Why Women Should Be Whipped

My second post, as far as the topic goes, is to say that it seems to be legal (or rather not un-legal) for women to beat their kids. Reports from Stephan Molynex’s database indicates that women are twice as likely to beat their children than dad’s. So it seems, that women are crying for their own protection, while not crying for the protection of their kids-from-them. Go figure.

I have been to a Holocaust museum as a school assignment. It seemed legit. I even felt sorry for them, even though they were my oppressors and enemies for butchering my genitals.

My plan to castrate the Jews should solve your first problem. As far as the Hollywood problem, there are three forces at play, the jew force, the Disney force, and the Ted Turner VIACOM force. Ted Turner’s agenda is to massacre most of the population, the goal of Disney force is to keep the population distracted and asleep, and we must not underestimate the Diabolical undertones of the jew force, they are perhaps more nefarious than Ted Turner and there may be more underneath than meets the eye. Ted Turner is noble and honest enough to expose himself and his plans, the jews may not be so noble.

It’s the sex… Not the Jews. The Jews are a symptom of the sexual dynamics, as are your other targets. The problem Magnus, is that you are just like them. When you take the WIDE view of the real problem, the good people and bad people are all bad people.

Of course Jews are to blame, non marriage and adultery decrease aggression and suicide rates.

I’ve proven this time and time again… The women all sold out… All you really have left is some men, the ones who didn’t sell out to the women.

You think I am an absurd character who can’t see clearly or past my own garbage. I see much better than you.

This is off-topic, but it is nonetheless worthy of posting. The difference between me and Ecmandu cannot be stressed enough.

We are both dissatisfied, but for completely different reasons. Succinctly, you can say that I am dissatisfied for spiritual reasons whereas Ecmandu is dissatisfied for material reasons.

If you want some more explanation, you can say that I am dissatisfied because the environment I am living in is on the whole ugly, whereas Ecmandu is dissatisfied because some of his needs are not satisfied.

I have no problem with my needs because, unlike Ecmandu, who strives to grow them, I strive to reduce them. Unlike Ecmandu, who desperately wants to get laid, I actually do not even want to get laid. This is the crucial distinction between the two of us.

I am a person who wants to sacrifice himself for a worthy ideal. I have no interest in personal affairs. I only care about myself insofar I can use myself to sacrifice for a worthy ideal. I consider my life to be worthless otherwise. If there is nothing to die for, then there is nothing to live for either.

On the other hand, people like Ecmandu are perfectly happy to exist . . . so as long they can satisfy their needs. These people, they are biological need satisfiers. Nothing else. The moment they can’t satisfy their needs, they start seeing problems and then they complain. About everything.

They are, in fact, the problem – my enemies. Though Ecmandu is not a Jew, he is of Jewish type – a Gentile – and so, an enemy, to the extent that he opposes universalist spirit.

This is supported not only by his obsession with getting laid, but also by his opinion that rapists should be sentenced to death. This betrays a strong instinct of self-preservation, and a strong instinct of self-preservation means egoism.

You can only hope that he’s misguided, but what if he’s not? what if egoism is precisely what he wants? Then you have to fight him.

Aussenseite is far more related to me than he is. Though she might be a bit too permissive, I still like her better. I found that people who are too permissive tend to be of higher quality than those who are too strict.

Let’s all be like you and not want anyone in the universe to ever have sex again. You are a universalist conscientious objector right.

Mr no ego never props himself up right?

You think I’m shallow ?? Do you have any idea how easy it is for me to get laid?

Actually, I’ll extend this a bit further to reveal the absurdity of Magnus …

I’m fucking smart, charming and very disarming and easy to be around when I want … Sure I do dumb stuff… But learning an entire topic that nobody in society has ever taught causes room for mistakes …

BUT… That said, it is extremely easy for me to make money AND have sex…

Your problem is that you don’t see the moral superiority I actually possess, yes, that’s my ego, and I plan to keep it.

There are right and wrong ways to get money and women … And you are not in a position to win this debate against me. You look at your ill gotten gains in life, and then declare that they aren’t that important. Try earning it the right way sometime … Then you will see the world as it truly is.

Rape is horrendous, don’t feel sorry for rapists.

The Case of Ecmandu

Ecmandu is very ego ist and gets butthurt over things. Now I think he is a smart guy but partially psychotic. He seems to have bouts of brilliance but then his brain shortcircuits and often goes full retard, but I am afraid to say this because he will lash out at me and call me a retard back. He often does this when arguments do not go as he wants. Partially this is because of his egoism. He often makes logically untenable claims.

For instance, he makes angry illogical statements that Magnus is out to get him and prevent people from having sex, when Magnus never said any such thing, just that he viewed it as trivial. When Ec gets angry his ability to reason declines. Also, he always makes defensive statements about how great he is, how he could get any woman or as much money as he wants, only he is so noble that such things are beneath him, but if he had to, he could become a millionare overnight, have any woman of his dreams, along with making a mind reading machine into an Ipad. He is both James Bond, and Q, combined. Only problem is, women aren’t interesting to him, therefore they aren’t worth his time.

The Case of Magnus

Not enough information at this time. He is a bit trollish in a subtle way, and does not want you to notice it because it’s funny to him, but also a bit honest and his humor seems to be more honesty based than deceit based.

The Case of Aussenswell

Already said at another post, run the risk of being redundant.

Magnus tried to distance his ethics from mine as being morally superior, and as a universality conscientious objector, said he doesn’t even want sex, with an emphasis on the word want. To Magnus sex is something to consider after we solve “the Jew problem”. The Jew problem is sex!! Just like any other root problem here.

Trixie, you are wrong about me. I may not be able to play the odds of becoming a millionaire but I have enough intelligence to make enough money and rape any woman I couldn’t get to consent and get away with it… I choose none of it.

I look down on men who do.

I don’t want to get too off topic, but I want to defend myself more.

Magnus placed his lack of wanting sex as part of his extremely high universality ethics priority. I did not misread Magnus …

Also, I am crazy devious when I want to be, this is my greatest intelligence… But it’s not that I’m bored of women, it’s that using deviousness bores me because I am so good at it… So I handicap myself with brutal transparency and have done so for years, which makes it harder to turn back the clock in some respects… My joy is to be transparent about deviousness in general and get something good for not using it. That’s how bored I am… It’s intellectually stimulating for me to only get things the right way… That’s how unchallenged I am by life…

So you are both correct Trixie and not correct…

Had I never handicapped myself… I’d be rich and have lots of women … But I have handicapped myself, both in my mistakes in understanding life, and my need for brutal transparency of devious mechanisms without actually using them …

Magnus is an idealist. In his mind, he sees all Jew’s being castrated as right around the corner, so to him, getting laid is right around the corner, so keep that in mind.

Perhaps, I think you’re joking though…

You didn’t understand my mind well enough to see that deviousness is too easy for me … So I just sit back and tell people how I’d be devious to get what I want instead of not mentioning and instead of using it… It pisses women off to no end to know they only sleep with men who use the tricks I refuse to use, or to even see them framed as deviousness in the first place. It’s my sheer boredom of getting through deviousness that is the depth of the core of my presence of being. I just point out all the scams, and people try to argue that they’re not scams, and I just laugh at them .

He is dominated by fear of being seen as someone who cannot attract women.

So he goes on to tell us, in order to force us not to see him the way he fears we will see him, that he can get any woman he wants provided that he makes use of his herding techniques (his Jewish ancestry.)

But he refuses to do so not because herding is immoral, but because he is bored of herding (being a Jew.)

Jews are archetypal herders.

The only way to fight against herders is by reducing your needs – by transcending your instinct. There is no other way.

He who is noble is ashamed of any herding capacity he possesses within himself. He does not defend it, and he does not take pride in it.

Only a greedy person would do so becauase greedy people want to protect every single capacity they possess within themselves, apparently because possessing every little capacity is beneficial to survival.

But a man who is motivated by an ideal, and not by fear, does not rejoice in the fact that he carries these genes within himself. Though he may not be using them, there is always a danger, a very great danger, that his descendents will do so, and that’s what makes him sad – genuinely sad.

Greed can be said to be a consequence of lack of ideals, of direction that will unite all of one’s efforts and instill a firm hierarchy that will determine what should be sacrificed and in what way. He who has no ideals has no direction, and he who has no direction has no way – no hierarchy – that will decide for him the manner in which he should sacrifice himself. Hence, such people tend to split themselves in multiple directions, trying to win on every single front.

So one moment, they will be telling you how great it is to be moral and how bad it is to be a herder, and the very next moment, they will be telling you how great herders they are and how easy it would be for them to dominate the world if they wanted to.

Notice how their hierarchy of goals changes from one moment to another, and how the top goal goes from being moral to being strong as if these two radically different things were one and the same thing.

They want to compete on every front. They want to be BOTH moral AND dominant. Thus revealing they are fundamentally immoral.


a rapist will derive a thrill from violating a woman, regardless of whether or not she resists.
Yes, a real sadistic rapist will enjoy it even more if you scream, cry, and resist; but even if you remain silent, calm, and obedient, he
still knows that you are silently afraid and not in a place you want to be. From that alone, he can derive a satisfactory pleasure.

By not resisting, you just make yourself easy prey.

Prey is prey, at the end of the day.

Magnus, it will never come from my lips or mind or spirit how great it is to manipulate to get what you want.

The point of life is to find the core of truth to get what you want, if that doesn’t work, than life is not worth living, and that becomes the core of truth.


I imagine some people snap with lust for opportune times with people close to them, and even if not caught they lose that precious connection and regret it for life…

This is to say that not all rapes end in joy for the rapist.

That’s what you’re doing. You are herding women into thinking you are a better herder than those men they are attracted to.

It’s a subtle thing.

Ecmandu, that is a weak minded attitude. Sex, including devious sex or pushy sex, does not lose the precious connection and regret it for life. Sex is more or less trivial, it only breaks the connection between two weak minded individuals who are saturated with specifically American cultural paradigms. Americans are sexually insecure organisms, it is significantly more taboo in their culture than other’s, hence why Americans rage so much over hot 30 year old teachers sleeping with horny 15 year old males, meanwhile the rest of the world is shrugging their shoulders and wondering what the fuss is about and why American’s are so psychotic about it. Americans are excessively weak and romantic, excessively so, almost to the point of asexuality.

I intentionally didn’t use the term herding, because it makes you look like a fool… Are you not on a philosophy forum trying to prove the veracity of your claims “herding”. The truth is, you are much more the walking confusion than I am.

I’m the guy who gets a clear conscience if I have sex…

That means the world to me, that is life to me, getting into it with fullness… I’m living fully.

If women don’t have sex with that…

Then I sit fully with the truth.

Someone who climbs Mount Everest doesn’t even live that fully.