Minimalism - is all that stuff really necessary?

You got it right, but you forget that most people see themselves as a center of the world, and in a best case possible, care about well being of their family, or their country. Very few of us actually consider what would be good or bad, for the humanity as a whole… It seems you do!

Having said that, even rich people would get happier if they got rid of all the crap they don’t really need, and focused on spiritual instead of materialistic, but they are too weak, and too deceived, to even give it a try…


Have you ever considered they are like Marcus Aurelius, all super spiritual, and was content to be a poor philosopher, then had great wealth and responsibility thruster upon them?

Why is everyone hating on the rich? Does it make you feel more spiritually superior to knock down others?

That’s fucking pathetic. That isn’t spirituality, that’s nastiness and envy. How do you know they aren’t all like Batman doing awesome shit for humanity all day long, but are coincidently just excellent at business and a natural at balancing the books? Maybe they aren’t fucking anyone over, in fact they are helping everyone they can, and live a very fulfilling spiritual live inwardly and to their community and God, and that the real assholes in society are the selfish potsmokers who think they are cosmopolitan, but really aren’t, preceding a few radical ideas, and oftentimes are hateful and greedly, and sit around and bitch about people better than them because they secretly wish they had as much as they do… and if they ever got it, they wouldn’t be anywhere as charitable or spiritually inclined as they claim they would be.

It is all bullshit. I’m poorer than anyone here. Quit attacking the rich. Want a scapegoat, then crucify yourself for your own trespasses.

Lololol :laughing:

Just put it this way… I don’t play.

I think it was you who made fun of my ‘The Sum Of My Parts’ thread, but I find myself constantly appeasing my gods within, hence my need for varied input to achieve the required output that I seem to crave… this being at the expense of no-one but myself, you understand.

I will reply to these later :wink:

I might of, but don’t recall that thread. Sounds like a thread designed to be mocked by most anyone. Gotta admit, with a title like that, your asking for it.

…said the wife batterer/rapist/abuser.

I’ve never raped, married, or physically abused anyone.

I mean that using that as an excuse for anything is never a good idea, and not that you’ve actually done those things.

An impressive list of possessions you desire to acquire you got there…

I once wanted to own America and conquer the world, so in perspective, a tea cup isn’t that impressive of a list compared to what I once imagined. Used to be harems of dozens of women, but now I’m more pragmatic and will settle for just two or three.

I still don’t understand what your getting at about rape and shit.

I used to only own a knife and the clothes on my back. Then I took a job in tv and bought a car and rented a house and bought weed and a playstation. Both situations were ok. I would say try to own only things that share your soul.

…that’s what people say to justify their actions.

You justify your actions by raping and abusing people’s wives?

You said you weren’t a lesbian.

I don’t understand what is going on.

Are we talking minimalism here :confusion-shrug:

No, you just started talking about rape and shit, I don’t know why.

And now your a lesbian.

I honestly don’t know about you, but this topic is getting out of hand. Let’s just focus on how Erik is going to starve to death foraging for food out of season.

I used to be a hoarder but I am now more of a minimalist as I get older. The only things I collect regularly are magazines and
books and records. My philosophy now is to have as much free space as possible instead of cramming it all full of superfluous
rubbish like I used to back in the day. My house has eight rooms. Four of them I never use at all recreationally. And I have no
car or job and live entirely within my means. I need very little to do so

Way to take my post out of context.

Seeing that Erik’s presence here is fleeting, that might be a while.

Yesterday’s excursion (after being invited to it by an old acquaintance I bumped into playing the bongos outside a building on the South Bank, as I was leaving after my outing on the Friday night) was a minimalists wet dream :open_mouth:

I don’t think a venue or peoples could get any rawer than that :confused: so from one extreme to the other… I think my pal had an epiphany a’la Erik, because he was never into that scene.

My pal’s in the yellow hat.

I would dump those friends and find a better lot. I don’t like those green elv pants, doesn’t fit the month of August at all. Clearly some sort of gay elf fetish.


I know none but 1 of that crowd… that place was a reel hippy-fest and far too laid back for my energy levels. It was very earthy, to say the least.

There is a spot near the Zen center on Post Street (near post street, not on it) that looks like that. Nobody, however, in the whole damn city, was ever so gay as to dress like a Elv late summer. This guy has some serious issues.

Maybe he was practicing for when he hires himself out as one of santa’s little helpers come Christmas time :confusion-shrug:

There were all sorts of accents going on there, including quite a few American one’s… maybe they are over visiting from Post Street?