely detrimental side effects I could have suffered when my iron was dangerously low as to be non-existent in my blood stream so having to make my heart work Nths times faster in order to get oxygen to my vital organs, but the doctors failed to tell me any of this :neutral_face:

…but at least I’ll work harder at staying well :slight_smile:

Oh :laughing: a pretty cool thing to be called… the man had such flair and manner.

I’ll have to go check out your angry musings over there :smiley:

“d63 is a veritable sweetheart.”

LOve ya, man!
To which the proper response is:

“Forget it d63, you’re not getting my last Bud-Lite.”

Hey! What the hell are you doing outside of your thread! Get back in there immediately!

Oh that dungeon mentality wearing off you is it? Feeling a little daring are you?

Not on my watch!
You must ask your master satyr for permission.

Go on, do it!
On your knees…


Beg to be released for a moment, a chance to roam free and be instantly excited with the thought of independence!

A new beggining…

But NO!

you’re not ready for it are you? What’s the point, don’t bother yourself with such ideas, they must only be destructive…lonely like the moon…

There, there…
Back into your cage…my sweet child…where you will be safe.