who are we worshiping

What of the direct experience of god, which many mystics claim to have? They describe union with god as an experience, not as a concept. I’m thinking of Teresa of Avila(SIC), Bernard, Wm. Law, John of the Cross, Meister Eckhart. These folks talk of the experience of god almost as if they were into Eastern religions (union with the godhead, etc.)

phyllo it is a sense of awe and mystery and strangeness…its a feeling… a sense not tied to any human formulation…

I count on my own senses…I do not know about these mystics…I cant base any belief on something I don’t know in my spirit…
I have learned to be skeptical and careful about everything…

Experience often defies concepts of explanation. I have experienced god in my lifetime. I know many will scoff at my admitting this. I’m used to it. It doesn’t negate the experiences.

I believe you…people can try to negate but these experiences are real…
the problem that can come up…if a person is saying they are closer to god and have some special place in the universe…

Okay, now you are saying something.

What if someone, maybe Jesus, understands that strangeness and creates a correct human formulation? Could happen. And someone who reads what Jesus said, would feel that the awe, mystery and strangeness is explained or reinforced by those words.

There is no difference between a righteous person and a non-righteous person? Sinner and non-sinner?

Are not some actions closer aligned with god’s intent than other actions?

There is no special place for anyone in the universe.
About the God experience–Freud termed it “Oceanic” the awareness of being an integral part of all that exists. He had nothing good to say of the experience.
Human “isness” is three B’s–being, becoming and belonging. The god experience gives dignity to all three. It is awareness that one is a necessary part of the universe, that one belongs simply by the fact of being.

how do you know about gods intent…

the awe is about nature…to me jesus is not strange or god…I see him as a guy talking about the golden rule…a message of love…

God intends life. If that was not true, then there would be no reason for God to create anything.
And some ways are better for promoting and conducting life than others.

You didn’t answer. Is it better to be righteous or not righteous?

Why is a message of love better than a message of hate?

What is good about the golden rule? Why?

how do we know god created life on earth…
what do you mean by righteous

Your IDK god did not do anything- ever. Got it.

Some behaviors are better than other - no?
Behaviors as exemplified by the golden rule?

my idk god----how do I know what happened with the universe…
I don’t like the word righteous…but if you mean golden rule—then yes

So there is a behavior which is better than another behavior…why?

because I have found loving behavior is better than angry hate judging behavior…if that didn’t work for me I would dump it…
it works most of the time…

So there must be a reason why loving behavior is better…

…maybe because God created a universe where loving behavior works better.

But maybe loving behavior is not better. Maybe hateful behavior is better and you are making an error in judgement.

Or maybe loving behavior is better because in this particular random universe, it just happens to be advantageous.

we have both behaviors loving and hating…we have evolved with instincts to have personal survival and species survival…that is why we are the best lovers and the best killers…I just do what is best for me…for my survival right now…

Well Turtle… I alone look after me and make all the decisions in every aspect of my life, so why would I worship anyone out there?

Others are more hindrances than helps, and it’s nice to have a circle of like-minded friends and acquaintances, but they all ultimately look out for themselves and their own.