What is Herr Trumpf hiding?

Herr Trumpf is refusing to release his filed taxes which leads me to
believe he is hiding something really big… Guesses include
he is being propped up by mother Russia and so in debt to them,
that Putin is basically blackmailing him…

If you have nothing to hide, you release your tax report.
Herr Trumpf would be the first candidate from a major party
not to release their taxes in decades, so why not?


so in doing more research, the last candidate not to
release their taxes was Ford in 76 and even Richard
Nixon released his even though his was actually being

Herr Trumpf son has said publically that the family gets
a lot of money from Russia which seems to support the
Russia theory…
To vote for Herr trumpf is to vote for a security risk,
a blackmail risk and a vote for a dictator, Putin…

Do you really want Russia to have control over the American
government? That is what will happen if we vote for Trumpf…


So apparently, Herr Trumpf has called on Mother Russia to hack
Hillary Clinton… and release what they find…
Ummmm, sounds like treason to me, but hay, I only
play a lawyer on TV…


Herr Trumpf — Manchurian candidate?


But then when is Hillary going to come clean regarding her relationship with Goldman Sachs?

motherjones.com/politics/201 … hs-problem
consortiumnews.com/2016/03/07/c … -speeches/

Has she released the transcripts yet?

Again, as I noted on another thread, Trump makes this accusation against her:

Big business, elite media and major donors are lining up behind the campaign of my opponent because they know she will keep our rigged system in place. They are throwing money at her because they have total control over everything she does. She is their puppet, and they pull the strings. That is why Hillary Clinton’s message is that things will never change.

So, then, as I speculated…

What fascinates me most about Trump is the extent to which he actually does believe this himself. Is he really intent on dismantling crony capitalism in America? Or is his own campaign just one more rendition of Obama’s “change we can believe in” — bullshit political rhetoric that once in power Trump [as with Obama] will just toss out the window of the Oval Office.

Also, it will be fascinating to note the extent to which Bernie Sanders and his supporters are actually able to make a substantial dent in the Democratic Party vis a vis Wall Street and K Street. “Down the road” as it were.

As opposed to the usual bullshit spewed out about all this by the media industrial complex.

Indeed, here, Fox News and MSNBC are virtually interchangeable.

K: the speeches theory is just a deflection from the real problem…
What do you think is more important???

Finding out if a major candidate for president is being blackmailed?
or someone giving speeches to goldman sachs??? UMMMM,
I don’t know, give me a second to think about this…
Really you equate giving speeches to a financial firm as important
as knowing if a candidate is being threaten with blackmail???
Really, you think they are equal?

Now the second thing is this… is there a history of
candidates releasing the contents of speeches?
Nope, name me a candidate who did this?
I’ll wait…

Couldn’t find one, me neither.

There is no clamor for this because it’s not important, it doesn’t matter,
What could she possibly say that is more important then knowing
if a candidate is being blackmailed? or is being funded by a foreign power which
means he is beholden to that foreign power… Think about this…
Treason seems to me to be more important than speeches to goldman sachs.

As far as your media spin, I agree but instead of bitching, give us solutions!!!

People like to bitch but never give us solutions, try giving solution for a change,
instead of bitching…


So because the accusation you made up sounds scarier, it warrants more attention? Maybe Hillary is a bio-engineered synthetic construct housing Hitler’s brain.

What do you think is more important, finding out of a candidate is being blackmailed, or finding out if a candidate is a resurrected Nazi cyborg???

"The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.” - Tom Foley (D).

If only…

K: and once again the question is being deflected…
Apparently for Ucci, it is ok if Herr Trumpf is either being
blackmailed or being paid off by Mother Russia…

Having a foreign government controlling
the white house seems to be just all right by Ucci…

If you are serious, why wouldn’t you want to know if
Herr Trumpf is being bought and paid for/or blackmailed
by Mother Russia?

So apparently, treason is not that big of a deal to Ucci or
conservatives… Nice to know…

so let us see how he/they deflect it this time… Goldman sach speeches
or bill’s infidelity or Hillary’s e-mail, let us talk about anything but
Herr Trumpf’s possible treason…because really, how important is
treason anyway to a conservative…Not very important at all, I guess…


He is not releasing them because you can find in his tax returns evidence of the secret moon base he has been building. He will escape to it with his Ubermen if program Make America Aryan Again should fail. From there he will nuke the entire planet so that in a few centuries it can be re-colonised.

There is a big difference between Trump and Clinton, Trump could theoretically get blackmailed, who knows. Hillary can’t get blackmailed because no matter what crime or moral failing, the Democrat machinery will cover her ass. Corruption is with her not a bug, it’s a feature.

and we deflect again with Hillary…
You guys have nothing to defend Herr Trumpf.

the man who is calling on Mother Russia to hack Hillary…
which is in my book, treason…and that seems to be ok with you.


as is my custom, I headed over to conservative websites like fox news and
redstate and on fox, not a word, not one about Herr Trumpf not releasing
his taxes and not a word about his calling for Mother Russia to hack Clinton…
Not one word…


I shall be heading for work and I doubt the conservatives on
this site will be defending Herr Trumpf…
It is nice to see them vanish like rats when
confronted with Herr Trumpf treason and
his failure to release his tax returns, which
is most likely place for the evidence for this treason…



What is Frau Killary hiding?

It’s seriously hilarious how Republicans are suddenly ostensibly worried that Hillary is too militaristic and hawkish. Bombs and money? Seriously? Republicans are going to attack Hillary on the grounds of bombs and money? Dick. Fucking. Cheney. Ronald. Fucking. Reagan. WTF? Could you be any more blatantly, shamelessly, unabashedly hypocritical and cynical?

Right off the reasonable opinion presses: Trump does not want to be POTUS. He craves the free pr, and knows his shares are going up if he looses, while they will tank if he wins. He is definitely a basic narcissist pr man, to whom neither principles, national security, or any other platitude matters in the least. He knows this, knew this from day 1, and thus, disenfranchised his very on loyal supported thus, they having absolutely zero understanding of an adept con man.


Assange the liberal dislikes Hillary, gets info that is leaked by another dissenter in Hillary’s campaign, publishes it because that’s what he does, gets attacked by the ideological suicide squad of the party for abandoning the rat infested sinking ship.


Bernie selling out his followers is probably also due to some Putin Trump conspiracy, lol.


Hillary-ous. Yes.

K: after dozens of GOP led investigations into the Clinton
during the last 25 year and finding absolutely nothing…
I would say she isn’t hiding anything because all those
investigations would have found something if there
was something to find…




Assange the liberal dislikes Hillary, gets info that is leaked by another dissenter in Hillary’s campaign, publishes it because that’s what he does, gets attacked by the ideological suicide squad of the party for abandoning the rat infested sinking ship.


Bernie selling out his followers is probably also due to some Putin Trump conspiracy, lol.

K: and how exactly did Bernie sell out his followers?
