Minimalism - is all that stuff really necessary?

I’m a minimalist.

I’m a minimalist for three reasons:

1.) I’m poor

2.) I’m not very materialistic

3.) It makes sense to me

I can’t wrap my head around why people bend over backwards for mortgages, loans, nice cars, etc.

“Is it really necessary in the hunter/gatherer sense…” - Tyler Durden

People would be a lot happier, and the world would be a lot better economically and so forth, if people weren’t so modish.

That’s it…

I learned to be non-materialistic when my older middle-sister used to rob me of my things… she weren’t happy at all when I got a lock put on my door.

Minimalism= :text-freedom:

The more ‘crap’ the more responsibility to ‘crap.’


You gotta be still somewhat materialistic attending all those high-profile parties.

Your the most materialistic person on these forums Magsj.

It’s JUST … A … COUCH!!

Maybe you are poor because you are not materialistic. I’m not too big on the word “poor” with its associated negative connotation , because it seems to be such a thing only when compared to a material standard and mentality.

I have also chosen the minimalist lifestyle, I only have one cup, plate, fork etc I do not use much resources, my bills are shockingly low to the point where my electric, gas,water company called me and asked why I wasn’t living at the property :wink:

I have a bit of money in the bank from past marketing online adventures but I realised that money wasnt really a reward, so it often just sits in my bank, I occasionally do good deeds with it though.

Like you, I am also confused to why people would put themselves in debt through owning possession. I think status quo, pride etc plays a major role in it all and so they can gain access to further resources, more money, women, experiences that cost.

There’s something about minimalism that frees your will, unburdens you, keeps your heart soft and the mind happy. Stuff is just toys people think add value to them which seems to be a compensation for the lack of a sound essence.

Interesting your avatar is an lion Erik. Must be picking up my psychic reverberations because I’ve kind been projecting that avatar image for a while now.

As you can infer my PM system has been disabled due to punishment and castration for releasing out my inner lion.

Stuff I want (I’m very materialistic)

  1. The New IPhone 6S

  2. Sprinter Van Class B Motorhome

  1. Deep sea kayak

  2. Quaint Farmhouse with half feral fields, cause I’m a bad farmer.

  1. Stinky, bad looking dog who likes to nap in hammock with me and eat table scraps

  1. Beautiful, Sweet Smelling Wife who likes to cook steaks and doesn’t nag.

  1. Large Library of Philosophy and History Books in my own personal study

:sunglasses: Advanced, several thousand dollar Alienware Laptop able to play the newest Total War and Sins of a Solar Empire Games

  1. Paraglider

  1. Two folding bicycles

  2. My own teacup, with honey and wide selection of tea, and a hot water heater.

  1. And ummm… oh, lots and lots of dress shirts and dark tee shirts and shirts and khaki and running shoes.

And ummm…


  1. Oh, wouldn’t mind owning a cafe with sandwich shop, with a fireplace and couch, and a pretty girl to run the desk, and my own philosophy group with regular meetups there.

  1. Fuck… what else? I said Amber Heard as a sexy brunette? Umm… Dog, Teacup, Van…


Oh… Monkey. I want a Monkey.

  1. Fancy Bathroom with Sauna, for me and Dog and Monkey to sit in while sexy brunette Amber Heard cooks us Steaks and let’s my Tea with Honey Seep after I get back from Paragliding or kayaking or bicycling or hiking.

I want more, I want it all!!!

I have problems fantasizing beyond that. Sometimes the sexy wife is Bi and wants us to have a live in girlfriend too, who is equally sexy. Lots of firewood chopping shall go on for that fireplace and fluffy rug.

I can’t really imagine farther than that. I can travel most anywhere in the van, two bicycles for us…

Ummm… Yeah. I heart materialism.

I don’t own plates, silverware, nothing. Just some equipment for a job, half broken military cot, very old rucksack, and a sleeping bag, and a couple shirts, shorts. I have less. I can dream. I also gave up everything I’ve owned twice and said fuck this shit and went to live on streets.

I really wish I had a teacup. Nice blue ceramic teacup, with dragonfly. I had one from China town. Was my favorite possession. Damn gay guy at work took it. Didn’t know it was mine, always using it and my personal honey, little fucking bastard. I miss my teacup.

Nice stuff, Turd.

I’m not against luxury; I’m just content with less.

I’ve even been considering living a quasi sadhu (Hindu wandering mystic) lifestyle.

I’m pro-leisure, abhor the protestant work ethic.

It’s a nice avatar you created for me, love.

Much appreciation

They need to be trixalated for doing that to you :wink:

I’m actually against leisure in the leisure vs work argument, in favor of the Trappist motto “And they shall be known by their works”.

I am a Stoic now, but for a long time lived as a Cynic, but favored instinctively reform arguments like Zeno of Citrium on the necessity of working for your living.

You will find North America, even many parts of Hawaii, poorly provided for such a wandering lifestyle of eating what grows naturally. Even in the the most lush Hawaiian Islands, food dies off for a month in the winter. Mangoes take forever to ripen. Berries have a passing season. Your left reading journals on what raw foods are edible, which are few and rarely nutritious, and you end up hunting wild gamy chickens to sooth your stomach… ain’t no damn coconuts available.

The mainland is worst. It can be done if you really know a area, but you really, really got to know every plant. You will spend your day on a walking buffet, walking from location to location.

Whatever that means, they should. It’s like, my calling card. Instead of the joker putting smiles on their faces, I turn them blue like Blueberries, and I turn them into trolls.

And the females I just make them into my maidens who pamper me everyday.

I’m not a modist, but I sure love being pampered.

But to answer your question, materialism is a part of conspicuous consumption by Ecmandu. Beautiful women never learn that they need any restraint, so they try to maximize their luxury and guys learn that the more materialistic they are and full of petty trivial goals (like Turd) the more women seem to swarm them.

Hey, most of those things, especially the dog, women gain absolutely nothing.

Like… maybe the house, van, bicycle they can exploit. That stinky ugly dog, no woman can love. And those philosophy books, no woman wants to read.

They may want to play with the monkey, but it shall be my shoulder monkey, and I will not willingly share it. Jealously, if anything, will arise between the woman and the monkey as to whom I belong more to.

No you don’t understand. It’s just conspicuous consumption what you are doing. It doesn’t matter if the items have any utility or use for the women, just the fact that you have tons of it, as well as a bunch of trivial goals that you seem enthusiastic about, and it makes them like you.

No, a rural farmhouse doesn’t stand out to most, if anything most wouldnt know.

My paraglider in a barn isnt seen, bicycles in the van not seen, and if bicycling, van not seen. Monkey not seen in either, and books certainly not seen by others.

Most of that activuty lacks women. You next to never encounter women kayaking in rough water.

Your supposutions areba bit off. A house, bath, van, bicycke is about as far as a eoman eould care to exploit that list materially. She gains no benifit from my teacup for example.

House is useful for famiky life, abd family life isnt wrong or at odds with rightful desires of either a man or womsn, byt not everyone who lives in a house wants a family.

Your byrden of proof is much higher than your suppositions.

If I was saying it to attract a woman, or it was a instinct to satisfy a woman, my desires eoukd be so many copper pans and cutlery for women to cook with, extra baby rooms, a minivan for kids, toys for kids, in a suburban setting.

For all practical reasons, minus sexy brunette Amber Heard, that list is a list of a extreme bachelor. You go in that kitchen, I might not have plates or forks, or stocked food up, etc. If I have food, might just be msnly slab of meats and asparagus. Maybe a few potatoes and milk. Women dont eat that shit. My most furnished room consists of a solitary chair and books… it more or less says “dont be in here bitch unless your on your knees”.

I’m a horrible man, and it is certainly the reason why I am single and all women avoid me. You got a uphill battle proving that stuff fits your theory.

In what ways are you a horrible man.

I don’t see networking or socialising as materialistic, but maybe for one’s spirit perhaps :confusion-shrug:

Mainly sticking to political outings these days, and only the odd social soirée here or there 8-[

In the ways I just listed you dumbass.

The keywords were “high profile”, people who attend high profile parties are usually of a particular nature, which is usually materialistic, which is usually apart of the celebration, or materialism being the ultimate base of the celebration and expressed through it, A celebration of social agreement and the mutual direction by which communal success is obtained, a celebration reinforcing the trust as proof, strengthening the network.