What are you doing? (Part 1)

You’re trying a breed a chicken to defend you against predators? And you want them to work cooperatively on this task? You have birds that have swooped down and taken your chickens away before? What??

:slight_smile: damn never thought of Rottwieller type chickens. That would scare the hell out of burglars. I would make a fortune!!
No, chickens that are large enough and aggressive enough to defend themselves against predators in these woods. I want my chickens to roam free safely.
Marans are aggressive and cooperative but, of a size that leaves them vulnerable to attacks. Jerseys are huge social birds that are unusual sized for the likes of coyotes and raptors. Both breeds are highly trainable. I expect best results after 4 generations.

Sounds to me like you’re getting into the business of fighting chickens. I mean, you’re telling me that you just happen to want to breed some strong, aggressive, trainable chickens…so that they can roam freely and defend themselves from predators?

Hon, I hate people fighting animals for their amusement. It is a sick industry.
These chickens are to be able to fight off or be unattractive to predators only. They will not be sold or given to anyone that might even be so irresponsible. I probably won’t even give away any now that you mention that possibility.

I don’t think people do it for amusement alone. There’s some good money in fighting chickens and dogs.

Yea, it is still legal in Louisiana to fight chickens, I don’t know about dogs. Here we are fighting to reform hunting with dogs. Fighting is illegal but, still done. It is all pretty sick.

Is it sick to make a bunch of money? You don’t have to bet on the dogs, you just have to take bets on the dogs and keep a cut off everyone who bets on either dog.

I am not found of boxing, wrestling , violent sports in general but, those humans involved are there voluntarily for the most part. Animals do not get to choose. Many are beaten to get them fighting, starved , tortured and if they lose they die in the ring or are killed by their owners as useless objects. I have seen the kennels here, Louisiana and Alabama, I have seen the coops in these states. Maybe 1 out of a hundred might be clean and have somewhat healthy animals. Your animal does not have to be fully healthy just tough and desperate.
If you have to make money in such a way, then you just do not give a real damn about much. If you saw some of these backwoods places , your stomach would turn just as mine has and you would call authorities just as I have done. Usually they get forearmed or maybe just a slap on the wrist though.

You don’t like boxing??

No I do not. It is stupid, it is boring, and while it takes talent, it is a dead end for the boxer’s mind in so many cases. Ali is proof. Think of how many not famous boxers are in the same shape he is but, without money. Pretty sad.

A lot of them are doing better than they might under some other set of circumstances though.

Probably . It is just my opinion and tastes. I would not vote or protest to ban such sports, I figure adults have the freedom to choose. I actually find the spectators interesting on a psychological level. It seems to help release violent emotions safely. Perhaps more than that.

How many boxers do you think take their sport as serious as this:


How many do you think know that their careers are probably going to end in some kind of brain damage of concussion-induced mental deficiencies, yet still choose to do it anyway (foolishly or wisely).

The end of the rainbow is a powerful draw, there is the draw of the contest itself. Men and women both have competitive drives. Obsession occurs or maybe addiction? Violent sports are stuff of legends. War is romanticized . Hero , heroic deeds,. Even death on the field of battle is a coveted prize.
Is it intelligence levels , education levels or genetics that creates these warriors of the ring?
All cultures have this so it is a human thing. Animals fight for life not for fun. Well, not generally.

That was a great movie Gib, have you seen it. Mickey was stupendous in it.

I don’t really know, but I think the idea is that it’s their sole passion. It’s not necessarily like a drive to achieve something far off into the future–fame, glory, wealth–but something they experience every time they step into the ring.

(not that

I have seen it, and yes it was a great movie.

Passion, could fall into addiction. Which could be genetic or chemical.


Lookin’ fur lint in my belly button

Deep beneath my fatty deposits