Why is God male?

Why is God male?

Because of his enormous penis?


I sense a bit of frustration… I thought only the girls were vulnerable to penis envy… :stuck_out_tongue:

If that which we call God created both man and woman, then God can be neither, but both. Any gender weighted naming is fallacious in the definition. The he/her naming is cultural only.

Every man wants a bigger penis. Even God, no doubt.

This is either a sociological question (What in History influenced us to call God a Him) or a grammer question (why do we use this or that pronoun for God) or a mystical question (What is God).


I don’t think every man wants a bigger penis. That’s just nonsense!


Or it might be, E: all of the above.


That was a good one. It is like saying that a menorah has seven candles instead of one so as to cook a better hot dog. Way to go.


I question your ability to know about this and even if you do, it would be way too much information… :stuck_out_tongue: This is probably the wrong forum, but you might start a poll in psychology? I doubt that there would be much honesty, but you never know…

Do I need to put my hand on a hot stove to know that I will burn myself?


Nope. And I’m not touching it either. :laughing:

Fascinating. :-k


This is all xander’s fault. We heathens are too irreverent at times…

Shame on you, xander!

Wait a second …

Who is not touching what … and what what is the particular what that you are all speaking of???


How wonderful. Simply lovely. The hard and soft are no longer.

Hey albatross,

ummm, we were going waaaaay off topic. It’s all xander’s fault. LA and I are just innocent victims. :unamused: Nooo touching! Mebbe a different forum…

This is a weird thread.

Before you really get off on the tangent of the gender of God you first need to specifically state the Religion you are speaking of.

I will assume like most of the other that you are Speaking of the Judaic/Christian God.

He is male. The thought of mankind butchering the Bible to that extent really discounts that God would be interested in us knowing the truth bout Him. You can rid yourself of that kind of thinking.

In the Bible there is a direct dication of the place men and woman hold in Gods sight. Men are servants and women are for the Glory of Man. In order to believe as a Christian you have to accept the ruling God said to Eve that “Your desire shall be to your Husband, and He shall rule over you”. Also examplified by one of the Apostles…

The head of the woman is the man, the head of the man is the Christ, and the head of the Christ is the Father.

I can hear it now, all the feminists going “grape nuts” with a coment like that. Guess what!!! I didnt make the rules go complain to God! Otherwise forget about being a Christian because you cant and be a feminist at the same time!

God is the Father and that pretty much sums it up. This does not require that God has a penis people so get over it!

According to some, God is a anthropomorfic personification. You can lead this up to two ends:

  1. God is absolute.

  2. God is male/female, depending on the human who refers to him/her.

This rises another problem: If God is THAT dependent on man, is he/she anymore in charge?

You post does not apply. You cannot use a context OUTSIDE of the Judaio/Christian perspective. This of course assumes they are speaking of the Judaio/Christian God. Within that context you either have to call the whole thing a sham and say God is not real or you have have to accept that God is a Male. All names are referential to Masculinity. This also coincides with Gods placement of males as leading humans as oppossed to females. In all respects a female in one fashion or another has a male she must yeild to. Typical examples… unmarried should yeild to their fathers commands, and married must yeild to their Husbands commands.

i was talking about god :slight_smile:

to tell you the real reason god is male: jahweh is one of a family of ancient gods… the christian god’s roots are actually politheïstic… and jahweh (son of el) happens to be a male god :slight_smile:

Did you know that calling God incompetent is Blasphemy? That is a sin not forgiven in this life or in the next! You should take heed not to compare God to a male here on Earth.

God does have a right to be Arrogant! Because He actually is Superior to us all!

God can speak you “OUT” of existance… try not to be such an ignorant!

i’m sitting here, wondering if you’re being sarcastic or not :stuck_out_tongue: