Primal Rage ( Erik ) - Video Blog


My apologies for the continuous clearing of the throat.

Well done (except the continuous clearing of the throat :slight_smile: ), Primal Rage (Erik).

As you know I also like Peter Sloterdijk’s philosophy. So that was the second reason for me to say: Well done, Primal Rage (Erik), and thanks.

Yeah, I remember you contributed well in the Sloterdijk thread I made. Rage and Time shall be next.

Yeah, that is a good book.

My video contribution to your thread is the following video:


Thank you, brother. Excellent video of Sloterdijk.

Make a video on insanity please… :slight_smile:

Good idea :evilfun:

The gardener must be connected to the earth in order to gain a spiritual enrichment.

I’m thinking of making a video on the Peter-pan syndrome and responsibility :wink:

Please do. I will certainly be interested in listening, it would make a change from all the mundane crap that exists on youtube. Make it special, even if you have to script it to focus the value, or even if it is incredibly long, a few hours, I’d still be interested. A glass of water, comfy chair and regular posting schedule would make for some good additional features… :wink:

I will drink alcohol, instead of water, in the forthcoming blog. It will make things more interesting. I appreciate your ideas. Remember, Mannequin: take the initiative :wink:



Finally get to hear the voice which goes with the face – nice – very nice voice.

I enjoyed listening to your video. I think it was heartfelt and I got a sense that there was a bit of vulnerability about you at that time you made it – I liked that - though I may be wrong - and there is certainly nothing wrong with experiencing vulnerability, Erik. That too can be quite manly at least insofar as not being afraid to be open in that way. You’re a human being speaking about your life and your desires and plans for the future., along with your disappointment[s].

Did you write down beforehand some of the things you spoke about or was it more or less extemporaneous? I was also wondering how many times you’ve taken to listen to and see yourself in the video. I think that, like we at times, write things down after a dream, that might help you to gain even more perspective about what it is you are looking for and also what “comes to you” out of the blue as you are listening to your video. Every time you listen to it, something else may jog your mind or memory.

You said…

I don’t think that I actually agree with that, Erik. But I do think that there ought to be a balance with everything but if a man or a woman desires to spend the energy of his/her sexuality toward that which really, to them, defines them, inspires them, then that for them would be the optimal life. Of course, possibly the best life would have many different interests but only one great love interest – nothing wrong with that being philosophy. Philosophy is quite beautiful and elegant in its own right.


Self-control is one facet of masculinity/manhood, depending on the circumstances – to me. But even a woman can have an enriching, realistic, inspiring way of approaching the world – does that make her a man? Lol

But, at the same time, there have to be other synonyms which define a man besides a warrior, no? What about the man (or the woman) the peacekeepers, the builders, or those who go to other lands to reach out a hand to be helpful - for instance, those in the peace corp? Are they less manly than those who fight in the wars or those who think simply that “Might makes Right”. History has already shown that Might often does not Make Right.

What’s the so on and so forth?

“Might is Right” - so that’s where you got that perspective from. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that the writer is right. In which way would you say that that book “completely” changed your life, Erik?
Now, if I was sitting in the audience and you asked if someone had any questions (as I figure you would hope they would have questions) that would be one of the questions I would ask you.

“Bubbles” sounds like something which might appeal to me – be right up my alley, a combination of psychological and philosophical – as you say. I’ve been waiting to come upon another book like that to sink my teeth into. And i love the combination of Phil. and Psychol.

Just one thing and you can actually ignore it if you want to. I think that making a video is kind of brave in itself. Not so sure I could but you might want to remember with the next one to not look away so much but to look at your audience for the most part – not staring at them but it makes for a more intimate viewing if you keep eye contact for the most part.

Anyway, I enjoyed your video. You came across as being quite sweet in it. Lol One other thing, though I know you’re Hispanic, you might be happy to know, since you have a thing for Egyptian civilization, at least for me you might almost pass as an Egyptian. But, it’s just the way I saw your face in those moments.

You did really really well Erik - and I personally think/feel that this video could be a nice reflecting pond for you.

:laughing: I think we’d all play a part in that one.

Arc wrote:

Mmmmmm good girl.

Yes, it was a bit awkward for me, talking to a camera and disclosing things I normally don’t.

You know what they say, though: " Vulnerability is only for the strong, who can endure it ".

The video was entirely impromptu. I listened to it a few times. I do something similar normally, but with audio-recording, like a self-therapy.

Yes, philosophy can be passionate and even sexual too; I ineptly conveyed my point on this. For me, it was a matter of becoming overly socially-isolated, disconnected from the Earth. I almost became insane from thinking too much…

Men and women approach the world differently. Women can be masculine and men can be feminine, but I do believe in gender roles, naturalistic gender roles, that men are meant to be more masculine and women more feminine.

The comparison to a warrior was more metaphorical than literal, though obviously a literal interpretation applies too.

Fathers are warrior-kings of their own households ( mini-tribes ); they hunt ( work ), protect, direct, and teach.

Synonymous attributes: decisive, resilient, and other such masculine qualities.


It opened my eyes to the way the world really is. It’s a very intense, powerful, fierce book written with primeval rage and fury.


I can make you a personalized video…a more…intimate video :wink:

Haha the staring away from the camera helps me to think better, not sure why.

People confuse me as being Greek, Italian, Arabic, Persian, etc all the time. I’m one exotic looking animal.

Thank you, Sweetheart.

The perspective was already IN him, the book resonated, it confirmed what he suspected all along. It’s not just the book, it’s the experience of reality conflicting with the falsehood of Humanity, the book simply awakened him. If it wasn’t for the book, it would of been something else, eventually…seriously Arc, quit the fucking bullshit…it’s not the case of reading something and blindly adopting the opinion/perspective of the book with no real world value…stop pretending like reality is some wonderful fairy tale with multiple ways to snort the fairy dust.

Yes, the book resonated with me, articulated what I knew deep-down inside. It is an oasis of wisdom in a world of dry humanitarian rot.


As for the first part, this is true of course. I do understand this. I’ve read many books which have resonated within me and that is because they mirror my own thoughts/feelings/experiences.

I wouldn’t use the terminology: confirmed what he suspected all along - - because something resonates within us it doesn’t necessarily make it proof of what is real…just what is “real” to us. That’s all I meant. Witches resonate within some but they are not real.

True - we resonate to a great many things and not only that, but sometimes we give up one way of seeing and adopt and adapt to another. We are flux, not stones.

So what are you saying here - that I do not have the right to my own perspective and way of thinking? Anyway, one man’s meat is another man’s poison. Erik has his rights and so do I - but simply saying that Might Makes Right doesn’t make it true. Can you imagine the world if everyone felt that way. You could even say perhaps that this is the way and the thinking of the bully -wherever he stands.

As for the first part, I understand this - it inspired him. As for the second part, that still DOES happen being that we may already hold that view already, that subjective truth, which may be part of our psyche but not necessarily seen as a whole, not examined… Some perspectives have more value toward living an optimal life than do others - wouldn’t you agree? - and we are often tempted to adopt those which speak to us, inspire us, without reflecting on them. I am not saying that this is what Erik does. What is it that Freddie said - we have to turn everything upside down, inside out, one way and the other way - to find the truth. (I was paraphrasing there lol).

In the first place, I snort nothing except for fresh air. :laughing:
I count myself to be more the existentialist with a bit of flavor of the stoic - you’re speaking to the wrong person here, Manni - accusing me of living in a fantasy world. I see much more than you think I do and I live it every day not only through myself but through others. At the same time, not the fairy tale, but life can consist of some really pleasant joyful happy moments but that doesn’t mean that I live in the clouds or that i bury my head in the sand. Sometimes we just need to detach a bit to keep our sanity. That doesn’t make me selfish or think of myself as a character in a fairy tale.

You really have no idea of how I think or who I am since you cannot live within my mind or my body or live my life.

I wouldn’t say that you revealed too much about yourself but merely touched on a few things… I’d tune in to a next one… as long as it wasn’t much longer.

I would agree on the too much philosophy issue, but only that it might take us away from our own innate one rather than it creating a conveyor belt of nerds.

what a wimp.

Watch your lips, woman, or else I will sacrifice you!