Moving Again.

But maybe you are moving from North Wyoming to South Iowa. Look at this map:


What kind of moving is it? :slight_smile:

That looks more like my travel route. :wink:

So you mean the travel route from North Wyoming to South Iowa.

Yes. ^^^

I’ll make sure to take some photos of grazing cows in a random field somewhere on the way there. Possibly a few photos of random tumble weeds going across the road also. :laughing:

Okay. :laughing:

Good luck.

We will be roughly just as far north then, I live at the northmost tip of West Virginia.

Believe it or not, it corresponds with the southernmost part of Italy… Albania, Turkey, Madrid, Shanghai.

One doesn’t consider this, feels US is directly across from Europe. No… they live up slanted at a angle. And people like Chakra Superstar and Shieldmaiden live upside down like perched vampires.

Hope you like earthquakes. And flatness. And angry rural dogs always on the loose. Those are the three qualities that make up Iowa, it is what makes the place so special.

You know, I’ve never experienced an earthquake yet and I feel left out because of that. I look forward to my first earthquake.

I grew up in tornado country surrounded by tornadoes but never been around earthquakes before.

Thanks man. :slight_smile:

In Iowa, you can have both earth quakes and tornadoes, at the same time. That is the charm of the place. Makes the roaming packs of dogs that much more enjoyable, cause they are so calm and understanding afterwards. Especially just after a blizzard. Nice warm front coming in.

At least you don’t need to worry about Sharknadoes.

Then again, God might make a exception for you.

Both earthquakes and tornadoes? That sounds like fun.

Now imagine an earthquake and tornado going off simultaneously at the same time. I’d like to see that. As for roaming packs of vicious dogs nothing a baseball bat or bullet can’t solve.

What’s up with these god comments of yours lately Turd? Does your version of god hate me?

I have no version of God, just a expectation. But given your sacrilegious character, and how everything seems to turn out for you, he sure doesn’t seem to like you. That isn’t a statement of faith, just a scientific observation when you out all the available facts together.

Damn… he don’t like you.


Well, thankfully I don’t pay much heed to the existence of god or religion.

I know, that’s what makes your life so damn comedic. You never put two and two together.

When monkeys get shocked, they learn the first time, and don’t repeat. But you… you clever little monkey, try again and again and again, and get more and more pissed in doing so. Am I wrong to occasionally crack a smile, even though I full heartedly am dismayed by your distress? You have great comedic timing at times in your woes. I gotta say, I’m very impressed with the whole patterning you’ve managed to work out over time. You got this quid quo pro angst rebellion thing going on with God, and attack him and all sorts of abstractions like God, capitalism, wall street, laws for being the cause of your distress when it was always just you. You even deny them existence in your theories, projecting Nihilism in their void… but still all just you.

Your like the blond that cries “God, why can’t you let me when the lottery”, and God replies “Honey, work with me a bit, you gotta play the lottery first if I am to let you win it”.

Always fascinating the dynamic between the two of you.

If you got swallowed by Jonah’s whale, he probably just shit you out.

I’ve finally reached my destination in Iowa and I am having a great first day here in my new place of residence. Me and ManiacalMongoose are now living together. Yes that’s right, what started out as an internet romance here on ILP between me and ManiacalMongoose has turned into an actual real romance in real life where we are enjoying our first day together travelling around.

You two? I didn’t see it coming. Honestly didn’t.

Still not meeting with you. I’m deeply disturbed that I was apparently in the running,with you always trying to meet up with me. No wonder she was so hostile to me, she thought me the competition. Well, I think the best Mongoose won.

Hope she isn’t that chick from the Craigslist ad I posted.

Yes, the cat is out of the bag now. I’m flattered Turd, really I am, but I’m taken now where you will have to make do with gay Haitian midgets as I’ve been saying for the last week now. Yes, the best Mongoose certainly did win. :wink:

I asked her about the Craigslist ad and she said you’re confusing her from somebody else. So, there’s that also. :laughing:

Why she give up on posting? Your not holding her tied up in the basement, are you?

I’ll let her respond to that. :sunglasses:

pics or it didn’t happen