What are you doing? (Part 1)

My boss signed title of her Buick over to me… Daaamn. She is the best.A few months ago she surprised me by letting me use it to get to and from work so that my husband could have our truck for his work (self employed). This gift is meant to allow me to have more freedom to go where I want or need without having to time it with my husband. Hell, I never complained, nor did my husband, we never said a darn thing… she just cared enough. It about brought tears to my eyes.

Have you experienced this, or is it an excerpt from a novel?

Don’t you know… Orb is awesome.

We could share :wink:

Wanna blow my mind, but not on drugs… a stifled and bored mind is not a good mind. Is this life we are living? I say not =; Most don’t know what living is or even should be, but make a veiled attempt at it anyway… and therein lies the problem.

He is awesome?

Yeaah, so…I’m addicted to knowledge…I can’t satiate my desire to acquire more and more knowledge…it has become an obsession…and I’m becoming gravely concerned…how do I maintain this ferocious drive towards infinite knowledge? Is there a place, like alcoholics anonymous, that I can attend to alleviate this intellectual lust?

Don’t bother, most alcoholics relapse, the statistics are bad. I am afraid, Your thirst of knowledge will have to go on, until , just like in alcoholics, You hit rock bottom. Then, as You clutch Your notes, books, and writing instruments, Your computer never turned, off, sleepless, listless, with little time for anything else, then, You will be able to begin , little by little to deal with the deamons of knowledge within You. But by that time, out of sheer desperation, You would have sold Your soul to the devil, becoming the Faustian creature, that You might think You were always meant to be, seeking redemption the same way, and hoping that the Old Abdomination, has not become wise to Your tricks.

Is today over with yet???

Not yet. The days are getting longer.

You’re a wise man Orb.

God damn it. Fuck western civilization!! Just fall already!!! I wish to start my warfare antics now… this culture is sooo tedious and painfully boring…

I’m going to watch braveheart to get my spirit in the mood

You could just go live with the tribes in the Amazon, that is, if you are seriously against western civilization.

I usually take a walk in the local woods in the morning, its my way of cleaning my mind and body, and getting away from all this industrial shit and people. Guess what, it was full up with these jogging retards, namely women. They were doing some kind of race…bunch of fat whores probably running for some shitty breast cancer charity… how about lowering your fucking processed carb intake you bitch…some of them were actually talking about cooking and baking whilst jogging, morons!

Anyways they ruined my morning by raping my eyes with disgusting displays of bouching fat.

Note to self: buy pitbull and teach him to bite people.

Hey Phone, you bitch…guess what? My new ubuntu OS DVD just came!! I haven’t installed a new OS for about 8 years on this Laptop, and it’s still managing to run, just about!..time for a nice new fresh install! Jealous much?

Am I jealous of a 8 year old laptop? hmm. :slight_smile:

Is it an old skool thinkpad?

If so, then yes.

(I prefer CentOS).

Sometimes I wish damn Mephisto would just come out of the woodwork and make a pact with me, so I can have some peace of mind…I don’t know…I just feel like a dry sponge ready to absorb oases of knowledge.

You do know that I no longer sleep, right? Continuous nights wandering empty halls, reading obscure passages from people of long ago — cricket noises, thoughts and cackling coyotes. When I do manage to get sleep, I find that I wake up with a book already in my hand and a frenetic energy within my essence that compels me to devour it quickly.

Addiction. Substitute a hobby slowly then find a balance. A hobby that requires you to use your hands. Maybe go to an art craft store, buy some clay and tools. Sculpt.

Yes. That is really the only serious way. :slight_smile:

Try to escape from your city.

Try to arrive somewhere in the jungle.

And try to help this young lady:

Probably this young lady has also escaped from a city. :wink: