Why Women Should Be Whipped

You are too defensive.

No, what I am doing here is not herding. You are trying to make meaningful distinctions meaningless so that you can escape my accusations.

Stop talking about yourself by pointing to me and maybe we can get somewhere. You really are a fool, OBVIOUSLY you are herding!!

You are too defensive. That’s not a good thing.

Like I said, stop talking about yourself while pointing at me and maybe we can get somewhere.

I certainly agree with that.

But having a great deal of experience (and understanding taboot) in this area, have to disagree with that.

I have found a surprisingly (at the time) large percentage of women who recognize their own emotional dissonance and dichotomy of cognition. They sense that there really is something not quite right within them (unfortunately males are typically not quite so perceptive about themselves). They quite rightly know to not trust themselves. Thus often women [rightfully] feel the urge to be “subdued”, “overcome”, “conquered” by someone more stable and grounded than themselves (I have actually been asked by them, in quite desperation, to whip them). And I have found that these women are quite often VERY intelligent (in some ways more so than me). I have known them with a great intimacy, “intellectually subduing” them while encouraging them to learn a stability of their own (with a good deal of success, thku).

The ONLY truly serious problem that curses women, is the serious lack of emotionally intelligent men. But then, that is the curse of the entire world and cause of all of its problems. And even that has a curable cause, but the prognosis and probability is seriously low. Help to medically and psychologically fix the males, and the females will have no problems whatsoever and will lose their need to be subdued.

You can say whatever you want about my extraordinary experiences, however, I am an extremely emotionally intuitive person and it maps straight to the reasoning part of my brain. I’m not always quick on my feet, but give me a few minutes and I can usually end a debate, my mind churns data slowly, but usually the quality is high… Sometimes I think people spend years trying to jump me with a one-liner, not aware that it might actually take more than a second to respond as a disproof.

I’m definitely being watched, and it’s not paranoia.

My emotional mapping to my reasoning has concluded that making all the males more rational doesn’t solve the problem of female sexual stratification of the male population, and that aside from the easy to win arguments about the quality of those men, just the stratification in and if itself doesn’t account rationally for the difference between quality of men and women in a relative sense.

This is so crazy making as behavior from women, it’s amazing men can even stay sane listening to person after person deny what is so obviously true, not necessarily with their words, but with their bodies.

Making a mockery of their words and then just looking up and saying “well I guess were just animals” or some type of “rationalization”

Trixie thinks women are chaotic, women as diverse as they are, are extremely predictable as a flock, and this is an issue that is going to make it harder to get men to sacrifice for the higher good. As a man, you have to really WANT to find truth and embody it, to live life fully… That’s the only thing you can offer a man.

Isn’t this self-inflammatory, as you already stated earlier that you like to be subdued as a house wife by your husband? Talk about masochism, it’s like a double layer cake of it.

Women brought this curse on themselves, they never give emotionally intelligent men a chance, and then they wonder why they only get men who give them no peace of mind. Because the men turned into bullies, from being emotionally abused themselves, and so take out their negativity on the emotional fragile woman.

Second, emotional fragility is a form of self absorbed narcissism, which gives women a false sense of morality and victimhood, in which they can live xenophobic lifestyles and hurt everyone around them.

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Define what YOU mean by “emotional fragility”? Put it into a particular contexst or scenario.

I would say that since we are all human beings, and things happen to us, there isn’t anyone who at some time or times doesn’t feel emotionally fragile.

A woman who has just been raped or beaten will feel emotionally fragile for a time. IT’S HUMAN. We’re all separate individuals and we grieve and heal at our own pace.
So, are you saying that this is a form of self-absorbed narcissism? The way I look at it, NOT to feel this way would be totally irrational, lying to one’s self about how one is really feeling. Sweeping one’s emotions under the carpet - how rational and how intelligent do you think that is?
I’m not talking about being the masochist but feeling weak sometimes is not a terrible thing. It’s a human real thing.

Look at the weeping willow? Why do you think it doesn’t crack under pressure? Because it allows itself to be what it is in the moment, it hangs loosely to the ground, touches the Earth. We can learn much by reflecting on the weeping willow.

Ecmandu in my estimation is right too. This is a stupid thread - well, not the thread but its title.
If any man tried to beat me, whip me, well, let’s say I wouldn’t make him a eunuch but I would be sure he felt the pain in all of the right places.

It is a form of self absorbed narcissism. People often use it as a victim card to manipulate others and get others to sympathize with them. One way how to tell if someone is a manipulator is if they mention to you their sob story of how they got raped, its how they try to begin to dominate your mind. Like how Zoot said men brag about their battle scars, its a manipulation tactic to dominate you.

Like, the very day after a woman gets raped, everyone around her will be doing her free favors. Same as if a little girl got injured, everyone around her would be doing her favors. When you are injured you become a self absorbed narcissist. Eventually the narcissim leaks out and goes to the outside, and the girl begins to care about others, projecting herself to them! We must improve health care, she says! We must do more education to prevent things like this, she says! She cannot bear the thought of another one of her selves, in the same agony as she. Is she in agony, though? Its hard to say. When I was molested, I whined and complained, said it was agony, but it really wasn’t agony for me, I was just too unconscious to know what i wanted. Rape is a serious thing when there is a disease involved.

What do I mean by emotional fragility? Emotional fragility, hypersensitivity, self absorbedness, xenophobia, fear of outside things, fear of outside tremors, avoidance of aesthetics incongruent to one’s tastes and pallete. This is why psychos are more feminine and slither in the shadows, its a feminine ordeal. Also the reason why feminists hate the word rape and freak out so much, over getting bullied online, because their fragile bubble has burst, they are easily “triggered”. They wish to evernesce in a delirious mental bath, fantasy land, reality disturbs them. If they are not disturbed sooner or later they will become excessively xenophobic avoiding all of their friends needs, and potentially psychotic during interactions, ie. feminists.