Your internet philosophic career - where you at..?

This is roughly the progression of desire I think most posters here follow during their periods of residence.

  1. to be noticed.
  2. to be liked (though to many this is either unexpected, unimportant, or actively undesired).
  3. to be respected/taken seriously (some people try to substitute these with “feared” but, wrong medium tbh., and they usually end up disappointed).

Many, even most, especially some of the long term members are quite happy to stay right here.

  1. to be right, and acknowledged as right. (this is where people become both combative, and obsessive, especially if they either come to the forums with a rigid manifesto, or form one over time).
  2. to make friends and influence people. (Some however are more comfortable with drawing together a cadre of sycophants and trolling till they eventually, depending on the group’s social skills and/or endurance, split away to a new forum in the hinterlands of the net).

I was stuck on 4 for a long, long time. Then I gave up being right about stuff and became content to make other people at least question the things they believe, or at least believe they believe.


My purpose here is to find out the meaning of life, and consciousness, I don’t know about yours. I don’t even see that listed in your post.

Lol, you can do that without being here at all. And who says there is one anyway…? Or even can be…?

So you don’t care to know what happens when you die? How foolish. Do you not know how big the universe is?

Sorry, I’m too busy living, it’s not like I won’t find out eventually anyway, no spoilers plz.

In a large enough array, all that is not impossible, becomes certainty. Hopefully, that is exactly how big the universe is.

You don’t get it. Your choice and actions in life may determine the outcome so it’s important to know.

All that is possible you want to happen…you’re foolish and insane. So like, you want all your nightmares to happen too? :laughing:

It’s not a question of want. Say I have a recurring nightmare about hmm. Tentacle baby eating nyarlathotep rape monster. If tentacle baby eating nyarlathotep rape monster’s exisistance is not ruled out by universal physical laws, and the universe is large enough, then somewhere, at some point in time, tentacle baby eating nyarlathotep rape monster will exist, whether I want it or not. TBNRM is the price, if you like, of living in any system complex enough to be worth living in.

As for my actions effecting my life’s outcome… The only outcome of life that we know of for sure, is death. After that, we’re only guessing. It would of course be important to know, if it was on the list of knowable things. But it’s not.

You said “hopefully” so you said you did want it.

Stop watching that Twilight Zone shit it rapes your mind…it’s like worse than religion…

You don’t know if it’s not knowable or if it is, through science and technology there’s a will theres a way.

Hopefully, sure, ok, to scale it down. You yourself are, sorry if you are offended, a lowish probability persona. However, in a society that is large enough, it quickly becomes a certainty that you, or someone else, very like you, will arise, simply through a process of genetic coin-flipping and socio/environmental triggers. And if that society is tolerant enough, free enough, the probability of you prospering/persisting also rises toward a certainty.

Which society would you hope to live in…? A universe without the possibility to produce novelty/diversity, is a very boring universe. And the probability of any kind of multicellular life arising at all, let alone sentience, is so vanishingly small as to be breathtaking.

Welcome to the twilight zone lol. If you want to find the meaning of life, where else would you go…?

Science, tech, and death. Hmm. If scientists do find an answer to that question, I would immediately begin to believe we are living in a simulation.

I already looked at your picture. You are a nobody, I’ve already analyzed your genetic code.
You are dumb.
You are like the professors I annoyed in highschool, get on my level.

I don’t like Turd, but I will say this - he is definitely smarter than you are.

Lowish probability persona? That’s you, you you you you. All you.

And we already are in a simulation, you unenlightened retard.

A simulation is no less real for being a simulation.

Even if this “physical” experience we are having is entirely not a “simulation” and we can take it entirely at face value, it’s still operating on code and deeper systems… Cellular biology, genetics of course, software (heuristics, algorithms, etc.) in the brain, social programming and historical norms, etc. etc. blah blah.

The whole “simulation vs. not simulation” is kind of a non-starter as a way of framing questions of ontology. Baudrillard makes the point that we live in s simulation, that can be taken to mean literally like the Matrix or metaphorically like how people are infected with false ideas, bad valuing, inconsistent and easily manipulated feelings, faulty data,…

As for how the Internet philosophy thing is going, I would have to say, not too well. But then again places like this are just for blowing off steam and alleviating boredom. The real work occurs off-forum.

I’m saying like the Matrix, no metaphor.

And not DNA code but more interms of VR.

The brain generates an inner holographic projection inside itself which we experience as tangible reality. It’s like when you dream, in a dream your mind is undeniably constructing an inner holographic experience that doesn’t exist “in reality”. It’s the exact same when you’re awake, except that when you’re awake presumably there is a correlation between the contents of the hologram and what is actually “out there”.

Simple reason for assuming that correlation, is the fact that if it wasn’t the case then life would be impossible to evolve as subject to natural selection and survival requirements.

But again, you have no idea what is “literally” out there, you just have an experience that more or less usually tends to (adequately) correlate somewhat with whatever that “out there” happens to be.

So yes the argument could be made that we live in a Matrix-like reality.

So much for the hoping you wouldn’t be offended then. Oh well. I’m sorry. You are still a special unique snowflake of creation. Wanna hug now…? One of the first things you must lose, if you are ever gonna get anywhere at all, is your idea of self.

And yes, I’m beginning to believe Turd is smarter than me.

I don’t see what the self is, nor how getting rid of it will get me somewhere, and where is it that I will get?

Calling someone a snowflake is meaningless, because everyone is a snowflake unless they are clones. And I don’t want no hug.

The self is a philosophical construct. Incidentally that’s why brain scientists can’t find it.

Honestly, I’m am both impressed and a little intimidated with the snowflake of creation line, Tab may very well be smarter. Damn.

Great, just what we need, another rendition of this:

[b][i]1] For one reason or another [rooted largely in dasein], you are taught or come into contact with [through your upbringing, a friend, a book, an experience etc.] a worldview, a philosophy of life.

2] Over time, you become convinced that this perspective expresses and encompasses the most rational and objective truth. This truth then becomes increasingly more vital, more essential to you as a foundation, a justification, a celebration of all that is moral as opposed to immoral, rational as opposed to irrational.

3] Eventually, for some, they begin to bump into others who feel the same way; they may even begin to actively seek out folks similarly inclined to view the world in a particular way.

4] Some begin to share this philosophy with family, friends, colleagues, associates, Internet denizens; increasingly it becomes more and more a part of their life. It becomes, in other words, more intertwined in their personal relationships with others…it begins to bind them emotionally and psychologically.

5] As yet more time passes, they start to feel increasingly compelled not only to share their Truth with others but, in turn, to vigorously defend it against any and all detractors as well.

6] For some, it can reach the point where they are no longer able to realistically construe an argument that disputes their own as merely a difference of opinion; they see it instead as, for all intents and purposes, an attack on their intellectual integrity…on their very Self.

7] Finally, a stage is reached [again for some] where the original philosophical quest for truth, for wisdom has become so profoundly integrated into their self-identity [professionally, socially, psychologically, emotionally] defending it has less and less to do with philosophy at all. And certainly less and less to do with “logic”.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :laughing: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

So hoping I haven’t inadvertently plagiarized Britany Spears or something, but yeah, I’ve seen that last part happen a lot. Those guys tend to ragequit though.

And nah, Tab swiped that line off a cornflake box. :-"

I have to have more posts that Smears before I can rage quit. It is my crusade. Deeply meaningless crusade.