What it means


As usual missing it and putting everything into your convoluted perspective. It really has become pathetic and I must feel sorry for you since you do have a good mind. It is no longer even annoying.


This thread is not open for you to come in wantonly as an unnecessary aggressor with a personal vendetta.

There has been a very interesting conversation occuring here, unimpeded, and you did not come to add anything.

Either take part in the thread as it is, or leave.


Those days are over. We are in the era of smart ass remarks so enjoy. I am just repeating what Tentaive said to me. Now I dare you to go to the Wretched Man thread and say the same to him. If not, it just reveals you as a normal religious bigot with selective condemnation.


Nice try, but I have four children, and the old “redirect attention” bullshit, is just that, precisely.

I’ve already read the Wretched Man thread, and I didn’t post there, because I had nothing useful to add to the discourse. Bob has a masterful knowledge in that area, and sometimes it is better to just shut the fuck up and wash in someone else’s perspective.

Call me a bigot. I don’t care

Call me a condemnor. I don’t care

Call me religious. I don’t care

Call me normal. I don’t care

Call me Wretched. I don’t care

Is the point being made here? Your opinion of me, or anyone else’s, whether on ILP, or just walking the streets, is of absolutely no consequence to the course of my life.

I have sincerely tried, admittedly against my natural grain, to be patient with you, open and receptive, giving you the benefit of the doubt. I thought you showed intellect, even when your commentary isn’t agreeable. I thought you were just the solitary drummer, which I completely understand.

You aren’t. You’re an angry zealot on a mission to prove something to everyone but yourself.


So you’ve proven yourself the angry bigot with a narrow mind incapable of respecting what you do not understand. This is why what is being spoken of here cannot work. It is not in you or anyone else living in the chaos of the West to allow it to work. The nature of your being prevents it. This righteous indignation takes over as it lawfully must.

So enjoy dream land.


You are doing it again! Nick, you are attacking Mastriani for no reason - please leave it!



If a person finds the same attck acceptable when directed at one path and offensive when directed at another it only means bigotry. It means nasty attack is justified in one direction and not another. That is bigoted expression. What else would you want to call these emotional outbursts. If you defend this duality you are defending bigoted expression.

The point has to be made in defense of religious tolerance and freedom. Once this attitude becomes pervasive, people die. It is my obligation as a human being to point these things out as difficult as it is to do. There simply is no excuse for these attitudes in the presence of religious philosophy.

Hello F(r)iends,

Kill him Nick!
Get 'em Bob!

-Thirst :smiley:

I don’t think telling someone to enjoy something makes it any more amusing.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Once someone gets pissed they get biased.
Once they get biased, the thesis looses all value, because the goal of the thesis shifts from teaching to deconstruction.

Not really.

Self-sacrifice and trust are the little flames in soldiers hearts, when they step out the door to gun down the targets that their leader points them at.

I don’t think things people say about eachother here – are as serious or as valid as they feel… But that’s just my best guess.

LOL. For the love of heaven. LOL.

Your inability to see what is right before you, is incredulous, beyond comprehension.

Project all you like Nick, others see what is plain represented by your incessancy of conflict.

You cannot accept yourself, ergo, no acceptance can be found of anyone else.


Read your own words, then go back to your own posts. It is right there before your eyes.

tentative and Mastriani speak of Taosim … others accept it.

Dan~ speaks of logic and empiricism … others accept it.

Bob and Jerry speak of Christian mysticism … others accept it.

faust speaks of philosophical inquiry and correct discernment … others accept it.

You speak of how everyone but you is wrong … ?

We all disagree from time to time, sometimes adamantly, vehemently … but intolerance is your domain.

You came into this thread, will absolutely nothing of value to add. You came to be an aggressor, attack people in a ludicrous attempt to validate your intolerance, then blame anyone but yourself.

That which sits motionless under heaven, will not long withstand change.

Do as you will.

Mastriani writes:

“Intolerance is my domain.” Yes this is what Socrates said you would say in Plato’s cave analogy because people “accept it”:

I’ll agree with those like Socrates and Simone and the importance of the realization of the nature of cave life and gladly accept the minority position as opposed to those you’ve mentioned. My saving grace is that as of yet it is not hip to execute us in bursts of righteous indignation nor can it be done on the Internet.

I’ll stick with the old guard and up and coming Black Sheep thank you and let you content yourself with acceptance.


I prefer to strive to “Know Thyself.” This is why you cannot understand me. You strive to accept yourself and without self knowledge, is strictly imagination.


this thread, like many other threads, isn’t about you, although you seem to turn threads around in that way, so please remove yourself or contribute to the subject.



I am contributing something and it is called the truth. Now lets see what kind of man you are.

Of course I posted the same as Tentative to see what reaction I’d get. This is an important issue and essential to understand if one wants to see if the philosophy has any merit other than lip service. I notice that when Tentative posted the same about me in the Wretched Man thread, you didn’t say boo. Why protest now? Prove you have balls and are not willing to accept expressions of religious bigotry by going back to the Wretched Man thread and say the same to Tentative that he is being a disturbance.


That is your measure of what a man is?

Then you are in a sorry state. I can say anything I want here, but you’ll never have the faintest idea of who or what I am.

Dream on …


Faust, on one point I must disagree and that is commitment, full commitment is not needed by all, perhaps some but not all. And really just translating these differing points of views and beliefs into something, anything, must be worthwhile would it not? We all aproach beliefs from different views so at least getting something or learning something is better then total dismissal because you can’t commit to the whole thing. A bite of a sandwich is more nutritious then no bite at all.


A hermit crab builds it’s house from bits and pieces gathered here and there, and whether we admit it or not, the house of heart/mind is built the same way. Crab or human, it is never seen as bits and pieces, but as a house. In making sense of the world we act in faith that it is indeed a house and not just patched together pieces. No matter the source, our beliefs are commitment. It is good to suspend judgement, but as mere mortals, understanding total agnosticism and practicing the same rarely matches up. Rare is the individual who sees all as the house. Our symbolism denies that. By saying house, I immediately have said not-house. A dismissal.

I agree with you, but I’m unable to practice what you preach. :wink: