What is the greatest religious question?

What can God do for you, that you cannot do yourself?

be a word-god.

Try shortern yourself

TimeCube is the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever read in my life.

he can explain this fucking world to me. I can’t do that.

I believe you all misunderstand my post.
I want your response in question format.

Besides why would a person have time to hear god to explain the world to me. To me that is a waste of time. Since time is infinite, I don’t thing I can waste my time to hear some thing preaching. Only those who is without a body but has ear may listen.

What is a word God? I rather not to be this.

Shorten myself? Why would I shorten myself? I love the way I am.

As I say, What can God do for you that you cannot do yourself? You all are being lazy, at least lazy in the mind.

Now give me the greatest religious questions!

why does stuff exist?

why does stuff exist? why does happiness “feel good”?

I don’t understand why those question would be called the greatest religious questions but I believe that is the limit of the extension of ones mind.

what other religious questions are there?

what completely random things are capriciously forbidden/required?

Why are we here?

“Quis ostendit nobis bona?”

Because your stupid and evil?

we are here because Nature needs Guardians,instead we have grown to become our own Enemies,we will suffer for it.

Timecube is the Forbidden Truth,Usa is leading itself into future adult cannabalism acts.we must require TimeCube to save ourselves,instead you support a state of queers with your religous word-god trinity.

happiness,or mislead attempt of saving humanity?

a word-god is just that,placed within a book made by humanity,mind raped by future humans,the discovery of the bible is the destrution of humanity.

Does humanity as a whole have a final cause?

what are you talking about? it sounds very interesting.

im talking about dopamine and seratonin. if you ask darwin “why” these brain chemicals exist, hell say that the things that cause happiness are beneficial for survival, so the first animal to have happiness in his brain whenever he did these survival things, he was motivated to do them more often, and therefore he survived more often, and therefore he had more children and they spread the dna more and thats why we all have it today.

but when it is explained like that, it seems like it should just be an uncontrollable instinct like farting. we should sense (as if it were ‘gas in lower intestine’) ‘penis is touching something nice’ and our brain should simply say ‘thrust, cum’ (as if it were ‘contract intestinal muscles to expell gas’).

what im saying is that happiness influences our conscious mind by creating something that is trule, objectively, completely good. he creates ‘good feelings’ in our brain. and then WE make the decision to do the specific thing that causes the “good” sensation. WE choose to thurst our pelvis in such a way that the nerves are tingled. we dont tingle the nerves because we think it is serving some higher purpose, we dont tingle the nerves because we think our body wants us to,

we tingle the nerves because we know it makes our brain feel “GOOD” and we have no idea what the word good means and we could not possibly care less. and sex is merely the most simple and vulgar example of the many ways to create good brain chemicals.

the selflessness of jesus is the best way to make as much of this goodness as possible. eating unleavened bread has nothing to do with this. i hate christianity, and yet i have been accused of being a “christian mystic”. can you believe it? i hate religion and yet i dont hate god and humanity. weird! prove me wrong or join me. you look like you could use a cult that doesnt suck.

To me the greatest religious questions are:

Is there a god that created living things, or did they evolve etc?

If there is a god, is it invisible or can you see it/he/she?

If there is a god, does it/he or she intervene with living things, like animals and plants?

I don’t know the answers to these questions, though I’ve heard people try to support both sides with legitimate weight, and so they are some of the greatest religious questions for me.