Zero population growth

I believe that the world is over populated and that there is a lot of pressure to increase the population still further.

World governments and big business want larger and larger populations to increase profits and power.

This is just plain crazy as the world has enough humans already and we don’t need any more.

Further increasing the population will result in future catastrophes when food and resources start to run out.

Fertilizers, oil, coal, trees and land are fast running out, yet, the world keeps pumping out babies like there’s no tomorrows.

I can personally see the day when resources start to run short and wars and fighting for resources starts to become more common.

I can see that one day all the cities around the world will be abandoned and will just be empty shells with the wind blowing straight through the windows of those tall sky scrapers.

Will that day be a Tuesday?

Most likely Friday at 5.01 PM. I am not sure about the year though! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

How dangerous are demographically armed societies?

I would be more worried about the militarily armed societies. They use 20 times more resources per person than what the demographically armed societies use. Using the term ‘demographically armed’ is a bit misleading. It assumes that the population size is a kind of weapon. Remember - The military armed societies deliberately create countries like China, India, Africa, South America, Cuba and Russia. Its all part of the slave labour sink which the ruling societies need to get cheap products made at close to zero labour costs. When slave labour was abolished, the ruling classes had to find a substitute source of cheap labour. Thus, World Wars I and II which created opportunities to re-organise some sneaky communist take-overs which resulted in cheap labour in China, and Russia.

Do you suggest a massive global culling then?

Will you be the first to stop reproducing?

Is self suicide an option for said depopulation effort?

I am not convinced the world is over populated. Why do you believe that it is?

Oh well! Maybe you are one of those people who will only be convinced that the world is over populated when every inch of spare ground is occupied by some human dwelling, road or machine.

Isn’t it enough that thousands of species have gone extinct and resources are running out? What further proof do you need?

What would you suggest should be a limit of global human population. (a) 10 billion (b) 20 billion (c) 30 billion (d) 100 billion

Watch the clock -

I do not suggest that there should be a limit of global human population. Maybe there should be, maybe there shouldn’t be. But I don’t know, so I wont suggest a number. That’s why I asked. What proof do you have that thousands of species have gone extinct? What proof do you have that resources are running out? Each of these very well may be true, but I am not convinced of this either.

I think humans may be subject to the seemingly natural concept of carrying capacities:

I think it may be arrogant to suggest that we can determine what this number is

The problem that humans have the ability of changing their environment to suit themselves. Thus, they can increase their numbers by increasing the availability of their food source. This depends on mining coal and oil which may be in plentiful supply at the moment but has a definite end date of which there will be no further supply available. The mining companies and governments have an agenda to keep this end date a secret because it may curtail their profitability and power base. … otos-67674

The “over-population” scare has a purpose.
Why yield authority to total population control, if there was no threat involved?

So, you find that over population doesn’t represent a threat?

Under such a scenario be rest assured that the elites of the world will be exempt from everything.

Everybody else would become culled by mandate.

We have to burn down the global village in order to save it…

Can we start with your village? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

What part of global village did you not understand in the statement?

It’s a self-resolving problem, once the resources dwindle to less than requirements, then the mass populations will majoritively die out.

I think it will round off at around 10 billion, as first world economies tend to breed less [like japan actually needs more immigration to sustain current population levels]. Eventually the third world economies will raise up to a standard where they too wont over breed.

Yes, thanks to raising the standard of living making it unaffordable for a majority of the population to simply live let alone raise a family on the part of the ruling international class…

This is a positive development for you around the world?

Will be”?

I don’t understand your question here.