Writing From Afar

If you stare into a fire long enough, you can forget that anything else exists.

I write to you from a distance.

The trees are my fence. I have several staffs driven into the ground, and when I come upon a tree and look up and up and realize it’s not a staff, it is a great feeling. One communicates with God. One understands his sense of humor, his art.

A virgin South American would not know what to make of the sentence “it was cold, but at least it was snowing.” Yet it is true. I come to you from afar.

It is good to have enemies, in this life. The reason South Americans hate gringos is that they represent order. South Americans were made by, in, and for turmoil. A South American could not understand not wanting turmoil. Yet we know that people like this exist, that they are a component of existence. And knowing this increases our sense of superiority. And so we are glad that they exist. We would not have a world without them.

Of course, this is a trend, a balance, an economy. People of both types exist in all places. And the hierarchies which these trends create and by which they are perpetuated can, by concerted efforts, by the tip of the pendulum, be upset.

Perhaps the United States is reaching a state where it is bored of order, where it wants the freedom that its founders mythiziced about. Of course, only a gringo would wait until complete mastery over the world to reach this point. That is why God loves them.

In Europe, this is no longer possible. In Europe, the spirit is dead. And only serfdom is possible. Serfdom and suffering. Even though there is no reason to suffer. Suffering for the sake of serfdom.

Here we are giving way to the notion that Russia is not Europe. But a distinction has to be made, a separation. Because, in Russia, there is still health.

I write to you from a distance. With the blackness of a cyrillic letter.

I grew up surrounded by fascists. It didn’t use to be taboo. There was a feeling, at one point, that racism had no political incidence, and so it was allowable. The saying went in Venezuela: “if you go to New York and call someone a nigger, you will get your ass kicked.” It wasn’t a problem at all that you might have this compunction. Black people had reached the status of a nation, with honor to defend and all that. In the US. Elsewhere, as it had been custom in civilized places since time immemorial, they where simply members of the civitas. Anybody’s feelings towards anybody else within the civitas was a personal problem. Anybody outside the civitas had a status lower than the person within that civitas of whom you had the lowest opinion. This is still so. Where there is health.

Fascists can sometimes be the charmingest of people. The real ones, the originals, not these new age, millenial, emo degenerations. They often will be just as charming with the people they ostensibly hate. A person that is at peace with their own opinions is a healthy person, and will behave in a healthy way. But maybe this is just a Mediterranean thing. Probably only derivatively, by virtue of being an imperial society, a society of many nations, such as Russia is. Or China. Or even Arabia. The problem in Arabia came with nationalism, which came with communism, and it is a story so convoluted and insipid that it is not worth getting into. Suffice to say that Israel is probably the single biggest manifestation of health by head count. One must remember, the idea of Israel was born under the Sultanate, under the shadow of Bismarck. And it was held by people around the world, unpolluted by the events that were to transpire in Arabia thereafter.

Israel was born in the streets of Vienna, where Freud smoked his cigars as he walked to and fro. Where civility has a candidate for pinnacle. Even Paris must have felt the threat. But Paris does not feel anything, it is too hot anyway and who put ice in this water.

Paris does not have hot bitches, even though they are all sluts. They are ladies, and that is what we call them.

Ah, Paris. You split the world in two.

Really nice writing here. I hope you write from afar more often.

In the US freedom still means something tangible, visceral. Europe, I don’t know. Maybe in some of the countrylands or small villages, but even then I would be surprised. America was always a grand experiment created by various factions engaged in long term planning. This goes back to Plato if you can believe it. But sadly we will never be ruled by philosophers, instead by their complete polar opposite-- power as such and for its own sake, infused as an instinct and need deep into the personality like pathological hooks of burning self-discomfort. Aristotle knew about this.

Racism was always funny to me. I could chat nicely and hang out with black guys in my school just shooting the shit and being real, then go to work and laugh my ass off while my coworkers tells racist black jokes he learned from his grandpa. The two states of being are not mutually exclusive, and as you say racism properly is not political. It became political under the animas of communist propaganda seeping into everything after it emerged from the goo during the 1800s.

Did you do some thinking yet about Patton’s statement at the end of WW2, that we defeated the wrong enemy? That has direct and fierce linkages into exactly what we are talking about regarding racism, politicization, freedom, earthiness and the lack of it.

Trees. Ah yes, I once hugged a massive redwood tree in California, it was so large I think 10 ot 15 of me would have been needed to circle it with arms outstretched. What pride in that kind of achievement, to be that enduring and that …competent in one’s environment. A cute humor is that these largest trees have the tiniest pine-cones. During storms or strong winds you can walk or sit outside in this Big Sur forest and little pine-cones will be raining down on you from above, it’s really very endearing.

Regarding Israerl, if you want to understand the impact of Judaism on Vienna try reading the first parts of Mein Kampf. The book is actually quite pleasant, stable, sane. Like a long-grown tree. You’d be surprised, I think. Certainly fascism can be an indicator of health, in part as you say because of knowing who you are and what you believe and being able to rationalize that down to systemic roots. But also because in a weird way all health manifests from a somewhat “fascistic” orientation to self and environment. I put the term in quotes because its meaning has been deliberately changed, I remember when this happened around 2015. An early obvious example of Orwellian rewriting of history, of course by 2024 we are all used to that. And tend to bury our awareness of it in double-think.

Yet before fascism was perverted by our modern-day Big Brothers it was perverted by Gentile and others when they posited the false equivalency of, on the one hand, pride in one’s kin and people, culture, history, land, tradition, language, values and ideals and on the other than the legalistic bureaucratic-administrative State. This false equivalency did irreparable damage to what fascism originally set out, non-ideologically, or was meant as a natural expression and emergence of earthy reality to protect. Nowadays no one really calls themselves fascist unless they are themselves pathological and proud of it. You know, the kinds of people who firebomb schools of immigrant children and brag about it. Sick shit like that. But the phenomenological roots here run deep, society is perhaps in no small way taking ownership and reorientating itself to those roots.

Paris, ah. A great example of fascist pride. And those who still think fascism is fashionable, haha. But even Hugo Boss made the transition into posthuman capitalism, if only for the sake of survival and following the trends.

It’s like you have two sides of you, battling to death with eachother. But since one is intelligence and the other is propaganda, they can go on indefinitely without impeding eachother.

Your first few paragraphs vs the later ones.

I’ll limit myself to saying that fascism is a product, rather than bastardization, of communism. It is communism. As the very name implies, a fascia, a bundle of sticks tied together. More could be said, but for what? You know it already.

Fascism as a collection of attitudes, about order and racism and character, is still not a healthy thing, but if adopted without politics and an otherwise healthy personality it produces those beautiful people I grew up around. The old Italians who would ask me to my face with the completest innocence and lack of malice “but surely not a nigger?”

That same person would have earlier been shooting the shit with some black friend, a friend who would likely be on the three person list of people to call when shit hits the fan.

Ah, but this is already digression.

The fact you see a deep disconnect here is interesting to me. I am able to see where you are existentially located relative to these facts. No worries, you don’t need to move into this higher level of comprehensivity. Truth is funny like that, sometimes a strong limit will create quantitatively and qualitatively more truth than breaching that limit and seeking further heights and expanses would.

Fascism is not a product of communism, what is a product of communism “so called” would be the modern forms of ideological quasi-fascism as I mentioned about Gentile and his false equivocation of the nation/people etc with the state/government. The state/government is NOT the proper agent or emphasis or target for fascism, but look at examples of political fascisms from the 20th century and of course the state/government was THE singular power and ontic priority. that tells you there is something wrong here.

Don’t gloss over what I said about the meaning of fascism having been deliberately re-written about 10 years ago. Most people are still under that Orwellian veil when it comes to this conceptual space.

The instinctive aversion and hatred of fascism, just like the instinctive aversion and hatred of Hitler, are programmed into us by mass media and false education. It is quite literally an emotions-based mind control societal manipulation via psychological warfare tactics. I get it that most people can’t or won’t be able to accept that. But I definitely do challenge you to get a copy of Mein Kampf and just start reading it. You don’t even need to read the whole thing. But it will definitely help to deprogram the errors.

The goal isn’t to become a nazi or neo-nazi, I’ve been tangent to those circles and found such people to be, by and large, insufferably stupid. The psyop has more than one side, as we are seeing today with the slow cultivation of “red pill” “based” “right wing” cultural threads being woven together now including new “manosphere” aspects with truther-movements and the whole gaslighting psyop of Trump; now even all of this is being woven together more tightly with new JQ mainsteaming, which is quite funny. Not the least this whole behemoth setting itself up in support of technocracy a la Muskian neuralinks et al. Really funny stuff if you see what is actually happening under and behind the images and media movements. Funny does not preclude tragic too, of course. Very tragic indeed.

It’s not a disconnect. It’s more of a clean separation.

Humanize #1: genius shit you don’t find anywhere

Humanize #2: 2 dollar pamphlet I’ve read a million times

One knows what would happen if they came to grip, but one also knows they won’t.

But inversion exists, still in the future perfect, that gleam, reason against reason still, sustains, as it is sustained, in a time and space, a timeless , spaceless place of myth of dreams, of miracles of myth, where whatever exists immediately flows bi, where only those who have been condemned to dream such, an objectless object, and ascribed and intuited by those who can accept loss for ever and rely on an auto-fixed naturally evolved reflexive script, that translates paradox into childpay, a game forbidden to those who can recall and define the rules.( here trying to remember what has been discussed previously in context, way above paradoxical, as suspect and debatable as is the irony in suggesting measurable difference between vastly compressed black holes , white dwarves with supernovae, recently exploded, explosively suggesting the sudden diminution in size and mass, into a finely woven dialectic of supple love, nested and buried in an eternity of diamond sutras, which again masked by lotus and fragrance as the only routed sense leading to the optics of colorless entanglement.

Mixing all color whitely, is the lead to that place of wishful eternal return, as Europa raped by godzillions of buzzing bees, and exasperating the honey deeed taste of all the manna compressed into a single droplet.

The enigma of all was a search that never dies, without continuous rekindling, the fire within, the kundalini uncoiled , into the guardian dragon of the rising sun,

Ah, a little bit of the Meno trollery.

If only your fragile ego could cope with a single moment of the most necessary insight you radically refuse at your own peril:

Sometimes there is some shit you don’t actually know yet.

Imagine denigrating truth because “muh it was written in sum pamphlet sumwherez uh”

I am tired of these games, either you are afar or not. Where is your cosmos? What are you even located?

Yes that’s right, puzzle it out. Except you won’t, because you already think you know all the answers.

Ask me if I care or can be bothered to bother. At this point at least. By which I mean,


You are lucky I am sitting here alone in the night surrounded by a blaze of stars.

Maybe one of them will circumcise you, then you can be truly blessed.

Only after you bathe in the blood of thousands of dead children, of course. Because duh they lived on the wrong side of a line, so fuck them.

“is replying…”

Shut up, I do not even care anymore. I wish I could. Maybe later. Assuming you grow a soul between now and then.

If I do get circumcised, do I get to be stamped out by the Good Guys?

Or just keep sucking your masters’ cocks and pretending it makes you some kind of pagan hero living out in the wild or some weird shit.

You fucking joker read a book.

Hahahaha a few days ago it was you who wanted to suck my cock.

What happened?


See you around cutie I got things to do.