
I’m two towns away, place called Wellsburg, WVA in a park on the grass surrounded by Cicadias, or Little Gibs as I like to call them.

I can’t really hike far, like maybe 15 miles a day, and not consecutive. I’m out of shape… I recall hiking easily 5x that back in my late teens. My knee has healed a lot since I got out of the army, but my inability to run has caused me to slap pounds on over time… every time I do one of these hikes I loose 5 pounds, seems to stay off.

I’ve been eating a one month supply of gummy vitamins per week, and recently switched over to a Vitamin B Complex for stress, given it’s ingredients have zinc and copper and the less available B Vitamins shown to repigment the skin.

I’m gonna end up looking like Donald Trump soon, with the fake skin and lake eyes. I already got the eyes… they happened a few weeks ago. Looks like a raccoon in reverse. My right hand is half way left just a little, few spots over the rest of my, scrotum half done. I honestly could care less about my body, so long as not my skin. I’ve never noticed till this year how beautiful my skintone matches my hair color. Hard to get used to wearing a beard, but everything looks great, except these damn eyes.

Basic theory is, if I burn the skin under the sun long enough, while choaking on the vitamins, you repigment. The albino skin turns pink… then comes back. I thought for certain I did this, eyes had been swelling earlier from sweat and stinging bad, body consumed by the heat… same level as Madrid, Spain and Southern Italy, Turkey… I’ve been laying down letting these Cicadas groom my hair, and say my formerly oink hand… white as fucking snow.

First time I’ve noticed just how attractive I am, and it’s just as I am losing it.

You know what, these Cicadas don’t taste all that bad.

Back to walking.


And folks ask me why I don’t put him on ignore! :wink:

Still can’t see your posts stupid. Dasein ain’t got shit to do with Vitigilo.

Ill be damned, I got severe burns all over, lucky me.

My eyes hurt so bad, can’t see them till I get home, but most of my albino skin is burnt solid red. Not all, just most. Makes no sense why that is the case. I will rub butter on it once I get home to make it burn longer. Mission Accomplished.

As some of you have probably already guessed, Turd is just a character that I play here. So obviously this is ridiculous. :smiley:

Still can’t see you post Casper The Dumbass Ghost.


Can you provide the link, you know I can’t click that on this phone.

The skin is a neo-pink rotissery.

Go to youtube and just search “rukus revitiligo”. It’s the opposite of what Michael Jackson had. Every day uncle Rukus wakes up and he’s darker, and darker, and darker still.

Its weird looking at my hand, looks like I colored over half with a Neon Pink marker. My face is deep red, brown at the crast of my cheekbones under my eyes. I filled in much of my eyes, especially the far sides, that are the same pink as my hands, stands out from my face. Apparently I was squinting, so I gave two lines from the fold under a eyelid from walking too long… looks a bit silly. If I tip my head back, it looks like I never tanned in my eyes at all, but you can’t tell head on… weird optical illusion.

I don’t know what to do, stand outside on my head for a few hours to tan at that angle? Women tend to be short, want to look good for them, not the guys my height.

I will be utterly pissed if I heal, and my skin doesn’t ran even a little, just how’s back to being albino. I read hyper pigmentation occurs first…meaning darker skin, then it averages out. It won’t ever go away, resurfaces, but if this works it means I have a method around this.

The skin on vitigilo suffers thickens, I honestly can’t tell… it’s slightly warmer and thicker though, they think as a necessity to protect against ultraviolet radiation. I honestly prefer thicker skin… why not, if you can’t tell the difference? It also ages much less slowly. Don’t know if that applies if you torch it like I did. My guess us the skin remains thickened after repigmentation because later on if it comes back, it’s in the same spots… so I’m guessing just new cells repigment, but the skin remains soaked in whatever the immune system is doing to attack them. Still researching the T Cells responsible for this… so they think at least.

As diseases go, it’s the least deadly, just annoying as he’ll to walk around, see pretty girls look at you then do a double take zooming in on your eyes, buy not into your eyes.

I got it too- had it since I was pretty young actually. At first was just my fingertips that couldn’t tan, but recently it’s started getting aggressive. Crept down past the first knuckles, and I got the reverse-raccoon thing going on too.

Wait till I get results, can tell what will happen to pinkoskin.

I was taking the immune therapy adult one a day vitamins from Walmart, the gummy version (says one a day on the cover buy suggested serve size says 2)… ate a bottle per week, nothing. Maid reason I went that route was because of the theory we can’t digest for whatever reason the pills… people started switching to the drinks like boost. I don’t got that sort of money, but found walmart’s “Nature Made Stress B Complex” had high doses of copper and zinc in it… I’ve taken copper and zinc separately before… nothing, zinc actually made me violently Ill, likeba idiot took me three times before I figured it out… thought it was the McNuggets. I can take oddly enough far more zinc without illness.

Some people say do take zinc, others say no. I don’t know, just know it’s a hot topic… something is happening.

No selenium in this… that’s a greying agent, some say yes, others say no… I don’t know.

Ill be able to tell you soon if this works, seems like it did on my eyes. Only half my hands got burnt. I know about the psuedo-catalyse stuff, but never tried it due to cost to experiment (30 bucks off Amazon) but if this works, might just keep swallowing these pills, slap some all over, and go burn myself silly in a tanning bed, scare the attendant when I come out horribly pink in off spots. “WTF happened to you? Why are you walking funny?”

“I just sunburnt my cock and scrotum baby, looks like fried spam”

Waddle out of there with a smile.

Mostly went away on my hand. Still slightly pink. Overcast today, so can’t mortally fry myself to death in the attempt to rekindle it.

Within the orbit of my eye it a bit pale, but can pass as normal. I’m still bearded so obviously spots on my neck are certainly still pale.

If my eyes hold, I will take it as a victory. Even if hands maintain only a little bit if pink, same, but face has the priority.

Have you ever thought of going with nature? for we progress, not digress, and what will be will be.

If I go with nature, I will be an even whiter man than I am now.

No. I can live with the vitigilo, but it stopped my from signing up with a foreign military (Kurds) about two years ago. That, plus three cavities caved in, and my dentist was ducking around each visit, only fixed one and kept rescheduling me despite the fact I showed up twice. I was kinda pissed, but can’t exactly be in a trench with no ability to tan, burning, and crying to someone to pull my teeth out. I was kinda pissed.

I have no intentions to go over now, but would like to remain as functional as possible as long as possible. There is a lot of fake organic guides for vitigilo, but none agree on the foods to eat… just so long as they are organic… which is a clear sign it is bullshit. You can wash your foods if it is just pesticides. Most are linked to yeast infection theories, I drank enough apple cider vinegar to fill a lake, the omega 3 and Vitamin B 3 stuff, and little trick stuff from muscle building forums that the vegan organic theories said to add… nothing occurred, tanned a lot too.

So this year I switched to drowning myself with vitamins, a sick amount of them. First results I’ve seen, though my hand seems paler each day, eyes not bad. Hasn’t completely gone away on my hands, gives me hope I can build. I’ve read literally everything that can be read on this.

Who knew that one could control/reverse vitiligo.

Don’t your melanin want to be with you no more?

No, it it is disease that makes white people. Can strike at any time, resulting in minorities suddenly qualifying for bank loans.

My hand are looking whiter each day, remains over case each day. Eyes maintaining it a bit better, but getting lighter. I either case, not completely gone.

I gotta reduce it a few more times, guess I gotta activate new ones each time… your not gonna activate them all in one sitting. I’m guessing they are seeded by stem cells in the bone marrow at a fix rate, but activated suddenly by the sun… vitigilo likely busts them all at a similar rate too… so you got these dips and valleys you gotta juxtaposition extremes on. I’m pretty white to begin with, so success for me wouldn’t be the same for someone who is black, but I suspect black people would be thankful for any progress as well.

I gotta figure out what the modulating frequency for doing this is. I must be up against the replenishment of the pigmentation cells themselves.

Oh… there is a cure for it, estimated at 18,000 a year, found accidently last year byba woman suffering from rheumatoid arthritis… it is likewise caused by the immune system targeting the body’s own cells. … e-vitiligo

It isn’t a cheap drug, very new and in a class all its own.

There is also a treatment using injections, using a blue serum, I think it is two or three times a say, for six months… lots of improvement… still in testing. I will wait till this first medication goes generic though and will just figure out the mass vitamin attack approach instead. I’m a decent philosopher, can eventually iron out the frequency rate and variables on a poor man’s budget.

Also a Vitigilo center in Germany, has a cream that seems to work, but it appears based on standard anti-greying formulas (naturally greying and Vitigilo is related), I’m not getting everything via my method that uses, but I’m poor and there us more than one way to skin a cat.

I just know I’m doing Jack diddly squat to stop my immune system from attacking with my approach. Only thing I know that can do that is that medication above, and as Vitigilo isn’t life threatening, I see no reason why the company should have to bend over backwards and loose its patent on some socialist argument of free healthcare… they literally found a new class of medication and should profit from it for a while. It will be a generic here down the line soon enough.

What the fuck is this thread even about anyways? I swear, I’m gone for almost an entire week and everybody loses their damn minds. Worse yet everybody has a bunch of fun shenanigans without me.

It is about Vitigilo dumbass.

Are you really this fucking retarded?

Most people would of just gone on Google and searched for the word if they didn’t know. The whole thread is on topic, correct subject.

U are a dumfuk.